# steering file based on example from Sherpa 1.2.3 distribution: # share/SHERPA-MC/Examples/Tevatron_UE/Run.dat (run){ # disable colorizing of text printed on screen: PRETTY_PRINT = Off # number of events: EVENTS = 1000 # set random seed: # (see section "6.1.3 RANDOM_SEED" of Sherpa manual for details) RANDOM_SEED = 1 0 # Event output file: HEPMC2_GENEVENT_OUTPUT = sherpa # full name of output file will be: # "sherpa.hepmc2g" # disable splitting of HepMC output file: FILE_SIZE = 1000000000 # Makes particles with c*tau > 10 mm stable: MAX_PROPER_LIFETIME = 10.0 }(run) (beam){ BEAM_1 = 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_1 = 450.; BEAM_2 = 2212; BEAM_ENERGY_2 = 450.; }(beam) (processes){ Process 93 93 -> 93 93 Order_EW 0 End process }(processes) (selector){ # To be as inclusive as possible, the pT cut has been lowered to the # same value as in the multiple parton interactions. # Note that this pT cut has to be adjusted if E_CMS is changed, # such that it is never lower then # pT_min = SCALE_MIN*(E_CMS/1800)^RESCALE_EXPONENT # in the multiple parton interactions. # Parameters of tuned MPI cut-off for cteq66 (the default PDF): # SCALE_MIN = 2.63 # RESCALE_EXPONENT = 0.192 NJetFinder 2 2.63*pow(E_CMS/1800,0.192) 0.0 1.0 # Use this for hard leading jets in a certain mass window Mass 93 93 0 900 }(selector) (me){ ME_SIGNAL_GENERATOR = Comix }(me) (mi){ MI_HANDLER = Amisic }(mi)