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<center><center><a href="http://voksvagen.com/hb/rhueaq1566/E3S1Rfr2iXSQXrSe3rSr4SieEXr2r4Sie7iXSQXrSe74QieEK2FNuqsZfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24"> Pimsleur Approach Language Learning </a> |<a href="http://voksvagen.com/hb/rhueaq1566/E3S1Rfr2iXSQXrSe3rSr4SieEXr2r4Sie7iXSQXrSe74QieEK2FNuqsZfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24"> Language Learning Secrets Revealed </a>
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<td><a href="http://voksvagen.com/hb/rhueaq1566/E3S1Rfr2iXSQXrSe3rSr4SieEXr2r4Sie7iXSQXrSe74QieEK2FNuqsZfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24"><img src="cid:54232842.1976879@voksvagen.com" alt="Breaking News: Scientific Discovery reveals the secret to speaking any language in just 10 days!" border="0" /></a></td>
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<p>I have not used strictly Pimsleur. I have used Pimsleur in conjunction with Rosetta Stone software. Together, they take language learning from different angles. When I first started learning, I went to my brother's house in Texas. While I was there, I walked down the street to a Hispanic family's garage sale with the intention of using what I had learned. Unfortunately, what did come to mind wasn't the right material and I came across as looking like I was confused. (At best.) 10 days is just not long enough. 30 days isn't either. im sorry 2 say but it doesnt teach u a language in 10 days...if only!!! hahaha but it does help. wot they mean is that in 10 days you will be able to speak some of the language....not the ENTIRE language....thats just ridiculous hahhaha unless ur insanely linguistical haha. but if ur after learini the basics, this will definately teach u sum. i learnt the basics of greek and topped up my spanish b4 goin on hol with these....the only problem is that u dont learn how 2 write or read the language...its jsut conversational stuff really, but thats good if ur just goin on hol. if u want more, u will hav 2 invest in another language learnin thing aswell coz this wont teach u everyfin. but im 100% sure that if u do this course, and dont loose ur attention 2 easily u will feel really confident with havin a conversation as u will be able 2 understand and talk the basics rally well. o and btw, i know this turkish guy and he was teachin me sud turkish the other day wen we were in tesco ( a bit random i know)...best word ever is "eeb" wich means im alrite hahahhaha good luck!!! </p>
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<center> </center></span></span></center><img src="http://voksvagen.com/c/E3S1Rfr2iXSQXrSe3rSr4SieEXr2r4Sie7iXSQXrSe74QieEK2FNuqsZfwuVw6fsfsfPRwfuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24" border="0">