/* * Rivet routine for H->yy differential cross-sections measurement * arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/ARXIV:1407.4222 * HepData: http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/view/ins1306615 * Author: Michaela Queitsch-Maitland */ // -*- C++ -*- #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/DressedLeptons.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" namespace Rivet { class ATLAS_2014_I1306615 : public Analysis { public: // Constructor ATLAS_2014_I1306615() : Analysis("ATLAS_2014_I1306615") { } public: // Book histograms and initialise projections before the run void init() { // Final state // All particles within |eta| < 5.0 const FinalState FS(-5.0, 5.0, 0.0*GeV); addProjection(FS,"FS"); // Project photons with pT > 25 GeV and |eta| < 2.37 IdentifiedFinalState ph_FS(-2.37, 2.37, 25.0*GeV); ph_FS.acceptIdPair(PID::PHOTON); addProjection(ph_FS, "PH_FS"); // Project photons for dressing IdentifiedFinalState ph_dressing_FS(FS); ph_dressing_FS.acceptIdPair(PID::PHOTON); // Project bare electrons IdentifiedFinalState el_bare_FS(FS); el_bare_FS.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON); addProjection(el_bare_FS,"el_bare_FS"); // Project dressed electrons with pT > 15 GeV and |eta| < 2.47 DressedLeptons el_dressed_FS(ph_dressing_FS, el_bare_FS, 0.1, true, -2.47, 2.47, 15.0*GeV, false); addProjection(el_dressed_FS,"EL_DRESSED_FS"); // Project bare muons IdentifiedFinalState mu_bare_FS(FS); mu_bare_FS.acceptIdPair(PID::MUON); // Project dressed muons with pT > 15 GeV and |eta| < 2.47 DressedLeptons mu_dressed_FS(ph_dressing_FS, mu_bare_FS, 0.1, true, -2.47, 2.47, 15.0*GeV, false); addProjection(mu_dressed_FS,"MU_DRESSED_FS"); // Final state excluding muons and neutrinos (for jet building and photon isolation) VetoedFinalState veto_mu_nu_FS(FS); veto_mu_nu_FS.vetoNeutrinos(); veto_mu_nu_FS.addVetoPairId(PID::MUON); addProjection(veto_mu_nu_FS, "VETO_MU_NU_FS"); // Build the anti-kT R=0.4 jets, using FinalState particles (vetoing muons and neutrinos) FastJets jets(veto_mu_nu_FS, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4); addProjection(jets, "JETS"); // Book histograms // 1D distributions _h_pT_yy = bookHisto1D(1,1,1); _h_y_yy = bookHisto1D(2,1,1); _h_Njets30 = bookHisto1D(3,1,1); _h_Njets50 = bookHisto1D(4,1,1); _h_pT_j1 = bookHisto1D(5,1,1); _h_y_j1 = bookHisto1D(6,1,1); _h_HT = bookHisto1D(7,1,1); _h_pT_j2 = bookHisto1D(8,1,1); _h_Dy_jj = bookHisto1D(9,1,1); _h_Dphi_yy_jj = bookHisto1D(10,1,1); _h_cosTS_CS = bookHisto1D(11,1,1); _h_cosTS_CS_5bin = bookHisto1D(12,1,1); _h_Dphi_jj = bookHisto1D(13,1,1); _h_pTt_yy = bookHisto1D(14,1,1); _h_Dy_yy = bookHisto1D(15,1,1); _h_tau_jet = bookHisto1D(16,1,1); _h_sum_tau_jet = bookHisto1D(17,1,1); _h_y_j2 = bookHisto1D(18,1,1); _h_pT_j3 = bookHisto1D(19,1,1); _h_m_jj = bookHisto1D(20,1,1); _h_pT_yy_jj = bookHisto1D(21,1,1); // 2D distributions of cosTS_CS x pT_yy _h_cosTS_pTyy_low = bookHisto1D(22,1,1); _h_cosTS_pTyy_high = bookHisto1D(22,1,2); _h_cosTS_pTyy_rest = bookHisto1D(22,1,3); // 2D distributions of Njets x pT_yy _h_pTyy_Njets0 = bookHisto1D(23,1,1); _h_pTyy_Njets1 = bookHisto1D(23,1,2); _h_pTyy_Njets2 = bookHisto1D(23,1,3); _h_pTj1_excl = bookHisto1D(24,1,1); // Fiducial regions _h_fidXSecs = bookHisto1D(29,1,1); } // Perform the per-event analysis void analyze(const Event& event) { const double weight = event.weight(); _weight = weight; // Get final state particles const ParticleVector& FS_ptcls = applyProjection(event, "FS").particles(); const ParticleVector& ptcls_veto_mu_nu = applyProjection(event, "VETO_MU_NU_FS").particles(); const ParticleVector& photons = applyProjection(event, "PH_FS").particlesByPt(); const vector& el_dressed = applyProjection(event, "EL_DRESSED_FS").dressedLeptons(); const vector& mu_dressed = applyProjection(event, "MU_DRESSED_FS").dressedLeptons(); // For isolation calculation float dR_iso = 0.4; float ETcut_iso = 14.0; FourMomentum ET_iso; // Fiducial selection: pT > 25 GeV, |eta| < 2.37 and isolation (in cone deltaR = 0.4) is < 14 GeV vector fid_photons; foreach (const Particle& ph, photons) { // Veto photons from hadron or tau decay if ( fromHadronDecay(ph) ) continue; // Calculate isolation ET_iso = - ph.momentum(); // Loop over fs truth particles (excluding muons and neutrinos) foreach (const Particle& p, ptcls_veto_mu_nu) { // Check if the truth particle is in a cone of 0.4 if ( deltaR(ph.momentum(), p.momentum()) < dR_iso ) ET_iso += p.momentum(); } // Check isolation if ( ET_iso.Et() > ETcut_iso ) continue; // Fill vector of photons passing fiducial selection fid_photons.push_back(&ph); } if(fid_photons.size() < 2) vetoEvent; const FourMomentum& y1 = fid_photons[0]->momentum(); const FourMomentum& y2 = fid_photons[1]->momentum(); double m_yy = (y1 + y2).mass(); // Relative pT cuts if ( y1.pT() < 0.35 * m_yy || y2.pT() < 0.25 * m_yy ) vetoEvent; // Mass window cut if ( m_yy < 105 || m_yy > 160 ) vetoEvent; // -------------------------------------------- // // Passed diphoton baseline fiducial selection! // // -------------------------------------------- // // Electron selection vector good_el; foreach(const DressedLepton& els, el_dressed) { const Particle& el = els.constituentLepton(); if ( el.momentum().pT() < 15 ) continue; if ( fabs(el.momentum().eta()) > 2.47 ) continue; if ( deltaR(el.momentum(), y1) < 0.4 ) continue; if ( deltaR(el.momentum(), y2) < 0.4 ) continue; if ( fromHadronDecay(el) ) continue; // Veto electrons from hadron or tau decay good_el.push_back(&el); } // Muon selection vector good_mu; foreach(const DressedLepton& mus, mu_dressed) { const Particle& mu = mus.constituentLepton(); if ( mu.momentum().pT() < 15 ) continue; if ( fabs(mu.momentum().eta()) > 2.47 ) continue; if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(), y1) < 0.4 ) continue; if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(), y2) < 0.4 ) continue; if ( fromHadronDecay(mu) ) continue; // Veto muons from hadron or tau decay good_mu.push_back(&mu); } // Find prompt, invisible particles for missing ET calculation // Based on VisibleFinalState projection FourMomentum invisible(0,0,0,0); foreach (const Particle& p, FS_ptcls) { // Veto non-prompt particles (from hadron or tau decay) if ( fromHadronDecay(p) ) continue; // Charged particles are visible if ( PID::threeCharge( p.pid() ) != 0 ) continue; // Neutral hadrons are visible if ( PID::isHadron( p.pid() ) ) continue; // Photons are visible if ( p.pid() == PID::PHOTON ) continue; // Gluons are visible (for parton level analyses) if ( p.pid() == PID::GLUON ) continue; // Everything else is invisible invisible += p.momentum(); } double MET = invisible.Et(); // Jet selection // Get jets with pT > 25 GeV and |rapidity| < 4.4 const Jets& jets = applyProjection(event, "JETS").jetsByPt(25.0*GeV, MAXDOUBLE, -4.4, 4.4, RAPIDITY); vector jets_25; vector jets_30; vector jets_50; foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) { bool passOverlap = true; // Overlap with leading photons if ( deltaR(y1, jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) passOverlap = false; if ( deltaR(y2, jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) passOverlap = false; // Overlap with good electrons foreach (const Particle* el, good_el) if ( deltaR(el->momentum(), jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) passOverlap = false; if ( ! passOverlap ) continue; if ( fabs(jet.momentum().eta()) < 2.4 || ( fabs(jet.momentum().eta()) > 2.4 && jet.momentum().pT() > 30 ) ) jets_25.push_back(&jet); if ( jet.momentum().pT() > 30 ) jets_30.push_back(&jet); if ( jet.momentum().pT() > 50 ) jets_50.push_back(&jet); } // Fiducial regions _h_fidXSecs->fill(1,_weight); if ( jets_30.size() >= 1 ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(2, _weight); if ( jets_30.size() >= 2 ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(3, _weight); if ( jets_30.size() >= 3 ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(4, _weight); if ( jets_30.size() >= 2 && passVBFCuts(y1 + y2, jets_30.at(0)->momentum(), jets_30.at(1)->momentum()) ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(5, _weight); if ( (good_el.size() + good_mu.size()) > 0 ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(6, _weight); if ( MET > 80 ) _h_fidXSecs->fill(7, _weight); // Fill histograms // Inclusive variables _pT_yy = (y1 + y2).pT(); _y_yy = fabs( (y1 + y2).rapidity() ); _cosTS_CS = cosTS_CS(y1, y2); _pTt_yy = pTt(y1, y2); _Dy_yy = fabs( deltaRap(y1, y2) ); _Njets30 = jets_30.size() > 3 ? 3 : jets_30.size(); _Njets50 = jets_50.size() > 3 ? 3 : jets_50.size(); _h_Njets30->fill(_Njets30, _weight); _h_Njets50->fill(_Njets50, _weight); _pT_j1 = jets_30.size() > 0 ? jets_30.at(0)->momentum().pT() : 0.; _pT_j2 = jets_30.size() > 1 ? jets_30.at(1)->momentum().pT() : 0.; _pT_j3 = jets_30.size() > 2 ? jets_30.at(2)->momentum().pT() : 0.; _HT = 0.0; foreach (const Jet* jet, jets_30) _HT += jet->momentum().pT(); _tau_jet = tau_jet_max(y1 + y2, jets_25); _sum_tau_jet = sum_tau_jet(y1 + y2, jets_25); _h_pT_yy ->fill(_pT_yy ,_weight); _h_y_yy ->fill(_y_yy ,_weight); _h_pT_j1 ->fill(_pT_j1 ,_weight); _h_cosTS_CS ->fill(_cosTS_CS ,_weight); _h_cosTS_CS_5bin->fill(_cosTS_CS ,_weight); _h_HT ->fill(_HT ,_weight); _h_pTt_yy ->fill(_pTt_yy ,_weight); _h_Dy_yy ->fill(_Dy_yy ,_weight); _h_tau_jet ->fill(_tau_jet ,_weight); _h_sum_tau_jet ->fill(_sum_tau_jet,_weight); // >=1 jet variables if ( jets_30.size() >= 1 ) { FourMomentum j1 = jets_30[0]->momentum(); _y_j1 = fabs( j1.rapidity() ); _h_pT_j2->fill(_pT_j2 ,_weight); _h_y_j1 ->fill(_y_j1 ,_weight); } // >=2 jet variables if ( jets_30.size() >= 2 ) { FourMomentum j1 = jets_30[0]->momentum(); FourMomentum j2 = jets_30[1]->momentum(); _Dy_jj = fabs( deltaRap(j1, j2) ); _Dphi_jj = fabs( deltaPhi(j1, j2) ); _Dphi_yy_jj = fabs( deltaPhi(y1 + y2, j1 + j2) ); _m_jj = (j1 + j2).mass(); _pT_yy_jj = (y1 + y2 + j1 + j2).pT(); _y_j2 = fabs( j2.rapidity() ); _h_Dy_jj ->fill(_Dy_jj ,_weight); _h_Dphi_jj ->fill(_Dphi_jj ,_weight); _h_Dphi_yy_jj ->fill(_Dphi_yy_jj,_weight); _h_m_jj ->fill(_m_jj ,_weight); _h_pT_yy_jj ->fill(_pT_yy_jj ,_weight); _h_pT_j3 ->fill(_pT_j3 ,_weight); _h_y_j2 ->fill(_y_j2 ,_weight); } // 2D distributions of cosTS_CS x pT_yy if ( _pT_yy < 80 ) _h_cosTS_pTyy_low->fill(_cosTS_CS, _weight); else if ( _pT_yy > 80 && _pT_yy < 200 ) _h_cosTS_pTyy_high->fill(_cosTS_CS,_weight); else if ( _pT_yy > 200 ) _h_cosTS_pTyy_rest->fill(_cosTS_CS,_weight); // 2D distributions of pT_yy x Njets if ( _Njets30 == 0 ) _h_pTyy_Njets0->fill(_pT_yy, _weight); else if ( _Njets30 == 1 ) _h_pTyy_Njets1->fill(_pT_yy, _weight); else if ( _Njets30 >= 2 ) _h_pTyy_Njets2->fill(_pT_yy, _weight); if ( _Njets30 == 1 ) _h_pTj1_excl->fill(_pT_j1, _weight); } // Normalise histograms after the run void finalize() { const double xs = crossSectionPerEvent()/femtobarn; scale(_h_pT_yy, xs); scale(_h_y_yy, xs); scale(_h_pT_j1, xs); scale(_h_y_j1, xs); scale(_h_HT, xs); scale(_h_pT_j2, xs); scale(_h_Dy_jj, xs); scale(_h_Dphi_yy_jj, xs); scale(_h_cosTS_CS, xs); scale(_h_cosTS_CS_5bin, xs); scale(_h_Dphi_jj, xs); scale(_h_pTt_yy, xs); scale(_h_Dy_yy, xs); scale(_h_tau_jet, xs); scale(_h_sum_tau_jet, xs); scale(_h_y_j2, xs); scale(_h_pT_j3, xs); scale(_h_m_jj, xs); scale(_h_pT_yy_jj, xs); scale(_h_cosTS_pTyy_low, xs); scale(_h_cosTS_pTyy_high, xs); scale(_h_cosTS_pTyy_rest, xs); scale(_h_pTyy_Njets0, xs); scale(_h_pTyy_Njets1, xs); scale(_h_pTyy_Njets2, xs); scale(_h_pTj1_excl, xs); scale(_h_Njets30, xs); scale(_h_Njets50, xs); scale(_h_fidXSecs, xs); } // Trace event record to see if particle came from a hadron (or a tau from a hadron decay) // Based on fromDecay() function bool fromHadronDecay(const Particle& p ) { GenVertex* prodVtx = p.genParticle()->production_vertex(); if (prodVtx == NULL) return false; foreach (const GenParticle* ancestor, particles(prodVtx, HepMC::ancestors)) { const PdgId pid = ancestor->pdg_id(); if (ancestor->status() == 2 && PID::isHadron(pid)) return true; if (ancestor->status() == 2 && (abs(pid) == PID::TAU && fromHadronDecay(ancestor))) return true; } return false; } // VBF-enhanced dijet topology selection cuts bool passVBFCuts(const FourMomentum &H, const FourMomentum &j1, const FourMomentum &j2) { return ( fabs(deltaRap(j1, j2)) > 2.8 && (j1 + j2).mass() > 400 && fabs(deltaPhi(H, j1 + j2)) > 2.6 ); } // Cosine of the decay angle in the Collins-Soper frame double cosTS_CS(const FourMomentum &y1, const FourMomentum &y2) { return fabs( ( (y1.E() + y1.pz())* (y2.E() - y2.pz()) - (y1.E() - y1.pz()) * (y2.E() + y2.pz()) ) / ((y1 + y2).mass() * sqrt(pow((y1 + y2).mass(), 2) + pow((y1 + y2).pt(), 2)) ) ); } // Diphoton pT along thrust axis double pTt(const FourMomentum &y1, const FourMomentum &y2) { return fabs(y1.px() * y2.py() - y2.px() * y1.py()) / (y1 - y2).pT()*2; } // Tau of jet (see paper for description) // tau_jet = mT/(2*cosh(y*)), where mT = pT (+) m, and y* = rapidty in Higgs rest frame double tau_jet( const FourMomentum &H, const FourMomentum &jet ) { return sqrt( pow(jet.pT(),2) + pow(jet.mass(),2) ) / (2.0 * cosh( jet.rapidity() - H.rapidity() ) ); } // Maximal (leading) tau_jet (see paper for description) double tau_jet_max( const FourMomentum &H, const vector jets, double tau_jet_cut = 8. ) { double max_tj = 0; for (size_t i=0; i < jets.size(); ++i) { FourMomentum jet = jets[i]->momentum(); if ( tau_jet(H, jet) > tau_jet_cut ) max_tj = max( tau_jet(H, jet), max_tj ); } return max_tj; } // Scalar sum of tau for all jets (see paper for description) double sum_tau_jet( const FourMomentum &H, const vector jets, double tau_jet_cut = 8. ) { double sum_tj = 0; for (size_t i=0; i < jets.size(); ++i) { FourMomentum jet = jets[i]->momentum(); if ( tau_jet(H, jet) > tau_jet_cut ) sum_tj += tau_jet(H, jet); } return sum_tj; } private: Histo1DPtr _h_pT_yy; Histo1DPtr _h_y_yy; Histo1DPtr _h_Njets30; Histo1DPtr _h_Njets50; Histo1DPtr _h_pT_j1; Histo1DPtr _h_y_j1; Histo1DPtr _h_HT; Histo1DPtr _h_pT_j2; Histo1DPtr _h_Dy_jj; Histo1DPtr _h_Dphi_yy_jj; Histo1DPtr _h_cosTS_CS; Histo1DPtr _h_cosTS_CS_5bin; Histo1DPtr _h_Dphi_jj; Histo1DPtr _h_pTt_yy; Histo1DPtr _h_Dy_yy; Histo1DPtr _h_tau_jet; Histo1DPtr _h_sum_tau_jet; Histo1DPtr _h_y_j2; Histo1DPtr _h_pT_j3; Histo1DPtr _h_m_jj; Histo1DPtr _h_pT_yy_jj; Histo1DPtr _h_cosTS_pTyy_low; Histo1DPtr _h_cosTS_pTyy_high; Histo1DPtr _h_cosTS_pTyy_rest; Histo1DPtr _h_pTyy_Njets0; Histo1DPtr _h_pTyy_Njets1; Histo1DPtr _h_pTyy_Njets2; Histo1DPtr _h_pTj1_excl; Histo1DPtr _h_fidXSecs; double _weight; int _Njets30; int _Njets50; double _pT_yy; double _y_yy; double _cosTS_CS; double _pT_j1; double _m_jj; double _y_j1; double _HT; double _pT_j2; double _y_j2; double _Dphi_yy_jj; double _pT_yy_jj; double _Dphi_jj; double _Dy_jj; double _pT_j3; double _pTt_yy; double _Dy_yy; double _tau_jet; double _sum_tau_jet; }; // The hook for the plugin system DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ATLAS_2014_I1306615); }