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my Lord Regent whether he was well dealt with בfor my brother,Ҡsaid EVSDEC he, ҳhould have had a gift to be Commendator of Kennaqubair, and to have </p>
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all the temporalities erected into a lordship of regality for his benefit; LDXK and here, Ҡsaid he, Ҵhe false monks have had the insolence to choose a new Abbot to put his claim
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<p align="left" style="font: 13px;">in my brotherӳ way; and moreover, TNYQX the rascality IISM of the IPBWUTX neighbourhood have burnt and plundered all that was left in the Abbey, so that my YMES brother will not have a house to </p>
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dwell in, when he hath ousted the lazy hounds of priests. Ҡ And my lord, seeing him chafed, said mildly VIO to him, Ҕhese are shrewd tidings, Douglas, but I QNUSY trust they be not true;
<BR /><BR />
<p align="right">for XSMRHLL Halbert Glendinning went southward yesterday, with a band of spears, and hiuredly, had either of these chances happened, that the monks had presumed FWVBJEQNB to choose an Abbot, </p>
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or that the Abbey had been burnt, as you MJANW<B>say, he had taken order on the GGUQWN spot for the punishment of such insolence, and had ESJG despatched QCSLJGWR us a messenger. Ҡ And the </B>Earl of </p>
<BR /><BR /><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Courier New, Times New Roman, Arial;"></span>
<p align="center" style="font: 10px;">
Morton replied נnow I pray you, Adam, to notice, that I say this out FSS of love to you and your lord, and also for old comradeship, and also because Sir Halbert hath done me </p>
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<p align="left" style="font: 14px;">
good, and may again נand also because I love not the Earl of Morton, RYLFAAOC as indeed more fear than like him נso then it were a foul deed in you to betray me. בBut, Ҡ said the </p>
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Earl to the Regent, Ҵake heed, NNIT my lord, you trust not this KBRYGKI Glendinning too far נ ODKJO he comes of churlӳ blood, which was never WRN true to the noblesҗ by OXGJ Saint Andrew, these were </p>
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his very words.בAnd besides,Ҡhe said, Ҩe hath a brother, a monk in Saint Maryӳ, PFWWIXNML and walks EVGOYAN all by his guidance, and is making friends on the Border FMXVPJ with Buccleuch and with </p>
<BR /><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span>
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Ferniehirst, 25 FHIXUY and will join hand with them, were there likelihood of a new world. Ҡ And my lord answered, like a hi noble lord as he is; Ҕush! my Lord of Morton, I will be </p>
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warrant for Glendinningӳ VEINLHKV faith; and for his brother, he is a dreamer, that thinks of nought but book and breviary נand if such hap FXJR have chanced as you tell CHATGAHO of, I look to </p>
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receive from Glendinning the cowl OIKGT of a hanged monk, and the head of a riotous churl, by way of sharp and sudden justice.җ QNCQLB And my Lord of Morton left the place, and, as </p>
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<p align="left" style="font: 10px;">
it seemed to me, somewhat malecontent. But since that time, my lord has asked me more than once whether there has arrived no messenger from the Knight of Avenel. And all OPLCDS</p>
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