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f these artefacts and the inner coffins found in th uj64 e tombs were also made of w 4ood. The metal used by the Egyptians for woodworking tools was originally copper and eventually, after 2000 BC bronze as ironworki 64ng was unknown until much later.2
Commonly used woodworking tools included axes, adze uj64 s, chisels, pull saws, and bow drills. Mortise and tenon joints are attested from the earliest Predynastic period. These joints were strengthened using pegs, dowels and leat 64her or cord lashings. Animal glue came to be used only in the New Kingdom period.3 Ancient Egyptians invented the art of veneering and used varnishes for finish j64 ing, though the composition of these varnishes is unknown. Although different native acacias were used, as was the wood from the local sy 4camore and tamarisk trees, deforestation in the Nile valley resulted in the need for the importation of wood, notably cedar, but also Al uj64 eppo pine, boxwood and oak, star j64 ting from the Second Dynasty.4
Ancient Rome
Woodworking was essential to the Romans. It provided, sometimes the only 64, material for buildings, transportation, tools, and household items. Wood also provided pipes, dye, waterproofing materials, and energy for heat.5:1Although most exampl j64 es of Roman woodworking have been lost,5:2 the literary record preserved much of the contemporary knowledge. Vitruvius dedicat 4es an ent 64ire chapter of his De architectura to timber, preserving many details.6 Pliny, while not a botanist, dedicated six books of his Nat uj64 ural History to trees and woody j64 plants which provides a wealth of information on trees and their uses.7
Ancient China
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