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Dear developers,<br>
I appreciate very much the features introduced by the YODA
histogramming system in Rivet 2.x series.<br>
However, at least in Rivet 2.4.0, I noticed a bug in the way the
name of an AnalysisHandler object is used to make the YODA histogram
path (see Analysis::histoDir) and then in the way the same runName
is used by the Rivet helper scripts to create the web page for the
analysis results. In the first case runName is just another "branch"
of the YODA path while the script rivet-cmphistos attaches the
runName to the analysis name using underscore. This creates a
problem when make-plots interprets the *.dat files as the plot meta
data is no longer identified correctly in the corresponding
*.plot/info file. The result is a web page that has neither analysis
description nor plots with valid labels and titles (although the
environment variables are set such as the meta data of the analyses
should be found).<br>
I'm using the Rivet installation on lxplus at this path:
Could you please investigate and advise the maintainers to correct
these issues if they are installation related. It is quite annoying
to have a feature such as the runName if it is useless and it
actually breaks things. I noticed however that if runName is set to
an empty string everything works fine. So maybe it would be a good
idea to explain, for developers, what is the purpose of this runName
property. In the mean time I'll just instruct the LHCb users not to
care about this feature when testing their analysis modules.<br>
Thank you in advance.<br>
Best regards,<br>
Alex Grecu<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<b>LHCb</b> Experiment<br>
<em>Horia Hulubei</em> National R&D Institute for Physics and
Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)<br>
Office: 11/1-014<br>
Phone: +41 22 76 79058<br>
Postbox: F26500<br>
Bucharest-Magurele, 408 Atomistilor,
DFT bld, office 220 (2nd floor),<br>
Phone: +4(0) 21 404 62 48; ext. 3404<br>
Skype name: <em>alex.t.grecu</em></div>