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<b style= "font-size: 28px; line-height: 33px; color: #000000;">ULTRA PREMIUM MOBILE LENS RELEASED!</b>
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A <b>SUPER-PREMIUM line of auxiliary smartphone lenses</b> that bring professional quality photos to ALL of today's smartphone cameras.<br><br>
<b style= "font-size: 22px; line-height: 28px; color: #4c0186;">HDFX 360 includes THREE lenses for total creative control!</b>
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<b style= "color: #4c0186;">LENS # 1 -- MACRO</b><br>
20X Optical Zoom<br><br>
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<b style= "color: #4c0186;">LENS # 2 -- WIDE</b><br>
0.67X Magnification Wide Macro
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<b style= "color: #4c0186;">LENS # 3 -- FISH EYE</b><br>
180° Field of View<br><br>
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Lenses easily mount to ANY smartphone without any case or modifications!<br><br>
<b style= "font-size: 25px; color: #4c0186;">NO APPS!</b>
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German Designed, Tested, and Approved for ADVANCED IMAGE QUALITY and HIGH RESOLUTION.<br><br>
<a href="http://www.goodpage.eu/263499bO14eVd1bK5ccHc47ex6b46t4G2648d98" target="_blank"><b style= "color: #4c0186;">HDFX 360</b></a> OUT-PERFORMS DSLRs QUALITY ON SMARTPHONES!<br><br>
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