[EvtGen-announce] EvtGen release R01-07-00 (1.7.0)

John Back J.J.Back at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Dec 20 16:10:29 GMT 2017

Hi all,

This is an announcement of EvtGen release R01-07-00, version 1.7.0, 
available from the HepForge git repository:

git clone -b R01-07-00 http://evtgen.hepforge.org/git/evtgen.git


git clone http://evtgen.hepforge.org/git/evtgen.git
cd evtgen
git checkout R01-07-00

Alternatively, download the tar file:


or use the following script, which also installs external dependencies 
(HepMC, and the optional Pythia8, Photos and Tauola packages):


A summary of the main changes from version R01-06-00 (1.6.0) is given below.

The above git repository has replaced the Cern-based svn repository, 
which is now read-only and has not been updated since version 1.6.0. All 
previous tagged versions are available in the git repository.

Further details are available here:


	EvtGen Warwick team.


0. Configure script supports gcc-5 and gcc-6.

1. Modified EvtSVP, EvtVVP and EvtTVP models to handle both radiative 
and two-lepton decays (S = scalar, V = vector, T = tensor, P = photon).

2. Simplified daughter ordering in the DDalitz model, fixing bugs in 
mode 5 (D0 -> K- K0bar K+ and K+ K- K0bar), mode 7 (D+ -> pi+ K- K+ and 
K+ pi+ K-) and mode 12 (D0 -> pi0 pi- pi+ and pi+ pi0 pi-).

3. Modified EvtFlatQ2 model to work for all B -> X lepton lepton modes, 
as well as adding an extra phase space factor to correct for the dip at 
low q^2, which is enabled by using "FLATQ2 1" instead of just "FLATQ2" 
in the decay file.

4. Fixed bug in EvtbTosllVectorAmp for Bs -> K*bar mu mu decays, 
registered missing VTOSLL model and fixed copy constructor of Evt3Rank3C.

5. Reimplement code in EvtBTo3pi.F, EvtBTo3piMPP.F, EvtBTo3piP00.F and
EvtBToKpipi.F to C++ in order to remove dependency on Fortran compiler.
With this, there is no internal Fortran code in EvtGen anymore.

6. Modified EvtGenExternal/EvtPythiaEngine to ensure that the 
EvtGen-based instances of Pythia8 (for generic and alias decays) use the 
same particle properties as defined by EvtGen.

Modified scripts to work for Pythia 8.2x versions.

Changed EvtExternalGenList and test/validation examples to assume 
Pythia8 codes are used in decay files by default, which is the case for 

7. Modified EvtGenExternal/EvtTauolaEngine to use BaBar-tuned hadronic 
currents by default for Tauola decays.

8. EvtParticles can store double attributes using the functions
setAttributeDouble(name, double) and getAttributeDouble(name), which can
be useful for storing and retrieving amplitude weights, for example.

The analogous EvtParticle integer attribute interface remains unchanged:
setAttribute(name, int) and getAttribute(name).

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