[EvtGen] Fwd: Hw7 vs. Hw++2.7.1

Marco Zaro m.zaro at nikhef.nl
Fri Mar 9 16:24:54 GMT 2018

Dear EvtGen Developers,
(cc David and Christian)
I am encountering problems with the herwig-bootstrap scripts, which attempts to download the following file
as it looks like it is corrupted, and it cannot be extracted.
Can you please fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Marco Zaro <m.zaro at nikhef.nl>
> Subject: Re: Hw7 vs. Hw++2.7.1
> Date: 8 Mar 2018 11:00:26 GMT+1
> To: David Grellscheid <david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk>
> Cc: Christian Reuschle <creuschle at hep.fsu.edu>
> I did it, but the problem is still there. Looks like the file on the warwick server is corrupted.
> Bye,
> M
> On 08 Mar 2018, at 10:59, David Grellscheid <david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk> wrote:
>> You can simply remove it and it will redownload again. Or download it by
>> hand and put it into place.
>> David
>> On 08/03/2018 09:48, Marco Zaro wrote:
>>> A follow up:
>>> if I go into HW7/src, and try to extract EvtGen by hand, I get
>>> tar -xf EvtGen.R01-06-00.tar.gz
>>> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
>>> tar: Child returned status 1
>>> tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
>>> so probably the file is corrupted?
>>> thanks,
>>> Marco
>>> On 08 Mar 2018, at 09:41, Marco Zaro <m.zaro at nikhef.nl> wrote:
>>>> Hi David, Christian,
>>>> with ./herwig-bootstrap HW7
>>>> I get an error with EvtGen:
>>>> Download http://evtgen.warwick.ac.uk/static/srcrep/R01-06-00/EvtGen.R01-06-00.tar.gz as EvtGen.R01-06-00.tar.gz
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>> File "./herwig-bootstrap", line 1122, in <module>
>>>>   "EvtGen.%s.tar.gz" % evtgen_version)
>>>> File "./herwig-bootstrap", line 521, in download
>>>>   tar = tarfile.open(tar_name,'r')
>>>> File "/nfs/soft/python/python-2.7.5-sl6_amd64_gcc44/lib/python2.7/tarfile.py", line 1665, in open
>>>>   raise ReadError("file could not be opened successfully")
>>>> tarfile.ReadError: file could not be opened successfully
>>>> What can be the problem here?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Marco
>>>> On 07 Mar 2018, at 20:17, Christian Reuschle <creuschle at hep.fsu.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> many thanks for the quick response.
>>>>> So, yes, Marco, please feel free to actually report anything in that regard, since it will be of great help to us for debugging purposes.
>>>>> If you install everything, it should not get in conflict with your existing installations, since sourcing the activate script, as described on https://herwig.hepforge.org/tutorials/installation/bootstrap.html, should set all environment variables consistently. So, starting from a clean bootstrap, installing everything, should work fine. Let us know if it works, and also maybe which platform you are using.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> On 03/07/2018 11:41 AM, David Grellscheid wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>>> can you please try the clean bootstrap, and let it install everything?
>>>>>> Like it says in the help comments on the bootstrap script, there are so
>>>>>> many things that can go wrong that we cannot effectively support
>>>>>> debugging any of the --with / --without options.
>>>>>> If even 'herwig-bootstrap foobar' goes wrong, by all means, please let
>>>>>> me know.
>>>>>> See you,
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> On 06/03/2018 18:23, Christian Reuschle wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> Marco Zaro (in cc) wants to use Hw7 as the shower back-end with
>>>>>>> MG5_aMC at NLO. He has some trouble, though, in getting Hw7 installed via
>>>>>>> the bootstrap script. I usually install without the bootstrap script,
>>>>>>> and as such first have to reproduce it myself. In the meantime I thought
>>>>>>> you might be of more help. If I may ask, could you have a look into the
>>>>>>> forwarded messages of Marco, and see whether you might have a quick answer?
>>>>>>> Many thanks and best regards,
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>>>>> Subject:     Re: Hw7 vs. Hw++2.7.1
>>>>>>> Date:     Tue, 6 Mar 2018 18:15:19 +0100
>>>>>>> From:     Marco Zaro <m.zaro at nikhef.nl>
>>>>>>> To:     Christian Reuschle <creuschle at hep.fsu.edu>
>>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>>> Sure, please send it to David
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> M
>>>>>>> Sent from Samsung Mobile.
>>>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>>>> From: Christian Reuschle
>>>>>>> Date:06/03/2018 17:41 (GMT+01:00)
>>>>>>> To: Marco Zaro
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Hw7 vs. Hw++2.7.1
>>>>>>> Okay, tell you what. I'll try to install it with the bootstrap script
>>>>>>> myself, and then report back what happens. Not sure though, whether I
>>>>>>> can do it today.
>>>>>>> I will also forward your question to David if that's okay.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> On 03/06/2018 11:34 AM, Marco Zaro wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry again.
>>>>>>>> If I install manually starting from the HW7 tarball and pass the same
>>>>>>>> paths to ./configure, it complains for the boost system library
>>>>>>>> checking for the Boost system library... no
>>>>>>>> configure: error: cannot find the flags to link with Boost system
>>>>>>>> any hint?
>>>>>>>> thanks a lot!
>>>>>>>> ciao,
>>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>>>> On 06 Mar 2018, at 17:27, Marco Zaro <m.zaro at nikhef.nl
>>>>>>>> <mailto:m.zaro at nikhef.nl>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>>>>> sorry, If I reduce the dependecies at the minimum
>>>>>>>>> ./herwig-bootstrap HW7 --with-boost=boost_1_64_0/ --with-fastjet=fj/
>>>>>>>>> --with-hepmc=HepMC2/ --with-lhapdf=LHAPDF6/ --with-rivet=rivet/local
>>>>>>>>> --with-gsl=rivet/local/ --with-thepeg=ThePEG21 --without-madgraph
>>>>>>>>> --without-njet --without-vbfnlo --without-openloops --without-hjets
>>>>>>>>> --without-gosam --without-pythia --without-evtgen
>>>>>>>>> when it installs Herwig-7.1.0.tar.bz2
>>>>>>>>> I still have the gsl issue…
>>>>>>>>> so i am quite blocked.
>>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>>> On 03/06/2018 11:39 AM, Christian Reuschle wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>>>>> that sounds strange. Anyway, then I hold off for now in contacting
>>>>>>>> David. Let me know if there are further issues.
>>>>>>>> Just out of curiosity. Which versions of Hw7 and ThePEG are you using?
>>>>>>>> I'm just asking since with every Hw version there always a
>>>>>>>> corresponding ThePEG version that should go with it. For Hw7.1.1 it
>>>>>>>> should be ThePEG2.1.1, for For Hw7.1.2 it should be ThePEG2.1.2, etc.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>> On 06 Mar 2018, at 17:21, Marco Zaro <m.zaro at nikhef.nl
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:m.zaro at nikhef.nl>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>>>>>> thanks, in the meanwhile I discovered I had ThePeg21 already
>>>>>>>>>> installed, so passing its path solves the problem, or at least it
>>>>>>>>>> seems…
>>>>>>>>>> I will write you if I have other problems
>>>>>>>>>> ciao,
>>>>>>>>>> Marco
>>>>>>>>>> On 06 Mar 2018, at 17:18, Christian Reuschle <creuschle at hep.fsu.edu
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:creuschle at hep.fsu.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Marco,
>>>>>>>>>>> at the moment I can't see what's wrong in your installation line at
>>>>>>>>>>> first glance. I have to say, though, I never use the bootstrap
>>>>>>>>>>> script, but rather do the installation manually. If that's okay I
>>>>>>>>>>> would like to forward your issue to David Grellscheid, who
>>>>>>>>>>> initially wrote the bootstrap script. Would that be okay?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>>> On 03/06/2018 11:13 AM, Marco Zaro wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am currently trying to install H7 with the ./bootstrap script,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but specifying some paths to libraries that I already have.
>>>>>>>>>>>> the command I use is
>>>>>>>>>>>> ./herwig-bootstrap HW7 --with-boost=boost_1_64_0/
>>>>>>>>>>>> --with-fastjet=fj/ --with-hepmc=HepMC2/ --with-lhapdf=LHAPDF6/
>>>>>>>>>>>> --with-rivet=rivet/local --with-gsl=rivet/local/
>>>>>>>>>>>> It complains it cannot find GSL (It is inside rivet/local,
>>>>>>>>>>>> together with yoda)
>>>>>>>>>>>> checking for gsl location... not found
>>>>>>>>>>>> configure: error: Can't find rivet/local//lib/libgsl.a or the
>>>>>>>>>>>> headers in rivet/local//include
>>>>>>>>>>>> however, inside rivet/local/lib I have libgsl.a, and also
>>>>>>>>>>>> rivet/local/include/gsl/ exists as a folder and contains the
>>>>>>>>>>>> headers. In rivet/local/bin I have the three executables
>>>>>>>>>>>> *rivet/local/bin/gsl-config**rivet/local/bin/gsl-histogram**rivet/local/bin/gsl-randist*
>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>>> What is going wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> ciao,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Marco

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