[Flexiblesusy-commits] [FlexibleSUSY/FlexibleSUSY] 27b229: testing MSSMNoFV low-scale constraint

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Tue May 6 21:53:32 BST 2014

  Branch: refs/heads/feature-MSSMNoFV
  Home:   https://github.com/FlexibleSUSY/FlexibleSUSY
  Commit: 27b2294011db379838d5287a3bc4c979999518fb
  Author: Alexander Voigt <Alexander.Voigt at physik.tu-dresden.de>
  Date:   2014-05-06 (Tue, 06 May 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M test/module.mk
    A test/test_MSSMNoFV_low_scale_constraint.cpp

  Log Message:
  testing MSSMNoFV low-scale constraint

This test fails, because

 1. The first and second generation Fermions are not recognized
    as SM particles by SARAH (SMQ[] function returns false).

 2. The prefactors of the logaritms of the sfermions are incorrect

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