[Flexiblesusy-commits] [FlexibleSUSY/FlexibleSUSY] 369ed2: combine two identical if statements

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Tue Aug 14 16:13:04 BST 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/development
  Home:   https://github.com/FlexibleSUSY/FlexibleSUSY
  Commit: 369ed2ecb9c773e8d6b00bb0412e1a579c402fb4
  Author: Alexander Voigt <Alexander.Voigt at physik.rwth-aachen.de>
  Date:   2018-08-14 (Tue, 14 Aug 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M test/module.mk

  Log Message:
  combine two identical if statements

  Commit: 35d4f19529dc7be81777891b72bcde072b992691
  Author: Alexander Voigt <Alexander.Voigt at physik.rwth-aachen.de>
  Date:   2018-08-14 (Tue, 14 Aug 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M model_specific/NMSSM_higgs/nmssm_twoloophiggs.cpp
    M test/SOFTSUSY/nmssmsoftsusy.cpp

  Log Message:
  Bugfix: correcting re-scaling of NMSSM u/d-tadpoles to yield singlet tadpole

Thanks to Sebastian Poegel.

The 2-loop singlet tadpole can be obtained from the u/d-tadpoles by a
re-scaling, i.e.

   t_s = (vd/vs) t_d

where t_s is the singlet tadpole and t_d is the d-type tadpole diagram
with mass dimension GeV^3 (i.e. not divided by the VEVs).

The functions tadpole_higgs_2loop_at_as_nmssm() and
tadpole_higgs_2loop_ab_as_nmssm() return the NMSSM tadpoles, divided
by the corresponding VEVs, i.e. they return

   T_d = t_d / vd
   T_u = t_u / vu
   T_s = t_s / vs

Thus, to obtain T_s one has to calculate

   T_s = t_s / vs
  = (vd/vs) t_d / vs
  = (vd/vs)^2 t_d / vd
  = (vd/vs)^2 T_d

Before this commit, the incorrect relation

   T_s = (vd/vs) T_d       (incorrect)

was used.

Compare: https://github.com/FlexibleSUSY/FlexibleSUSY/compare/879b65b9c964...35d4f19529dc
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