[Flexiblesusy] Are Nonprofit Boards Broken For Good?

Inside Charity team at icnews.org
Mon Oct 16 13:30:48 BST 2023

Nonprofit Boards Are Broken for Good - Film Reel (https://insidecharity.org/2021/04/25/nonprofit-boards-are-broken-for-good-new-film-reel/)

(Because of your important work with Charitable Organizations)

https://insidecharity.org/2021/04/25/nonprofit-boards-are-broken-for-good-new-film-reel/ (https://insidecharity.org/2021/04/25/nonprofit-boards-are-broken-for-good-new-film-reel/)

Dear Colleagues In Service,

See the sneak peek of CineVantage’s newest footage of BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity’s Work in The United States of America. Honnie Korngold premiered the above clip at NANOE’s 2021 Board of Governors’ Convention & Expo. It was received by the audience with applause and rave reviews!

Humorist Mark Twain’s famously said, "God first made idiots (that was for practice) then He made…Boards!"

After spending twenty-five years in nonprofit management (having worked with over 700 boards) I’ve determined, broadly speaking, there are three types of boards…

…mediocre ones, useless ones, and really bad ones.

It’s not the fault of the individual volunteer (most of the time), it’s simply a flawed business model that never had a chance to succeed.


Here’s what your contemporaries have to say:

"There is one thing all boards have in common…they do not function." ~Peter Drucker

"Effective oversight by a board of trustees is a relatively rare and unnatural act. Trustees are often little more than high-powered, well-intentioned people engaged in low-level activities." ~Thomas Holland

"Ninety-five percent (of boards) are not doing what they are legally, morally, and ethically supposed to do." ~Harold Geneen

"Board members are usually intelligent and experienced persons as individuals. Yet boards, as groups, are mediocre. Boards tend to be, in fact, incompetent groups of competent individuals." ~John Carver

"Boards have been largely irrelevant throughout most of the last 100 years." ~James Gillies

Inside Charity is pleased to report that over 400,000 executives, staff, board members, ministry leaders and volunteers rely on Inside Charity for their nonprofit news. We're grateful to everyone who has participated and want to encourage as many as people as possible to continue to share their experiences. Your written comments and contributions have helped your colleagues navigate this process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Jimmy LaRose, CNE, CDE, CNC

Contributing Editor

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