[gambit-talks] GAMBIT talk in ORIGINS Data Science seminar

Jonas Würzinger jonas.wuerzinger at tum.de
Mon Oct 9 09:38:55 BST 2023

Dear GAMBIT science coordinators,

Just a quick follow up on our previous email. It would be great if we could find a speaker for our data science seminar!


Dr. Jonas Würzinger (he/him) | Postdoctoral Researcher | ORIGINS Data Science Lab | Max Planck Institute for Physics | Data Science in Physics | Department of Physics | Technical University of Munich | Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany | +49 89 35831 - 7143 | jonas.wuerzinger at tum.de

> On 2. Oct 2023, at 10:56, Jonas Würzinger <jonas.wuerzinger at tum.de> wrote:
> Dear GAMBIT science coordinators,
> We have really enjoyed Anders’ talk and the discussion at the ATLAS SUSY workshop in Oslo two weeks ago. We were wondering if you’d be open to giving a virtual seminar on sampling techniques in high-dimensional parameter spaces based on the different sampling algorithms included in GAMBIT’s ScannerBit module in our ORIGINS Data Science Laboratory (ODSL) seminar series?
> Our audience is a collection of particle and astrophysicists, astrochemists and biologists unified by an enthusiasm for applying ML to problems in the physical sciences. 
> Your talk would be a really interesting for ongoing projects in our community! We are particularly interested in using GAMBIT for exploring likelihoods of pMSSM models in search of (unexpected) unexplored areas of model space.
> Our seminar is 14:00 CET on Fridays, and we’re hoping for a 30 - 45 min talk to leave room for questions and discussions.
> If you’re open to giving such a seminar, we will email you back with our upcoming available dates.
> Best wishes,
> Jonas, Nicole, Rasmus, Jakob, and Lukas
> (ODSL seminar organization team)
> Dr. Jonas Würzinger (he/him) | Postdoctoral Researcher | ORIGINS Data Science Lab | Max Planck Institute for Physics | Data Science in Physics | Department of Physics | Technical University of Munich | Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany | +49 89 35831 - 7143 | jonas.wuerzinger at tum.de

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