[GiBUU-announce] GiBUU 2019, patch 6

Kai Gallmeister gallmeister at th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
Tue Mar 3 10:54:59 GMT 2020

Dear colleagues,
it is a pleasure to inform you, that we uploaded a new patch of the
actual release 2019 of GiBUU on our homepage.
This patch includes two modifications:
 * In the output file 'FinalEvents.dat', a negative particle ID
indicates that the particle is an antiparticle, thus one now can
distinguish e.g. between a neutron and an anti-neutron or a Xi and an
anti-Xi (particle ID 53)
 * We introduced a new output format named 'CollisionList', where every
individual interaction (collisions, decays) of particles at every
timestep are reported. Thus it is possible to follow the whole event on
a nucleus like a 'movie'. see 
https://gibuu.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/CollisionList for more details.

Due to the technical limitations of the hepforge site, the best solution
is to do a full new download and installation of the code.

Best regards
Kai Gallmeister
on behalf of the GiBUU team

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