[HepData-svn] r1306 - in trunk/hepdata-webapp: . src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Sat Nov 7 15:14:04 GMT 2009

Author: buckley
Date: Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009
New Revision: 1306

Disabling YODA links (implementation still works with private links), migrating to Tapestry 5.1, and general tweaks


Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/pom.xml
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/pom.xml	Fri Nov  6 12:09:24 2009	(r1305)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/pom.xml	Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009	(r1306)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    <tapestry-release-version>5.0.18</tapestry-release-version>
+    <tapestry-release-version></tapestry-release-version>
@@ -33,17 +33,6 @@
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>tomcat-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <!-- <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> -->
-        <configuration>
-          <url>http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk:8080/manager</url>
-          <server>CedarTomcat</server>
-          <path>/hepdata</path>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
         <!-- New version... startup currently very slow: -->
         <!-- <artifactId>jetty-maven-plugin</artifactId> -->

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/AidaFormatter.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/AidaFormatter.java	Fri Nov  6 12:09:24 2009	(r1305)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/AidaFormatter.java	Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009	(r1306)
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
                     Bin b = x.getBin(r);
                     if (b != null) {
                         Double xval = b.getFocus();
+                        // System.out.println("@ " + xval.toString() + "+" + b.getDPlus().toString() + "-" + b.getDMinus().toString());
+                        // System.out.println("# " + b.getLowValue().toString() + "--" + xval.toString() + "--" + b.getHighValue().toString());
                         Double dxminus = b.getDMinus();
                         Double dxplus = b.getDPlus();
                         if (xval == null) {
@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@
                             dxplus = 0.5;
                         // // Calc bin widths by hand if needed
                         // if (getMaxPointId() > 1) {
                         //     for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java	Fri Nov  6 12:09:24 2009	(r1305)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtml.java	Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009	(r1306)
@@ -197,12 +197,15 @@
                     int lwidth = 0;
                     int hwidth = 0;
                     int fwidth = 0;
-                    boolean showmean = false;
+                    // Format as "<focus> (bin: <low>--<high>)" if showmean is true ==
+                    // at least one bin has a focus which significantly differs from the mean
+                    boolean asymmfocus = false;
                     for (Bin b : x.getBins()) {
                         if (b.getLowValue() != null && b.getHighValue() != null && b.getFocus() != null) {
                             double diff = b.getFocus() - (b.getLowValue() + b.getHighValue()) / 2.0;
-                            if (diff < 0.0) diff = -diff;
-                            if (diff > 1E-12) showmean = true;
+                            if (Math.abs(diff/b.getFocus()) > 1E-6) {
+                                asymmfocus = true;
+                            }
                         if (b.getLowValue() != null && b.getLowValue().toString().length() > lwidth) {
                             lwidth = b.getLowValue().toString().length();
@@ -228,14 +231,17 @@
                                 high = b.getHighValue();
                                 f = b.getFocus();
                                 String f_val = Formats.forms(f, fwidth);
-                                if (low != null) {
+                                if (low != null && high != null) {
                                     String f_low = Formats.forms(low, lwidth);
                                     String f_high = Formats.forms(high,hwidth);
-                                    if (f != null && showmean) {
+                                    Double width = high - low;
+                                    if (f != null && asymmfocus) {
                                         writer.writeRaw(f_low + "&ndash;" + f_high);
+                                    } else if (f != null && Math.abs(width/f) < 1E-6) {
+                                        writer.write(f_val);
                                     } else {
                                         writer.writeRaw(f_low + "&ndash;" + f_high);

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/YAxisAsText.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/YAxisAsText.java	Fri Nov  6 12:09:24 2009	(r1305)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/YAxisAsText.java	Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009	(r1306)
@@ -21,139 +21,139 @@
         int ntable = 0;
         ntable += 1;
-//  writer.element("p");  // start new paragraph
+        //  writer.element("p");  // start new paragraph
         Dataset _dataset = _yAxis.getDataset();
         Paper _paper = _dataset.getPaper();
-//        try {
-//            String hepml = XMLUtils.makeHepMLString(_paper);
-//      writer.element("br");writer.end();
-//            writer.write(hepml);
-//        }
-//        catch(Exception em){
-//      writer.element("br");writer.end();
-//            writer.write("failed to get hepml");
-//         }
-//        writer.element("b"); // start element 1
-//  writer.write("HepDataId: " + _dataset.getPaper().getHepdataId() + " Dataset: " + _dataset.getId() + " YAxis: " + _yAxis.getId());
-//  writer.end(); // end element1
+        //        try {
+        //            String hepml = XMLUtils.makeHepMLString(_paper);
+        //      writer.element("br");writer.end();
+        //            writer.write(hepml);
+        //        }
+        //        catch(Exception em){
+        //      writer.element("br");writer.end();
+        //            writer.write("failed to get hepml");
+        //         }
+        //        writer.element("b"); // start element 1
+        //  writer.write("HepDataId: " + _dataset.getPaper().getHepdataId() + " Dataset: " + _dataset.getId() + " YAxis: " + _yAxis.getId());
+        //  writer.end(); // end element1
-//output the table comment(CT) and location(TFP)
+        //output the table comment(CT) and location(TFP)
         for ( String comment : _dataset.getComments() ){
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
+            writer.element("br");writer.end();
-//yaxis comments (ie non-numerical properties
-            for (String comment : _yAxis.getComments() ){
+        //yaxis comments (ie non-numerical properties
+        for (String comment : _yAxis.getComments() ){
-                writer.write(comment);
-            }
-// next the numerical properties
-    for (Property property : _yAxis.getProperties()){
+            writer.write(comment);
+        }
+        // next the numerical properties
+        for (Property property : _yAxis.getProperties()){
             if( ! property.getName().equals("sqrts")){
-            writer.element("br");writer.end();
+                writer.element("br");writer.end();
                 writer.write( property.getName() + " : ");
                 if (property.getLowValue() != null && property.getHighValue() != null &&
                     property.getLowValue().equals(property.getHighValue())) {
-                     writer.write(property.getLowValue().toString());
+                    writer.write(property.getLowValue().toString());
                     writer.write(property.getLowValue().toString() + " TO " + property.getHighValue().toString());
                 if (!property.getUnit().toString().equals("num")){
-                   writer.write(" " + property.getUnit().toString());
+                    writer.write(" " + property.getUnit().toString());
-         }
+        }
         for (XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes() ){
             writer.write("x-axis header: " + x.getHeader());
-            writer.element("br");writer.end();
-            writer.write("y-axis header: " + _yAxis.getHeader());
+        writer.element("br");writer.end();
+        writer.write("y-axis header: " + _yAxis.getHeader());
-// determine the number of axes and points in the dataset
+        // determine the number of axes and points in the dataset
         int nx = _dataset.getXAxes().size(); // number of xases in the dataset
-    int ny = 1;  // number of yaxes in the dataset
-    int npoints = 0;
-    int npointsy = 0;
+        int ny = 1;  // number of yaxes in the dataset
+        int npoints = 0;
+        int npointsy = 0;
         for (XAxis _xAxis : _dataset.getXAxes()){npoints = _xAxis.getBins().size();}
         npointsy = _yAxis.getPoints().size();
-    if(npointsy > npoints) npoints = npointsy;
+        if(npointsy > npoints) npoints = npointsy;
         int binIdMax=0;
-    for (Bin b : _dataset.getXAxis(1).getBins()){
-        binIdMax = b.getId();
-    }
+        for (Bin b : _dataset.getXAxis(1).getBins()){
+            binIdMax = b.getId();
+        }
         if (binIdMax > npoints) {npoints = binIdMax;}
-// determine the number of axis comments and properties for this yaxis in the dataset
+        // determine the number of axis comments and properties for this yaxis in the dataset
         int ncomm = _yAxis.getComments().size();
-    int nprop = _yAxis.getProperties().size();
-//        for (Property property : _yAxis.getProperties()){if( property.getName().equals("sqrts")){ nprop =- 1;}}
+        int nprop = _yAxis.getProperties().size();
+        //        for (Property property : _yAxis.getProperties()){if( property.getName().equals("sqrts")){ nprop =- 1;}}
-//begin the actual data table...
+        //begin the actual data table...
-// first do a run through of the data to find the sizes of the entries etc..
+        // first do a run through of the data to find the sizes of the entries etc..
         for (int ip=1; ip<=npoints; ip++){
             int id = 0;
             for (XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes()){
-            try{
-               if(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null  && x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){
-                   id += 1;
-                   setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());
-                   setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());
-                   id += 1;
-                   setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());
-                   setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());
-                }
-               else{
-                   id += 1;
-                   setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString());
-                   setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString());
-               }
-               } catch(Exception ex){} ///catch funny values
+                try{
+                    if(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null  && x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){
+                        id += 1;
+                        setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());
+                        setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());
+                        id += 1;
+                        setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());
+                        setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());
+                    }
+                    else{
+                        id += 1;
+                        setBefore(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString());
+                        setAfter(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString());
+                    }
+                } catch(Exception ex){} ///catch funny values
                 id += 1;
                 for (Uncertainty e : _yAxis.getPoint(ip).getErrors()){
-                     id += 1;
-                     setBefore(id,e.getPlus().toString());
-                     setAfter(id,e.getPlus().toString());
-                     id += 1;
-                     setBefore(id,e.getMinus().toString());
-                     setAfter(id,e.getMinus().toString());
+                    id += 1;
+                    setBefore(id,e.getPlus().toString());
+                    setAfter(id,e.getPlus().toString());
+                    id += 1;
+                    setBefore(id,e.getMinus().toString());
+                    setAfter(id,e.getMinus().toString());
             catch(Exception ex){} // this catches the bins with no data
-// try to output some sort of header
+        // try to output some sort of header
         int idh=0;
         int width=0;
         for (XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes()){
-        try{
-            if (x.getBin(1).getLowValue() != null && x.getBin(1).getHighValue() != null){
-                idh += 1;
-               width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
-                idh += 1;
-                width = width + before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
-            }
-            else{
-                idh += 1;
-                width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
-            }
-            for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-            writer.write("  x");
-            for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+            try{
+                if (x.getBin(1).getLowValue() != null && x.getBin(1).getHighValue() != null){
+                    idh += 1;
+                    width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
+                    idh += 1;
+                    width = width + before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
+                }
+                else{
+                    idh += 1;
+                    width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
+                }
+                for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+                writer.write("  x");
+                for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
             } catch (Exception ex) {} // catch funny values
@@ -163,152 +163,172 @@
         for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-    for (Uncertainty e : _yAxis.getPoint(1).getErrors()){
-            idh +=1 ;
-            width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
-            idh += 1;
-            width = width + before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
-            for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-            writer.write("   dy");
-            for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-        }
+            for (Uncertainty e : _yAxis.getPoint(1).getErrors()){
+                idh +=1 ;
+                width = before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
+                idh += 1;
+                width = width + before.get(idh-1) + after.get(idh-1) + 1;
+                for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+                writer.write("   dy");
+                for (int ii=1; ii<=width/2; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+            }
         } catch(Exception ex){} // this catches the bins with no data
-// now do the actual outputting of the data
+        // now do the actual outputting of the data
         for (int ip=1 ; ip<=npoints; ip++){
             int id = 0;
-	    if(_yAxis.getPoint(ip) != null){
-            writer.element("br"); writer.end();
-            for( XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes()){
-                 writer.write("  ");
-         try{
-             if(!x.getBin(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=")){
-                writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getRelation().toString());
-                if(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null){ writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());}
-                if(x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){ writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());}
-             }
-                 else if (x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null && x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){
-                     id += 1;
-                     writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString(),writer);
-                     writer.write("  ");
-                     id += 1;
-                     writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString(),writer);
-                 }
-                 else{
-                     id += 1;
-                     writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString(),writer);
-                 }
-                 } catch(Exception ex){} // funny values
-             }
-             writer.write("   ");
-         try{
-             id += 1;
-                 if(! _yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=") ) writer.write(_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString());
-                 writeCol(id,_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getValue().toString(),writer);
-                 if(_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=") ){
-                     for (Uncertainty e : _yAxis.getPoint(ip).getErrors()){
-                         writer.write("   +");
-                         id += 1;
-                         writeCol(id,e.getPlus().toString(),writer);
-                         writer.write(" -");
-                         id += 1;
-                         writeCol(id,e.getMinus().toString(),writer);
-                         if ( e.getNormType() == ErrorNorm.PCT ) {
-                           writer.write(" (" + e.getNormType().toString() + ")");
-                         }
-                     }
-                 }
-             } catch (Exception e){
-         }
-             }
-         }
- // here for dataset systematic errors
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
-        if(_dataset.getErrors().size()>0){
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
-        writer.write("Overall Systematic Errors: ");
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
-            for (DatasetError _de : _dataset.getErrors()){
-        writer.write("+" + _de.getPlus());
-        writer.write(",-" + _de.getMinus());
-        writer.write(", " + _de.getNormType());
-        writer.write(", " + _de.getSourceType());
-            writer.element("br");writer.end();
-        writer.write(_de.getComment());
+            if(_yAxis.getPoint(ip) != null){
+                writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+                for( XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes()){
+                    writer.write("  ");
+                    try{
+                        if(!x.getBin(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=")){
+                            writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getRelation().toString());
+                            if(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null){ writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString());}
+                            if(x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){ writer.write(x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString());}
+                        }
+                        else if (x.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null && x.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){
+                            id += 1;
+                            writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getLowValue().toString(),writer);
+                            writer.write("  ");
+                            id += 1;
+                            writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getHighValue().toString(),writer);
+                        }
+                        else{
+                            id += 1;
+                            writeCol(id,x.getBin(ip).getFocus().toString(),writer);
+                        }
+                    } catch(Exception ex){} // funny values
+                }
+                writer.write("   ");
+                try{
+                    id += 1;
+                    if (! _yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=") ) {
+                        writer.write(_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString());
+                    }
+                    writeCol(id,_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getValue().toString(),writer);
+                    if (_yAxis.getPoint(ip).getRelation().toString().equals("=") ) {
+                        for (Uncertainty e : _yAxis.getPoint(ip).getErrors()){
+                            writer.write("   +");
+                            id += 1;
+                            writeCol(id,e.getPlus().toString(),writer);
+                            writer.write(" -");
+                            id += 1;
+                            writeCol(id,e.getMinus().toString(),writer);
+                            if ( e.getNormType() == ErrorNorm.PCT ) {
+                                writer.write(" (" + e.getNormType().toString() + ")");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e){
+                }
+            }
+        // here for dataset systematic errors
+        writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+        if (_dataset.getErrors().size() > 0) {
+            writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+            writer.write("Overall Systematic Errors: ");
+            writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+            for (DatasetError _de : _dataset.getErrors()) {
+                writer.write("+" + _de.getPlus());
+                writer.write(",-" + _de.getMinus());
+                writer.write(", " + _de.getNormType());
+                writer.write(", " + _de.getSourceType());
+                writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+                writer.write(_de.getComment());
+            }
-// here for axis systematic errors
-        if(_yAxis.getErrors().size()>0){
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
-        writer.write("Overall Systematic Errors: ");
-        writer.element("br");writer.end();
-            for (AxisError _ae : _yAxis.getErrors()){
-        writer.write("+" + _ae.getPlus());
-        writer.write(",-" + _ae.getMinus());
-        writer.write(", " + _ae.getNormType());
-        writer.write(", " + _ae.getSourceType());
+        // here for axis systematic errors
+        if (_yAxis.getErrors().size() > 0) {
-        writer.write(_ae.getComment());
-        }
+            writer.write("Overall Systematic Errors: ");
+            writer.element("br");writer.end();
+            for (AxisError _ae : _yAxis.getErrors()){
+                writer.write("+" + _ae.getPlus());
+                writer.write(",-" + _ae.getMinus());
+                writer.write(", " + _ae.getNormType());
+                writer.write(", " + _ae.getSourceType());
+                writer.element("br");writer.end();
+                writer.write(_ae.getComment());
+            }
+        //
-           writer.end();
-//        writer.end(); // end the new paragraph
+        writer.end();
+        //        writer.end(); // end the new paragraph
-//    @Parameter(name="p")
-//    private Paper _paper;
+    //    @Parameter(name="p")
+    //    private Paper _paper;
     private YAxis _yAxis;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     private void setBefore(int id, String str){
-          int lenval = str.length();
-          int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
-          int bf = dotpos;
-          int af = lenval-dotpos-1;
-          if(before.size() < id){before.add(bf);}
-          else{ if(bf > before.get(id-1)){before.set(id-1,bf);} }
+        int lenval = str.length();
+        int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
+        int bf = dotpos;
+        int af = lenval-dotpos-1;
+        if(before.size() < id){before.add(bf);}
+        else{ if(bf > before.get(id-1)){before.set(id-1,bf);} }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     private void setAfter(int id, String str){
-          int lenval = str.length();
-          int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
-          int bf = dotpos;
-          int af = lenval-dotpos-1;
-          if(after.size() < id){after.add(af);}
-          else{ if(af > after.get(id-1)){after.set(id-1,af);} }
+        int lenval = str.length();
+        int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
+        int bf = dotpos;
+        int af = lenval-dotpos-1;
+        if(after.size() < id){after.add(af);}
+        else{ if(af > after.get(id-1)){after.set(id-1,af);} }
-     private void writeCol(int id, String str, MarkupWriter writer){
-           int lenval = str.length();
-           int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
-           int b1=before.get(id-1)-dotpos;
-           int a1=after.get(id-1)-lenval+dotpos+1;
-           for (int ii=1; ii<=b1; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-           writer.write(str);
-           for (int ii=1; ii<=a1; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    private void writeCol(int id, String str, MarkupWriter writer){
+        int lenval = str.length();
+        int dotpos = str.indexOf(".");
+        int b1=before.get(id-1)-dotpos;
+        int a1=after.get(id-1)-lenval+dotpos+1;
+        for (int ii=1; ii<=b1; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
+        writer.write(str);
+        for (int ii=1; ii<=a1; ii++){ writer.write(" "); }
-   public String forms(Double value){
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    public String forms(Double value){
         int width = 20;
-    return this.forms(value,width);
+        return this.forms(value,width);
     public  String forms(Double value,int width){
         int position = width/2;
-    return this.forms(value,width,position);
+        return this.forms(value,width,position);
     public String forms(Double value,int width, int position){
         String form = "##############.###############################";
         DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(form);
         String sval = "cannot format this!!";
-    if( value instanceof Double ){
-       sval = myFormatter.format(value);
-    }
-    String sout = " ";
+        if( value instanceof Double ){
+            sval = myFormatter.format(value);
+        }
+        String sout = " ";
         width -= 1;
         for (int i=1 ; i<width; i++){
             sout = sout.concat(" ");
@@ -327,13 +347,13 @@
         StringBuffer bout = new StringBuffer(sout);
         int lstart = 0;
         int l1 = lstart+lenbefore;
-    int l2 = l1;
+        int l2 = l1;
         int l3 = l2+1;
         int l4 = l3+lenafter;
-    bout.replace(lstart,l1,before);
-    bout.replace(l2,l2,".");
-    bout.replace(l3,l4,after);
+        bout.replace(lstart,l1,before);
+        bout.replace(l2,l2,".");
+        bout.replace(l3,l4,after);
         sout = bout.toString().replace(' ','0');
         return sout;

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.tml
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.tml	Fri Nov  6 12:09:24 2009	(r1305)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.tml	Sat Nov  7 15:14:03 2009	(r1306)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>&nbsp;
         <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>&nbsp;
         <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT</a>&nbsp;
-        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a>
+        <!-- <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a> -->
       <t:if test="showSys">
@@ -62,55 +62,56 @@
           <t:displaySystematics p="paper" />
- <t:if test="isMultiPage">
-   <p>
-      Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.&nbsp; 
-      Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.&nbsp; 
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; 
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
-  </p>
- </t:if>
+      <t:if test="isMultiPage">
+        <p>
+          Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.&nbsp; 
+          Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.&nbsp; 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
+        </p>
+      </t:if>
       <t:loop source="datasetsnew" value="dataset">
         <div class="datasetbox">
           <h3 class="datasettitle">
             <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="baseContext">Table ${dataset.id}</a>
-<!--          <p class="altdsformats"> -->
-            as:
-            <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>&nbsp;
-            <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>&nbsp;
-            <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT</a>&nbsp;
-            <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a>
-<!--          </p> -->
+          <!-- <p class="altdsformats"> -->
+          as:
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="plainContext">plain text</a>&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="aidaContext">AIDA</a>&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="pyrootContext">PyROOT</a>&nbsp;
+          <!-- <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="yodaContext">YODA</a> -->
+          <!-- </p> -->
           <t:datasetAsHtml dataset="dataset" format="${format}" />
- <t:if test="isMultiPage">
-  <p>
-      Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.&nbsp; 
-      Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.&nbsp; 
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; 
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
-      <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
-  </p>
- </t:if>
+      <t:if test="isMultiPage">
+        <p>
+          Total number of tables: <b>${paper.datasets.size()}</b>.&nbsp; 
+          Displaying: <b>${counter}</b> to <b>${counterend}</b>.&nbsp; 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="firstcontext">First</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; 
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="prevcontext">Previous</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="nextcontext">Next</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
+          <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="lastcontext">Last</a>
+        </p>
+      </t:if>
     <t:parameter name="else">
       <title>HepData paper view</title>
       <h2>No valid paper could be found with the given ID/IRN</h2>
-      <p class="permalinks">
-        Permalinks: 
-        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaperContext">by HepData ID</a> |
-        <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="spiresContext">by Spires ID</a>
-      </p>
+  <p class="permalinks">
+    Permalinks: 
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="hdpaperContext">by HepData ID</a> |
+    <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="view" t:context="spiresContext">by Spires ID</a>
+  </p>

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