[HepData-svn] r1388 - trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Wed Sep 1 10:45:40 BST 2010

Author: whalley
Date: Wed Sep  1 10:45:40 2010
New Revision: 1388

display of table without plot


Added: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtmlWithoutPlot.java
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/components/DatasetAsHtmlWithoutPlot.java	Wed Sep  1 10:45:40 2010	(r1388)
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+package cedar.hepdata.webapp.components;
+import org.apache.tapestry5.MarkupWriter;
+import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.BeginRender;
+import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
+import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.*;
+import org.apache.tapestry5.services.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.model.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.util.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.webapp.pages.*;
+import com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures;
+import java.text.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class DatasetAsHtmlWithoutPlot {
+    @Inject
+    private RequestGlobals _reqGlobals;
+    @Parameter
+    private String _format;
+    public String getFormat() { return _format; }
+    public void getFormat(String f) { _format = f; }
+    @BeginRender
+    void renderMessage(MarkupWriter writer) {
+        // Output the table comment(CT) and location(TFP)
+        writer.element("p");
+        writer.attributes("class", "datasetcomments");
+        for (String comment : _dataset.getComments()) {
+            writer.element("br"); writer.end();
+            writer.write(comment);
+        }
+        writer.end(); //p 
+        // Determine the number of axes and points in the dataset
+        final int nx = _dataset.getXAxes().size(); // number of xaxes in the dataset
+        final int ny = _dataset.getYAxes().size();  // number of yaxes in the dataset
+        int npoints = _dataset.getNumPoints();
+        int binIdMax = _dataset.getMaxPointId();
+        // Determine the number of axis comments and properties for this dataset
+        int ncomm = 0;
+        int nprop = 0;
+        if (_dataset.getYAxes().size() > 0) {
+            ncomm = _dataset.getYAxes().first().getComments().size();
+            nprop = _dataset.getYAxes().first().getProperties().size();
+        }
+        // Begin the actual data table...
+        writer.element("table");
+        writer.attributes("class", "dataset");
+       // y-axis comments (i.e. non-numerical properties
+       // new version has these added in with the properties - below
+        int nmatch = 0;
+        // Next the numerical properties new version
+        String[][] store = new String[ny][nprop+ncomm];
+        int numy = -1;
+        for(YAxis y : _dataset.getYAxes()) {
+            numy++;
+            int j=-1;
+            List <String> storelist = new ArrayList();
+            // first add the comment elements (strings)
+            for (String comment : y.getComments()){storelist.add(comment);}
+            for (Property property : y.getProperties()) {
+                j++;
+                String tempstr = property.getName().toString();
+                if(!tempstr.startsWith("sqrts")){
+                    tempstr = tempstr.concat(" : ");
+                    if (property.getFocus() != null){
+                         tempstr = tempstr.concat(property.getFocus().toString());
+                    }
+                    if (property.getLowValue() != null && property.getHighValue() != null &&
+                         property.getLowValue().equals(property.getHighValue())) {
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat(property.getLowValue().toString());
+                    } else {
+                        if(property.getFocus() != null) { tempstr = tempstr.concat(" ("); }
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat(property.getLowValue().toString());
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat("-");
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat(property.getHighValue().toString());
+                        if(property.getFocus() != null) { tempstr = tempstr.concat(")"); }
+                    }
+                    if (!property.getUnit().isDimensionless()) {
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat(" ");
+                        tempstr = tempstr.concat(property.getUnit().toString());
+                    }
+                    storelist.add(tempstr);
+                }        
+            }
+            Collections.sort(storelist);
+            for (int i=0; i<storelist.size(); i++){
+                store[numy][i] = storelist.get(i);
+            }
+        }
+        for (int i=0; i<nprop+ncomm; i++){
+            if(store[0][i] != null){
+                writer.element("tr");
+                writer.element("td");
+                writer.attributes("colspan", nx);
+                writer.writeRaw("&nbsp;");
+                writer.end();
+// this is the actual output
+// first check is same across row
+                Boolean same = true;
+                for (int nmy=0; nmy<ny-1; nmy++){ if(!store[nmy][i].equals(store[nmy+1][i])){ same = false; } }
+                if(same) {
+                    writer.element("th");
+                    writer.attributes("colspan",ny);
+                    writer.attributes("class","multiple");
+                    writer.write(store[0][i]);
+                    writer.end();
+                } else {
+                    for (int nmy=0; nmy<ny; nmy++){
+                        writer.element("th");
+                        writer.attributes("class","multiple");
+                        writer.write( store[nmy][i]);
+                        writer.end();
+                    }
+                }
+                writer.end();  //tr    
+            }
+        }
+        // Headers
+        writer.element("tr");
+        writer.attributes("class", "xyheaders");
+        // X headers
+        for (XAxis x : _dataset.getXAxes()) {
+            writer.element("th");
+            writer.attributes("class", "xheader");
+            writer.write(x.getHeader());
+            writer.end(); //th
+        }
+        // Y headers (trying to merge if possible)
+        String yhead = "";
+        if (_dataset.getYAxes().size() > 0) {
+            yhead = _dataset.getYAxis(1).getHeader();
+        }
+        nmatch = 0;
+        for (YAxis y : _dataset.getYAxes()){
+            if ( y.getHeader().equals(yhead) ) nmatch += 1;
+        }
+        if (nmatch == ny) {
+            writer.element("th");
+            writer.attributes("class", "yheader");
+            writer.attributes("colspan", ny);
+            writer.write(yhead);
+            writer.end(); //th
+        } else {
+            for (YAxis y : _dataset.getYAxes()) {
+                writer.element("th");
+                writer.attributes("class", "yheader");
+                writer.write(y.getHeader());
+                writer.end(); //th
+            }
+        }
+        writer.end(); //tr
+        if(_dataset.getNumPoints() == 0){
+            writer.element("th");
+            writer.attributes("colspan",ny+nx);
+            writer.attributes("align", "center");
+            writer.write("No data is encoded for this table");
+            writer.end();
+        }
+        if (getFormat().equals("full") && _dataset.getNumPoints() != 0) {
+            // Finally the numbers themselves
+            for (int ip = 1 ; ip <= npoints; ip++) {
+                writer.element("tr");
+                // First the xaxes
+                for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= nx; ix++) {
+                    XAxis x = _dataset.getXAxis(ix);
+                    // Work out x-axis formatting
+                    /// @todo Do this formatting stuff properly with SignificantFigures as for y-values
+                    int lwidth = 0;
+                    int hwidth = 0;
+                    int fwidth = 0;
+                    // Format as "<focus> (bin: <low>--<high>)" if showmean is true ==
+                    // at least one bin has a focus which significantly differs from the mean
+                    boolean asymmfocus = false;
+                    for (Bin b : x.getBins()) {
+                        if (b.getLowValue() != null && b.getHighValue() != null && b.getFocus() != null) {
+                            double diff = b.getFocus() - (b.getLowValue() + b.getHighValue()) / 2.0;
+                            if (Math.abs(diff/b.getFocus()) > 1E-6) {
+                                asymmfocus = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (b.getLowValue() != null && b.getLowValue().toString().length() > lwidth) {
+                            lwidth = b.getLowValue().toString().length();
+                        }
+                        if (b.getHighValue() != null && b.getHighValue().toString().length() > hwidth) {
+                            hwidth = b.getHighValue().toString().length();
+                        }
+                        if (b.getFocus() != null && b.getFocus().toString().length() > fwidth) {
+                            fwidth = b.getFocus().toString().length();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Double f = null;
+                    Double high = null;
+                    Double low = null;
+                    Bin b = x.getBin(ip);
+                    writer.element("td align='center'");
+                    writer.attributes("class", "xval");
+                    if (b != null) {
+                        if (b.getDescription() == null){
+                            if (b.getRelation() == Relation.EQUALS) {
+                                low = b.getLowValue();
+                                high = b.getHighValue();
+                                f = b.getFocus();
+                                String f_val = Formats.forms(f, fwidth);
+                                if (low != null && high != null) {
+                                    String f_low = Formats.forms(low, lwidth);
+                                    String f_high = Formats.forms(high,hwidth);
+                                    Double width = high - low;
+                                    if (f != null && asymmfocus) {
+                                        writer.writeRaw(f_val);
+                                        writer.writeRaw("&nbsp;(bin:&nbsp;");
+                                        writer.writeRaw(f_low + "&ndash;" + f_high);
+                                        writer.writeRaw(")");
+                                    } else if (f != null && Math.abs(width/f) < 1E-6) {
+                                        writer.write(f_val);
+                                    } else {
+                                        writer.writeRaw(f_low + "&ndash;" + f_high);
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+                                    writer.write(f_val);
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                writer.write(b.getRelation().toString());
+                                if (b.getLowValue() != null) {
+                                    writer.write(b.getLowValue().toString());
+                                } else if (b.getHighValue() != null) {
+                                    writer.write(b.getHighValue().toString());
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            writer.write(b.getDescription());
+                        }
+                    }
+                    writer.end(); //td
+                }
+                // Now the y-axes
+                for (int iy = 1; iy <= ny; ++iy) {
+                    YAxis y = _dataset.getYAxis(iy);
+                    Point pt2 = y.getPoint(ip);
+                    writer.element("td align='center'");
+                    writer.attributes("class", "yval");
+                    try {
+                        if (pt2.getRelation() != Relation.EQUALS) {
+                            writer.write(pt2.getRelation().toString());
+                        }
+                        SignificantFigures val = new SignificantFigures(pt2.getValue());
+                        int lsd = val.getLSD();
+                        if (pt2.getValue().toString().endsWith("0") || pt2.getValue().toString().indexOf("0E") > 0) {
+                            lsd += 1;
+                        }
+                        if (pt2.getRelation() == Relation.EQUALS) {
+                            for (PointError e : pt2.getErrors()) {
+                                if (e.getNormType() != ErrorNorm.PCT) {
+                                    SignificantFigures vale1 = new SignificantFigures(e.getPlus());
+                                    lsd = Math.min(lsd, vale1.getLSD());
+                                    if (e.getPlus().toString().endsWith("0") || e.getPlus().toString().indexOf("0E") > 0) {
+//                                        lsd += 1;
+                                    }
+                                    SignificantFigures vale2 = new SignificantFigures(e.getMinus());
+                                    lsd = Math.min(lsd, vale2.getLSD());
+                                    if( e.getMinus().toString().endsWith("0") || e.getMinus().toString().indexOf("0E") > 0 ) {
+//                                        lsd += 1;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        int msd = val.getMSD();
+                        if (msd <= 0) msd = 1;
+                        writer.write(Formats.forms(pt2.getValue(), msd, -lsd));
+                        if (pt2.getRelation() == Relation.EQUALS) {
+                            for (PointError e : pt2.getErrors()) {
+                                String stype = e.getSourceType().toShortString();
+                                SignificantFigures vale = null;
+                                if (e.isSymmetric()) {
+                                    vale = new SignificantFigures(e.getPlus());
+                                    writer.writeRaw(" &plusmn;&nbsp;"); // chosen to allow breaks *before* the +- sign only
+                                    if (e.getNormType() == ErrorNorm.PCT) {
+                                        lsd = vale.getLSD();
+                                    }
+                                    msd = vale.getMSD();
+                                    if (msd <= 0) msd = 1;
+                                    writer.write(Formats.forms(e.getPlus(), msd, -lsd));
+                                    writer.write(e.getNormType().toSymbol());
+                                } else {
+                                    vale = new SignificantFigures(e.getPlus());
+                                    writer.write("+");
+                                    if (e.getNormType() == ErrorNorm.PCT) {
+                                        lsd = vale.getLSD();
+                                    }
+                                    msd = vale.getMSD();
+                                    if (msd <= 0) msd = 1;
+                                    writer.write(Formats.forms(e.getPlus(), msd, -lsd));
+                                    writer.write(e.getNormType().toSymbol());
+                                    vale = new SignificantFigures(e.getMinus());
+                                    writer.writeRaw(",-");
+                                    if (e.getNormType() == ErrorNorm.PCT) {
+                                        lsd = vale.getLSD();
+                                    }
+                                    msd = vale.getMSD();
+                                    if (msd <= 0) msd = 1;
+                                    writer.write(Formats.forms(e.getMinus(), msd, -lsd));
+                                    writer.write(e.getNormType().toSymbol());
+                                }
+                                if(!stype.equals("?")) writer.writeRaw("&nbsp;(" + stype + ") ");
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    catch (Exception e) {
+                        writer.writeRaw("&ndash;");
+                    }
+                    writer.end(); //td
+                }
+                writer.end(); //tr
+            }
+        } // end "full format only"
+        writer.end(); //table
+        writer.element("input");
+        writer.attributes("type", "hidden");
+        writer.attributes("name", "string");
+        writer.attributes("value", getSearchString());
+        writer.end();
+    }
+    @Parameter(name="dataset")
+    private Dataset _dataset;
+    public String forms(Double value) {
+        int width = 20;
+        return this.forms(value,width);
+    }
+    public String forms(Double value, int width) {
+        int position = width/2;
+        return this.forms(value,width,position);
+    }
+    public String forms(Double value, int width, int position) {
+        String form = "##############.###############################";
+        DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(form);
+        String sval = "Cannot format this!!";
+        if( value instanceof Double ){
+            sval = myFormatter.format(value);
+        }
+        String sout = " ";
+        for (int i = 1 ; i < width; ++i) {
+            sout = sout.concat(" ");
+        }
+        int lenval = sval.length();
+        int dotpos = sval.indexOf(".");
+        String before = sval;
+        String after = "";
+        if (dotpos >= 0) {
+            before = sval.substring(0, dotpos);
+            after  = sval.substring(dotpos+1, lenval);
+        }
+        int lenbefore = before.length();
+        int lenafter = after.length();
+        int lenout = sout.length();
+        StringBuffer bout = new StringBuffer(sout);
+        int lstart = 1;
+        int l1 = lstart + lenbefore;
+        int l2 = l1;
+        int l3 = l2 + 1;
+        int l4 = l3 + lenafter;
+        bout.replace(lstart, l1,before);
+        bout.replace(l2, l2, ".");
+        bout.replace(l3, l4, after);
+        sout = bout.toString();
+        return sout;
+    }
+    private String getSearchString() {
+        return _reqGlobals.getRequest().getParameter("string");
+    }

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