[HepData-svn] r1527 - review/resource

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 GMT 2012

Author: whalley
Date: Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 2012
New Revision: 1527

latest additions

   review/resource/mathjax-MathJax-v2.0-14-gfc06ebe.zip   (contents, props changed)

Added: review/resource/HEPjax.js
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ review/resource/HEPjax.js	Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 2012	(r1527)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+function findElements(rootElement, className){
+    /** Finds */
+    var res = []
+    var pushed = false;
+    if (rootElement.className){
+	var classes = rootElement.className.split(" ")
+	for (var ind in classes){
+	    if (classes[ind] == className){
+		res.push(rootElement);
+		pushed = true;
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (!pushed){
+    var element = rootElement.firstChild
+	while (element){
+	    res = res.concat(findElements(element, className));
+	    element = element.nextSibling;
+	}
+    }
+    return res;
+function replaceElement(element){
+    /** replace the text inside of the element */
+    return;
+    var prevCont = ""
+    if (element.innerHTML){
+	prevCont = element.innerHTML;
+    }
+    element.innerHTML = "HELLO WORLD from HEPjax \\( \\sum _{n=1} ^\\infty \\frac{1}{n^2} \\) previous content: <div style=\"background-color:red;\">" + prevCont + "</div>" ;
+function replaceHEP(xqClassName, yClassName, dictionaryURL){
+    /**
+       This method replaces all the content of elements having class layerClass with its parsed version
+    */
+    var elementsToReplace = findElements(document, xqClassName);
+    for (indEl in elementsToReplace){
+	replaceElement(elementsToReplace[indEl]);
+    }
+    MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]);

Added: review/resource/dictionary
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ review/resource/dictionary	Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 2012	(r1527)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+    ".LT." : ">",
+    ".GT." : "<",
+    ".GE." : "\\geq",
+    ".LE." : "\\leq",
+    "ELECTRON" : "e",
+    "MU" : "\\mu",
+    "NU" : "\\nu",
+    "MU+" : "\\mu^{+}",
+    "UPSILON" : "\Upsilon",
+    "PT" : "\\textit{p}_T",
+    "CHARGED" : "charged",
+    "PB" : "Pb",
+    "JET": "jet",
+    "X" : "\\textit{X}",
+    "NUCLEON" : "nucleon",
+    "S" : "\\textit{s}",
+    "pct" : "\\%",
+    "PCT" : "\\%",
+    "SIG" : "\\sigma",
+    "sig" : "\\sigma",
+    "DEG" : "^\\circ",
+    "deg" : "^\\circ",
+    "GEV" : "GeV",
+    "PSI" : "\\psi",
+    "LEPTON" : "l",
+    "YRAP": "\\textit{y}"
+ }

Added: review/resource/dictionary.eml
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ review/resource/dictionary.eml	Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 2012	(r1527)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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+From: Piotr Praczyk <piotr.praczyk at cern.ch>
+To: Michael Whalley <m.r.whalley at durham.ac.uk>
+Subject: Qualifier symbols dictionary (initial version)
+Thread-Topic: Qualifier symbols dictionary (initial version)
+Thread-Index: Acz97Esf9q6xHiVuT3GZ0TfKqRvZ8g==
+Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 12:01:00 +0000
+Message-ID: <8C20FB4C5B2CD84EB9AA8033F1A2D7FCC5CD47CA at PLOXCHG04.cern.ch>
+Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
+Content-Language: en-GB
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+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+    ".LT." : ">",
+    ".GT." : "<",
+    ".GE." : "\\geq",
+    ".LE." : "\\leq",
+    "ELECTRON" : "e",
+    "MU" : "\\mu",
+    "NU" : "\\nu",
+    "MU+" : "\\mu^{+}",
+    "UPSILON" : "\Upsilon",
+    "PT" : "\\textit{p}_T",
+    "CHARGED" : "charged",
+    "PB" : "Pb",
+    "JET": "jet",
+    "X" : "\\textit{X}",
+    "NUCLEON" : "nucleon",
+    "S" : "\\textit{s}",
+    "pct" : "\\%",
+    "PCT" : "\\%",
+    "SIG" : "\\sigma",
+    "sig" : "\\sigma",
+    "DEG" : "^\\circ",
+    "deg" : "^\\circ",
+    "GEV" : "GeV",
+    "PSI" : "\\psi",
+    "LEPTON" : "l",
+    "YRAP": "\\textit{y}"
+ }
+Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+<html dir=3D"ltr">
+<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-=
+<style id=3D"owaParaStyle" type=3D"text/css">P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:=
+<body ocsi=3D"0" fpstyle=3D"1">
+<div style=3D"direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: =
+    ".LT." : "&gt;",<br>
+    ".GT." : "&lt;",<br>
+    ".GE." : "\\geq",<br>
+    ".LE." : "\\leq",<br>
+    "ELECTRON" : "e",<br>
+    "MU" : "\\mu",<br>
+    "NU" : "\\nu",<br>
+    "MU+" : "\\mu^{+}",<br>
+    "UPSILON" : "\Upsilon",<br>
+    "PT" : "\\textit{p}_T",<br>
+    "CHARGED" : "charged",<br>
+    "PB" : "Pb",<br>
+    "JET": "jet",<br>
+    "X" : "\\textit{X}",<br>
+    "NUCLEON" : "nucleon",<br>
+    "S" : "\\textit{s}",<br>
+    "pct" : "\\%",<br>
+    "PCT" : "\\%",<br>
+    "SIG" : "\\sigma",<br>
+    "sig" : "\\sigma",<br>
+    "DEG" : "^\\circ",<br>
+    "deg" : "^\\circ",<br>
+    "GEV" : "GeV",<br>
+    "PSI" : "\\psi",<br>
+    "LEPTON" : "l",<br>
+    "YRAP": "\\textit{y}"<br>
+ }<br>

Added: review/resource/example.html
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ review/resource/example.html	Mon Mar 19 10:29:06 2012	(r1527)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/HEPjax.js"></script>
+  <script type="text/javascript"
+  src="http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML">
+<BODY onload="replaceHEP('HEPqualifier', 'nothing');">
+<pre> duoa < \(dsfdfs\) ble </pre>
+Hello math: \(\in(1,2)\)
+<div class="HEPqualifier" style="display:block; width:400px; height: 300px; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color: black;">This is layer containng a HEP data qualifier</div>
+<div class="HEPqualifier" style="display:block; width:400px; height: 300px; border-width:1px; border-style:solid; border-color: black;">This is another HEPData related layer</div>
+</td><td><div>Normal layer (unchanged)</div></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">bleee</td></tr></table>
+\[ \sum _{n=1} ^\infty \frac{1}{n^3} \]

Added: review/resource/mathjax-MathJax-v2.0-14-gfc06ebe.zip
Binary file. No diff available.

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