[HepData-svn] r1791 - trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Apr 29 11:45:57 BST 2014

Author: whalley
Date: Tue Apr 29 11:45:57 2014
New Revision: 1791

modifiying SearchHelp


Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/SearchHelp.tml
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/SearchHelp.tml	Mon Apr 28 17:03:42 2014	(r1790)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/resources/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/SearchHelp.tml	Tue Apr 29 11:45:57 2014	(r1791)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 There are several ways in which data records can be located and displayed in the Reaction Database.
-<li> Standard Search Method </li>
+<li> Standard Search Method</li>
 <li> Form Search Method </li>
 <li> Using a precompiled Data Review </li>
 <li> From the "HepData" link in <a href="http://inspirehep.net/">INSPIRE</a> </li>
@@ -23,11 +23,24 @@
 <b>Standard Search Method</b>
-To use this method enter your query string in the search box.  The query is made up of keyword-value pairs joined with Boolean ANDs.  All searches are case independent.  Help on the values for the different keywords is available from the 'Browse' section.  The available keywords are:
+To use this method enter your query string, comprised of <b>keyword-value</b> pairs, in the search box.  
+All searches are case independent.  
+The 'physics' keywords are <b>reac, obs, sqrts, fsp, beam and target</b> which can be combined together with the boolean <b>AND</b>.
+The 'other' keywords are <b>exp, date, ref, auth </b>and <b>ins</b>. Note that in this catagory the only boolean combinations are date with exp or auth.
+Help on the values for the different keywords is available from the 'Browse' section.  
+<p/>Descriptions of the keywords  are:
-"reac" (or "re") is one of the keywords to use to find data on a specific reaction.  Reactions  are written in the form "a b --> c d ..." where "a" and "b" are notionally called the beam and target particles respectively in the initial state  and "c" and "d" etc. are the final state particles.  Because of the way the search is implemented the result is not dependent of the ordering within the initial and final states.  Help on the particle vocabulary is available in the <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="browse">Browse</a> section.  An example would be "re e+ e- --> j/psi" which would locate all data from E+ E+ interactions with a J/PSI particle in the final state. 
+"reac" (or "re") is one of the keywords to use to find data on a specific reaction.  
+Reactions  are written in the form "a b --> c d ..." where "a" and "b" are notionally called the beam and target 
+particles respectively in the initial state  and "c" and "d" etc. are the final state particles.  
+Because of the way the search is implemented the result is not dependent of the ordering within the final state.
+Note that the search match is exact and the truncation character '%' should be used to specifiy truncated reactions.  
+Help on the particle vocabulary is available in the <a href="#" t:type="pagelink" t:page="browse">Browse</a> section.  
+An example would be "re e+ e- --> j/psi%" which would locate all data from E+ E+ interactions with a J/PSI particle in the final state.
+This could also be written as "beam e+ and target e- and fsp pi+". 
@@ -37,7 +50,9 @@
-the "sqrts" keyword adds <b>minimum</b> centre-of-mass criteria to the search.  The units are GeV.  An example is "re pbar p and sqrts 1800".
+the "sqrts" keyword adds the  centre-of-mass energy criteria to the search.  
+The units are GeV.  An example is "re pbar p% and sqrts 1800".
+Either ">" and "<" can also  be used to specifiy lower and upper bounds to "sqrts"
@@ -55,28 +70,53 @@
 the "targ" keyword allows searching for data with a specific target particle.
 the "exp" (or "cn" or "de") keyword specifies the name of the experiment.  It is a very loose search so only part of a name need be specified.  For example "exp cern" would find all data in the database from CERN experiments while "de ALEPH" would only find data from the ALEPH experiment.
+<br/>The 'exp' keyword can be combined with the 'date' using AND.
-the "date" keyword specifies the year of the publication/preprint.     
+the "date" keyword specifies the year of the publication/preprint. It can be combined with 'exp' and 'auth'.     
 the "ref" keyword specifies the publication or preprint.
+<br/>For example:
+<br/> ref arxiv:1401.7610
+<br/> ref JHEP 1404,031
+<br/> ref PL%  (all Physics Letter entries)
 the "auth" keyword specifies the name of the first author on the publication.
+<br/>The 'auth' keyword can be combined with the 'date' using AND.
+the "ins" keyword is the 'Inspire' record number
-In most of the keywords left and right truncation on the search can be made by using the "%" character at the beginning and end of the value string respectively.  However, when using the "reac" search care needs to be taken since each of the individual particles are treated separately in the query.
+In most of the keywords left and right truncation on the search can be made by using the "%" character 
+at the beginning and end of the value string respectively.  However, when using the "reac" search care 
+needs to be taken since each of the individual particles are treated separately in the query.
+<b>In addtion</b> to searching using the above query keywords, the search can be made using the Inspire query system.  
+In particular searching for a word from the title, any author name on the paper or for a specific Inspire keyword 
+can be useful.  For example:
+<p/> <b>title</b>:Higgs
+<br/> <b>author</b>:smith
+<br/> <b>keyword</b>:diffraction  
+The presence of the ":" in the search sends the query to Inspire which returns matching records in HepData
 <b>Form Search Interface</b>

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