[HepData-svn] r1872 - trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Fri Jun 19 17:09:27 BST 2015

Author: watt
Date: Fri Jun 19 17:09:27 2015
New Revision: 1872

Changes to field names in YAML formatter discussed by Mike and Eamonn


Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YamlFormatter.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YamlFormatter.java	Wed Jun 17 19:35:30 2015	(r1871)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YamlFormatter.java	Fri Jun 19 17:09:27 2015	(r1872)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import cedar.hepdata.db.*;
 import cedar.hepdata.webapp.components.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.text.*;
 import java.io.File;
@@ -18,85 +17,19 @@
 public class YamlFormatter {
     public static String format(Paper p) {
-	    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
+	StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
         String s4="    ";
         String sp="  - ";
         if(p == null) return null;
-// _header contains all the bibliographic type stuff at the beginning
+	// _header contains all the bibliographic type stuff at the beginning
-// here we deal with the extra resource are description/line files
-        String[] descs = { "description1" , "description2" , "description3" , "description4" };
-        String[] links = { "link1" , "link2" , "link3" , "link4" };
-        String[] ids = new String[3];
-        if(p.getSpiresId() != null ) { ids[0]=p.getSpiresId().toString(); } else { ids[0]=""; } 
-        if(p.getInspireId() != null ) { ids[1]=p.getInspireId().toString(); } else { ids[1]=""; } 
-        if(p.getRedId() != null ) { ids[2]=p.getRedId().toString(); } else { ids[2]=""; } 
-        boolean first=true;
-        for (int i=0; i<descs.length; i++){
-            for(int j=0; j<ids.length; j++){
-                String descfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/" + descs[i];
-                String linkfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/" + links[i];
-                File testdesc = new File(descfile);
-                File testlink = new File(linkfile);
-                String desc="";
-                String link="";
-                if(testdesc.exists() && testlink.exists() ){
-                    try {
-                        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(descfile));
-                        desc=in.readLine();	    
-                    } 
-                    catch (IOException e){}
-                    try {
-                        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(linkfile));
-                        link=in.readLine();	    
-                    } 
-                    catch (IOException e){}
-                    if(first){ 
-                        s.append("\n---\n");
-                  //      s.append("# This is Table 0\n");
-                        s.append("name: 'Table 0'\n");
-                        s.append("label: 'Additional resources for the whole record'\n");
-                        s.append("additional_resources:\n");
-                    }
-                    first=false;
-                    s.append(sp+"description : '"+desc+"'\n");
-                    s.append(s4+"link : '"+link+"'\n");
-                } 
-            }
-        }
-// next the insert.html file in the resource area
-       first=true;
-       for (int j=0; j<ids.length; j++){
-           String insertfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/insert.html";
-           File testinsert = new File(insertfile);
-           String insert="";
-           if(testinsert.exists()){
-               if(first) {
-                        s.append("---\n");
-                       // s.append("# This is Table 0\n");
-                        s.append("name: 'Table 0'\n");
-                        s.append("label: 'Additional resources for the whole record'\n");
-                        s.append("additional_resources:\n");
-               }
-               first=false;
-               s.append(sp+"inserthtml: '/resource/"+ids[j]+"/insert.html'\n");
-           }
-       }
-// and now the datasets
+	// and now the datasets
         for (Dataset ds : p.getDatasets()){
@@ -105,17 +38,18 @@
         for (Dataset ds : p.getDatasets()){
-            s.append("---\n"); 
+            s.append("\n---\n"); 
             s.append("# This is Data "+ds.getId()+"\n");
             s.append(_dataYAML(ds));  // dataset information in _data
-// finally finish off (at present does nothing!
+	// finally finish off (at present does nothing!
-// then  write it all out.
+	// then  write it all out.
         return s.toString();
     public static String _getTimestamp(){
         DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
@@ -128,30 +62,22 @@
         String s4="    ";
         String sp="  - ";
         StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
-        if(p.getRedId()!=null) { s.append("durham: "+p.getRedId()+"\n"); }
+	s.append("record_ids: # optional\n");
+	if(p.getInspireId()!=null) { s.append(sp+"{type: inspire, id: "+p.getInspireId()+"}\n"); }
+        if(p.getRedId()!=null) { s.append(sp+"{type: red, id: "+p.getRedId()+"}\n"); }
         s.append("dateupdated: '"+p.getDateUpdated()+"'\n");
-        if(p.getReferences().size()>0){
-            s.append("references: # additional references (e.g. experiment TWiki page for analysis)\n");
-            for (Reference r : p.getReferences()){
-                if(r.getDescription().startsWith("http")){
-                    s.append(sp+"'"+r.getDescription());
-                    s.append("'\n");
-                }
-            }
-            if(p.getHaveRivet()) s.append(sp+"'http://rivet.hepforge.org/analyses#"+p.getRivetName()+"'\n");
-        }
             s.append("modifications: # what, by whom and when encoded or changed\n");
 	    int mcount=0;
             for (Modification m : p.getModifications()){
 		if (m.getAction()!=null) {
-		    s.append(sp+"{ action: '"+m.getAction()+"'");
+		    s.append(sp+"{action: '"+m.getAction()+"'");
 		} else {
-		    if (mcount==1) { s.append(sp+"{ action: 'Encoded'"); }
-		    else { s.append(sp+"{ action: 'Modified'"); }
+		    if (mcount==1) { s.append(sp+"{action: 'Encoded'"); }
+		    else { s.append(sp+"{action: 'Modified'"); }
-		s.append(", date: '"+m.getComment()+"', who: '"+m.getModifier()+"' }\n");
+		s.append(", date: '"+m.getComment()+"', who: '"+m.getModifier()+"'}\n");
@@ -168,14 +94,70 @@
+	s.append("\nadditional_resources:\n");
+        if(p.getReferences().size()>0){
+            for (Reference r : p.getReferences()){
+                if(r.getDescription().startsWith("http")){
+                    s.append(sp+"{location: '"+r.getDescription()+"', description: \"experiment TWiki page for analysis\"}\n");
+                }
+            }
+            if (p.getHaveRivet()) { s.append(sp+"{location: 'http://rivet.hepforge.org/analyses#"+p.getRivetName()+"', description: \"Rivet analysis\"}\n"); }
+        }
+	// here we deal with the extra resource are description/line files
+        String[] descs = { "description1" , "description2" , "description3" , "description4" };
+        String[] links = { "link1" , "link2" , "link3" , "link4" };
+        String[] ids = new String[3];
+        if(p.getSpiresId() != null ) { ids[0]=p.getSpiresId().toString(); } else { ids[0]=""; } 
+        if(p.getInspireId() != null ) { ids[1]=p.getInspireId().toString(); } else { ids[1]=""; } 
+        if(p.getRedId() != null ) { ids[2]=p.getRedId().toString(); } else { ids[2]=""; } 
+        for (int i=0; i<descs.length; i++){
+            for(int j=0; j<ids.length; j++){
+                String descfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/" + descs[i];
+                String linkfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/" + links[i];
+                File testdesc = new File(descfile);
+                File testlink = new File(linkfile);
+                String desc="";
+                String link="";
+                if(testdesc.exists() && testlink.exists() ){
+                    try {
+                        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(descfile));
+                        desc=in.readLine();	    
+                    } 
+                    catch (IOException e){}
+                    try {
+                        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(linkfile));
+                        link="http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk"+in.readLine();	    
+                    } 
+                    catch (IOException e){}
+		    s.append(sp+"{location: '"+link+"', description: '"+desc+"'\n");
+                } 
+            }
+        }
+	// next the insert.html file in the resource area
+	for (int j=0; j<ids.length; j++){
+	    String insertfile = "/home/hepdata/resource/" +ids[j] + "/insert.html";
+	    File testinsert = new File(insertfile);
+	    String insert="";
+	    if(testinsert.exists()){
+		s.append(sp+"{location: 'http://hepdata.cedar.ac.uk/resource/"+ids[j]+"/insert.html', description: \"insert.html\"\n");
+	    }
+	}
         return s.toString();
     public static String _footerYAML() {
         StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
         return s.toString();
     public static String _metadataYAML(Dataset ds){  
         String s4="    ";
         String sp="  - ";
@@ -189,7 +171,7 @@
         for (String ct : ds.getComments()){
             if(ct.startsWith("Location:")) { 
                 location = ct.replaceFirst("Location:","");
-            //    s.append("label: "+ct.replaceFirst("Location:","Data from")+" from: "+p.getTitle()+"\n"); 
+		//    s.append("label: "+ct.replaceFirst("Location:","Data from")+" from: "+p.getTitle()+"\n"); 
                 s.append("label: '"+ct.replaceFirst("Location:","Data from")+"'\n"); 
@@ -209,34 +191,34 @@
         if(ds.getDsReactions().size() > 0) {
-            s.append(sp+"{ name: reactions, values: [");
+            s.append(sp+"{name: reactions, values: [");
             int nr=0;
             for (String dsreac : ds.getDsReactions()){
-                if(++nr==ds.getDsReactions().size()){s.append("] }\n"); } 
+                if(++nr==ds.getDsReactions().size()){s.append("]}\n"); } 
                 else {s.append(", ");}  
         if(ds.getDsObservables().size() > 0) {
-            s.append(sp+"{ name: observables, values: [");
+            s.append(sp+"{name: observables, values: [");
             int no=0;
             for (String dsobs : ds.getDsObservables()){
-                if(++no==ds.getDsObservables().size()){s.append("] }\n"); } 
+                if(++no==ds.getDsObservables().size()){s.append("]}\n"); } 
                 else {s.append(", ");}  
-           }
-       }
+	    }
+	}
         if(ds.getDsPlabs().size() > 0) {
-            s.append(sp+"{ name: plabs, values: [");
+            s.append(sp+"{name: plabs, values: [");
             int np=0;
             for (String dsplab : ds.getDsPlabs()){
-                if(++np==ds.getDsPlabs().size()){s.append("] }\n"); } 
+                if(++np==ds.getDsPlabs().size()){s.append("]}\n"); } 
                 else {s.append(", ");}  
         Double ecmlow=99999.0;
         Double ecmhigh=-99999.0; 
         boolean haveecm=false;
@@ -256,7 +238,7 @@
                         if(prop.getHighValue()>ecmhigh)  ecmhigh=prop.getHighValue();
-                 }
+		}
@@ -282,14 +264,15 @@
-            s.append(sp+"{ name: cmenergies, values: [" + ecmlow);
+            s.append(sp+"{name: cmenergies, values: [" + ecmlow);
             if(!ecmlow.equals(ecmhigh)) s.append("-"+ecmhigh);
-            s.append("] }\n");
+            s.append("]}\n");
         return s.toString();
     public static String _dataYAML(Dataset ds){  
         String s4="    ";
         String sp="  - ";
@@ -299,7 +282,7 @@
         String location = "";
         Paper p = ds.getPaper();
-        s.append("xaxes:\n");
+        s.append("independent_variables:\n");
         for (XAxis xax : ds.getXAxes()){
             String name=xax.getHeader();
             String unit="";
@@ -310,14 +293,14 @@
             s.append(sp+"header: {name: '"+name+"'");
             if(!unit.equals("")){ s.append(", units: '"+unit+"'"); }
-            s.append(s4+"bins:\n");
+            s.append(s4+"values:\n");
             for (Bin bin : xax.getBins()){
                 boolean first=true;
-       //         if(bin.getId() != null ) { 
-       //             s.append("id: "+bin.getId()); 
-       //             first=false; 
-       //         }
+		//         if(bin.getId() != null ) { 
+		//             s.append("id: "+bin.getId()); 
+		//             first=false; 
+		//         }
                 boolean asymmfocus = false;
                 if (bin.getLowValue() != null && bin.getHighValue() != null && bin.getFocus() != null) {
@@ -337,21 +320,21 @@
                         if(bin.getFocusLength()!=null) { 
                             s.append("value: "+forms(bin.getFocus(),bin.getFocusLength())); 
                         } else {
-                             s.append("value: "+bin.getFocus()); 
+			    s.append("value: "+bin.getFocus()); 
-                       first=false; 
+			first=false; 
-               }
-               if(bin.getLowValue() != null && haswidth ) { 
+		}
+		if(bin.getLowValue() != null && haswidth ) { 
                     if(!first) { s.append(", "); } 
-                     if(bin.getLowValueLength()!=null) { 
+		    if(bin.getLowValueLength()!=null) { 
                         s.append("low: "+forms(bin.getLowValue(),bin.getLowValueLength())); 
                     } else {
                         s.append("low: "+bin.getLowValue()); 
-               if(bin.getHighValue() != null && haswidth ) { 
+		if(bin.getHighValue() != null && haswidth ) { 
                     if(!first) {s.append(", "); } 
                     if(bin.getHighValueLength()!=null) { 
                         s.append("high: "+forms(bin.getHighValue(),bin.getHighValueLength())); 
@@ -378,7 +361,7 @@
-        s.append("yaxes:\n");
+        s.append("dependent_variables:\n");
         int npoints=ds.getNumPoints();
@@ -421,8 +404,8 @@
                 if (prop.getUnit().toString().equals("") || !prop.getUnit().isDimensionless()) {
-                   s.append(", units: '");
-                   s.append(prop.getUnit().toString()+"'");
+		    s.append(", units: '");
+		    s.append(prop.getUnit().toString()+"'");
@@ -456,46 +439,47 @@
-            s.append(s4+"points:\n");
+            s.append(s4+"values:\n");
             for (int ip=1; ip<npoints+1; ip++){
                 Point point = yax.getPoint(ip);
-                 //   s.append(s4+sp+"id: "+ip+"\n");
-                 //   s.append(s4+s4+"value: '-'\n");
+		    //   s.append(s4+sp+"id: "+ip+"\n");
+		    //   s.append(s4+s4+"value: '-'\n");
                     s.append(s4+sp+"value: '-'\n");
-                //    s.append(s4+sp+"id: "+point.getId()+"\n");
-                //    s.append(s4+s4+"value: ");
+		    //    s.append(s4+sp+"id: "+point.getId()+"\n");
+		    //    s.append(s4+s4+"value: ");
                     s.append(s4+sp+"value: ");
                     if(point.getRelation() != Relation.EQUALS){
-//                    s.append(point.getValue()+" "+point.getValueLength()+"\n");
-                     s.append(point.getValue()+"\n");
-                   if(point.getErrors().size()>0){
+		    //                    s.append(point.getValue()+" "+point.getValueLength()+"\n");
+		    s.append(point.getValue()+"\n");
+		    if(point.getErrors().size()>0){
                         for(Uncertainty error : point.getErrors()){
-                           s.append(_formatError(error,"point"));
-                       }
+			    s.append(_formatError(error,"point"));
+			}
                         for(Uncertainty error : yax.getErrors()){
-                           if(error.getPlus()!=0.0) s.append(_formatError(error,"axis"));
-                       }
-                   }
-                   if(ds.getErrors().size()>0){
+			    if(error.getPlus()!=0.0) s.append(_formatError(error,"axis"));
+			}
+		    }
+		    if(ds.getErrors().size()>0){
                         for(Uncertainty error : ds.getErrors()){
-                           if(error.getPlus()!=0.0) s.append(_formatError(error,"dataset"));
-                       }
-                   }
+			    if(error.getPlus()!=0.0) s.append(_formatError(error,"dataset"));
+			}
+		    }
         return s.toString();
     public static String _formatError(Uncertainty error, String which) {
         String s4="    ";
         String sp="  - ";
@@ -506,38 +490,41 @@
             s.append(s4+s4+sp+"{symerror: "); 
             if(error.getNormType()==ErrorNorm.PCT){  s.append("%"); }
-         }
-         else{
-             s.append(s4+s4+sp+"{asymerror: ");
-             s.append("{plus: "+error.getPlus());
-             if(error.getNormType()==ErrorNorm.PCT){  s.append("%"); }
-             s.append(", minus: "+error.getMinus());
-             if(error.getNormType()==ErrorNorm.PCT){  s.append("%"); }
-             s.append("}");
-         }
-         if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.STAT) s.append(", label: 'stat");
-         else if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.SYS) s.append(", label: 'sys");
-         else if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.TOTAL) s.append(", label: 'total");
-	 if (error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.STAT || error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.SYS || error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.TOTAL) {
-	     if(!error.getComment().equals("")) s.append(","+error.getComment());
-	     s.append("'");
-	 }
-         s.append("}\n");
-         return s.toString();
-   }
+	}
+	else{
+	    s.append(s4+s4+sp+"{asymerror: ");
+	    s.append("{plus: "+error.getPlus());
+	    if(error.getNormType()==ErrorNorm.PCT){  s.append("%"); }
+	    s.append(", minus: "+error.getMinus());
+	    if(error.getNormType()==ErrorNorm.PCT){  s.append("%"); }
+	    s.append("}");
+	}
+	if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.STAT) s.append(", label: 'stat");
+	else if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.SYS) s.append(", label: 'sys");
+	else if(error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.TOTAL) s.append(", label: 'total");
+	if (error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.STAT || error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.SYS || error.getSourceType()==ErrorSource.TOTAL) {
+	    if(!error.getComment().equals("")) s.append(","+error.getComment());
+	    s.append("'");
+	}
+	s.append("}\n");
+	return s.toString();
+    }
-   public static String forms(Double value, int after) {
+    public static String forms(Double value, int after) {
-       String form = "0.";
-       for(int i=0;  i<after; ++i){
-           form=form.concat("0");
-       }
-       DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(form);
-           String sval = "Cannot format this";
-           if(value instanceof Double) {
-               sval = myFormatter.format(value);
-           }    
-           if(sval.endsWith(".")) { sval=sval.substring(0,sval.length()-1); }
-           return sval;
-   }
+	String form = "0.";
+	for(int i=0;  i<after; ++i){
+	    form=form.concat("0");
+	}
+	DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(form);
+	String sval = "Cannot format this";
+	if(value instanceof Double) {
+	    sval = myFormatter.format(value);
+	}    
+	if(sval.endsWith(".")) { sval=sval.substring(0,sval.length()-1); }
+	return sval;
+    }

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