[HepData-svn] r1859 - in trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata: formats webapp/pages

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue May 5 19:07:41 BST 2015

Author: watt
Date: Tue May  5 19:07:41 2015
New Revision: 1859

Added variant of YODA formatter with only statistical uncertainties


Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YodaFormatter.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YodaFormatter.java	Tue Apr 28 15:37:46 2015	(r1858)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YodaFormatter.java	Tue May  5 19:07:41 2015	(r1859)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
                             Bin b = x.getBin(r);
                             Point p = y.getPoint(r);
                             if (b != null && p != null) {
-                                 Double focus = b.getFocus();
+                                Double focus = b.getFocus();
                                 row.setAttribute("focus", focus);
                                 Double dplus = b.getDPlus();
                                 row.setAttribute("dplus", dplus);

Added: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YodaStatFormatter.java
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/formats/YodaStatFormatter.java	Tue May  5 19:07:41 2015	(r1859)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+package cedar.hepdata.formats;
+import cedar.hepdata.model.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.util.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.xml.*;
+import cedar.hepdata.db.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.antlr.stringtemplate.*;
+public class YodaStatFormatter {
+    static public String _padId(Integer id) {
+        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
+        if (id < 10) s.append(0);
+        s.append(id);
+        return s.toString();
+    }
+    public static String format(Paper p,String stype) {
+        if (p == null) return null;
+        return format(p.getDatasets(),stype);
+    }
+    public static String format(Collection<Dataset> ds,String stype) {
+        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
+        for (Dataset d : ds) {
+            String dstr = YodaStatFormatter.format(d,stype);
+            if (dstr != null) s.append(dstr);
+        }
+        return s.toString();
+    }
+    public static String format(Dataset d,String stype) {
+        String asYODAstat = null;
+        try {
+            if (d != null) {
+                StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
+                Paper pp = d.getPaper();
+                String expts = "";
+                for (Experiment e : pp.getExperiments()){
+                    expts += e.getInformalName().toUpperCase() + "_";
+                }
+                if (expts.length() == 0) expts = "EXPT_";
+                String year = "XXXX";
+                for (Reference ref : pp.getReferences()) {
+                    year = ref.getDate();
+                    if (ref.getType().equals("JOUR")) break;
+                }
+                StringTemplate t_pname = new StringTemplate("$expts$$year$_$inspireId$");
+                t_pname.setAttribute("expts", expts);
+                t_pname.setAttribute("year", year);
+                if(stype.equals("i")) { t_pname.setAttribute("inspireId", "I"+d.getPaper().getInspireId()); } 
+                else if (stype.equals("s")) { t_pname.setAttribute("inspireId", "S"+d.getPaper().getSpiresId()); }
+                else { t_pname.setAttribute("inspireId", "0000000"); }
+                String pname = t_pname.toString();
+                for (XAxis x : d.getXAxes()) {
+                    for (YAxis y : d.getYAxes()) {
+                        StringTemplate path = new StringTemplate("/REF/"+pname+"/d$did$-x$xid$-y$yid$");
+                        path.setAttribute("paperid", d.getPaper().getId());
+                        path.setAttribute("did", _padId(d.getId()));
+                        path.setAttribute("xid", _padId(x.getId()));
+                        path.setAttribute("yid", _padId(y.getId()));
+                        s.append("# BEGIN YODA_SCATTER2D "  + path.toString() + "\n");
+                        s.append("Path="  + path.toString() + "\n");
+                        s.append("Type=Scatter2D\n");
+                        s.append("# xval   xerr-   xerr+   yval   yerr-   yerr+\n");
+                        for (int r = 1; r <= d.getMaxPointId(); ++r) {
+                            StringTemplate row = new StringTemplate("$focus$\t$dminus$\t$dplus$\t$xlow$\t$xhigh$\t$yval$\t$yerrminus$\t$yerrplus$");
+                            Bin b = x.getBin(r);
+                            Point p = y.getPoint(r);
+                            if (b != null && p != null) {
+				Double focus = b.getFocus();
+                                row.setAttribute("focus", focus);
+                                Double dplus = b.getDPlus();
+                                row.setAttribute("dplus", dplus);
+                                Double dminus = b.getDMinus();
+                                row.setAttribute("dminus", dminus);
+                                Double yval = p.getValue();
+				String ydesc = p.getDescription();
+				if (ydesc != null) {
+				    row.setAttribute("yval", p.getDescription());
+				}
+				else {
+				    row.setAttribute("yval", p.getValue());
+				}
+                                //Double yerrminus = p.getQuadCombinedMinusError();
+				Double yerrminus = p.getStatMinusError();
+                                row.setAttribute("yerrminus", yerrminus);
+                                //Double yerrplus = p.getQuadCombinedPlusError();
+				Double yerrplus = p.getStatPlusError();
+                                row.setAttribute("yerrplus", yerrplus);
+                            }
+                            s.append(row.toString() + "\n");
+                        }
+                        s.append("# END YODA_SCATTER2D " + "\n\n\n");
+                    }
+                }
+                asYODAstat = s.toString();
+            }
+        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
+            asYODAstat = "# Can't render this plot, due to missing/incompatible information\n\n";
+        }
+        return asYODAstat;
+    }

Modified: trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.java
--- trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.java	Tue Apr 28 15:37:46 2015	(r1858)
+++ trunk/hepdata-webapp/src/main/java/cedar/hepdata/webapp/pages/View.java	Tue May  5 19:07:41 2015	(r1859)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         // Handle pattern parsing separately
-        Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("\\A" + "(short|long|full|plain.txt|yoda|aida|pyroot.py|root|mpl|bdms|hepml|scavis.py|input|marcxml|json|yaml)" + "\\Z",
+        Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("\\A" + "(short|long|full|plain.txt|yoda|yodastat|aida|pyroot.py|root|mpl|bdms|hepml|scavis.py|input|marcxml|json|yaml)" + "\\Z",
         Pattern patt2 = Pattern.compile("\\A" + "(irn\\d+)" + "\\Z",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
         String stype = "i";
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
             if (fmt.equals("aida")) return asAIDA(stype);
             if (fmt.equals("pyroot.py")) return asPyROOT();
             if (fmt.equals("yoda")) return asYODA(stype);
+	    if (fmt.equals("yodastat")) return asYODAstat(stype);
             if (fmt.equals("root")) return asROOT();
             if (fmt.equals("mpl")) return asMatplotlib();
             //if (fmt.equals("gnuplot")) return asPlain();
@@ -209,6 +210,19 @@
+    public Object getYodaStatContext() {
+        return formatContext("yodastat");
+    }
+    public StreamResponse asYODAstat(String stype) {
+        Set<Dataset> ds = getDatasets();
+        String asYODAstat = YodaStatFormatter.format(ds,stype);
+        if (asYODAstat == null) {
+            asYODAstat = "No valid paper and dataset specified";
+        }
+        return new TextStreamResponse("text/plain", asYODAstat);
+    }
     public Object getAidaContext() {
         return formatContext("aida");

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