[HepMCVisual] Feature requests

Sebastian Böser sboeser at ifh.de
Thu Sep 27 16:34:53 BST 2007

Some feature requests from the ARTEMIS meeting:

- Include "test" in automake setup
- Remove compilation warnings
- Show a demo analysis (QuickTime movie on web-page?)
- Test C++ based genrators (Herwig++,...)

Some thoughts on the installation:

if athena -> use athena + genreflex
else: if ROOT >= 5.17 and HepMC > 2.00.04 use rootcint
         else require gccxml 0.7.0 ( needs cmake )

or always require gccxml (but we got some errors from that...)
  and provide "noreflex" flag


     \|/     Sebastian Böser
    /  ~~
    @--OO    DESY Zeuthen
    \   ?    Platanenalle 6
     \  v    15738 Zeuthen
      ||     Tel.: 033762 / 77291
             sboeser at ifh.de

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