[Herwig-announce] Herwig++ 2.1 releasedDavid Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukTue Nov 20 18:06:49 GMT 2007
Dear users and potential users of Herwig++, A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.1) is now available. This version includes a number of significant improvements including: an eikonal multiple parton-parton scattering model of the underlying event; the inclusion of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics including the CP-conserving Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the minimal Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) model and the Randall-Sundrum model; and a new model of meson and tau decays which has been tuned to LEP and B-factory data. In addition a number of other changes, such as the inclusion of intrinsic transverse momentum in hadron collisions, have been made and a number of bugs have been fixed. The default parameters of the parton shower and hadronization models are now the results of a preliminary tune to LEP and SLC data. This version of the program is now fully ready for the simulation of events in hadron-hadron collisions. More details of the new features, bug fixes and more technical aspects can be found in the release note to appear on hep-ph tomorrow. A more detailed user manual is currently in preparation. The new program, together with other useful files and information, can be obtained from http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/ In order to improve our response to user queries all problems and requests for user support should be reported via the bug tracker on our wiki. Requests for an account to submit tickets and modify the wiki should be sent to herwig at projects.hepforge.org All the features needed for realistic studies for hadron-hadron collisions are now present and we look forward to feedback and input from users, especially from the Tevatron and LHC experiments. Herwig++ is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 and the MCnet guidelines for the distribution and usage of event generator software in an academic setting, which are distributed together with the source, and can also be obtained from http://www.montecarlonet.org/index.php?p=Publications/Guidelines M.Baehr, S.Gieseke, M.Gigg, D.Grellscheid, K.Hamilton, O.Latunde-Dada, S.Plaetzer, P.Richardson, M.H.Seymour, A.Sherstnev and B.R.Webber. Cambridge, CERN, Durham, Louvain, Karlsruhe and Manchester, November 20th 2007.
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