[Herwig-announce] Herwig++ 2.4.2 and ThePEG 1.6.1 have been releasedDavid Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.ukFri Dec 11 13:51:26 GMT 2009
Dear Herwig++ and ThePEG users, we would like to announce the release of ThePEG 1.6.1 together with Herwig++ 2.4.2. This release addresses several bug reports and makes improvements to numerical stability and running time. The main improvements are: * Fixes to the numerical stability of tau decays which should address many of the momentum violation problems that have been reported. * The longitudinal boost to the QED radiation in hadron collisions is now included correctly. * Several improvements to numerical stability of decayers and QED radiation. * A speed increase of a few percent for typical runs, from improved handling of decay chain boosts. * A fix for the gluino -> gluon neutralino ME. * A fix for the misplaced K0 -> K_L/K_S vertex. * The example input files for Powheg processes now set the NLO alpha_S correctly. * Build fixes for OS X Snow Leopard. Please read both the 'NEWS' files for the detailed list of changes. You can find the downloads at http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/versions For any questions, please contact herwig at projects.hepforge.org With best regards, The Herwig++ and ThePEG authors -- MCnet offers 3-6 month fully funded studentships for current PhD students to work on a short project involving Monte Carlo event generators. See montecarlonet.org for more information!
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