[Herwig-announce] Herwig 7.0.2 and ThePEG 2.0.2

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Sat Apr 30 13:15:44 BST 2016

Dear users of Herwig and ThePEG,

we're happy to announce a new incremental release in the Herwig 7 
series, Herwig 7.0.2, with the matching release of ThePEG 2.0.2.

The latest version of the bootstrap script at


will update ThePEG and Herwig in an existing bootstrap installation.

As always, contact <herwig at projects.hepforge.org> with any questions or 
comments, or use our newly re-opened bug tracker at


with user name "new" and password "ticket". Don't forget your email 
address in the CC field!

With best regards,

   The Herwig developers

List of changes

* ThePEG-2.0.2 release: 2016-04-27

** LesHouches reader
    Fixed cross-section issue for LH event files using weight scheme 3

* Herwig 7.0.2 release: 2016-04-29

** Event reweighting
   New option of calculating the weights for the effect of varying the 
scale used in both the default and dipole showers. This will be 
described in a forthcoming publication.

** mergegrids mode
   A main mode for the Herwig executable has been added which merges the 
integration grids from parallel runs.

** NLO Diphoton production
   The NLO matrix elements in the POWHEG approach for diphoton 
production as described in JHEP 1202 (2012) 130, arXiv:1106.3939 have 
been included as MEPP2GammaGammaPowheg.

** BSM Hard process constructor
   A missing Feynman diagram with a t-channel vector boson has been 
added to the matrix element for vv2ss

** BSM Decay Modes calculation
   The behaviour of the option to disable decay modes in BSM Models has 
been changed so that the partial width for the ignored modes is now 
calculated and included in the total width, but the branching ratio is 
set to zero. This is more physical than the previous option where the 
mode was totally ignored and hence not included in the calculation of 
the width.

** Mass Generation
   The behaviour of the GenericMassGenerator has been changed so that 
modes which have been disabled are only included in the calculation of 
the total width and not in the partial width used in the numerator of 
the weight used to select the off-shell mass.

** Boost detection
   Boost could not detect the compiler version for gcc-5.3 and gcc-6.1

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