[Herwig-announce] Herwig 7.0.4 and ThePEG 2.0.4

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Wed Nov 2 13:44:16 GMT 2016

Dear users of Herwig and ThePEG,

we're happy to announce a new incremental release in the Herwig 7
series, Herwig 7.0.4, with the matching release of ThePEG 2.0.4.

The latest version of the bootstrap script at


will update ThePEG and Herwig in an existing bootstrap installation.

As always, contact <herwig at projects.hepforge.org> with any questions or
comments, or use our newly re-opened bug tracker at


with user name "new" and password "ticket". Don't forget your email
address in the CC field!

With best regards,

    The Herwig developers

List of changes

* ThePEG-2.0.4 release: 2016-10-25

** Default weight explicitly labelled
   The nominal event weight is now labelled "Default" and is always the
   first weight to be inserted into HepMC.
   (Note that HepMC 2.06.09 may not preserve this ordering.)

** LesHouches event weights handling
   There are now two options for the treatment of optional weights
   coming in from a Les Houches file, available through
   "LesHouchesEventHandler:WeightNormalization". Either they are
   normalized to the "Default" weight ("Normalized"), or they are given
   as cross-sections in pb ("CrossSection"). The default behaviour
   is "Normalized".

** JetFinder in Cuts objects writes information
   The selected JetFinder is explicitly listed in the debug output

* Herwig 7.0.4 release: 2016-10-24

** API
   The high level API is now properly available as a library,
   providing an alternative to the Herwig main program.

** Dipole shower
   Added nloops() function to the AlphaS classes to return the number
   of loops in the running coupling

** Matchbox
   Improved error handling and clearer messages

** BSM models
   Initialize W mass correctly from SLHA file. Improved reading in of
   decay modes if they already exist.

** Sampling
   Introduced option to reduce reference weight in AlmostUnweighted
   mode by Kappa factor. Useful for processes where full unweighting is

** Qtilde shower
   Better control of scale in splitting functions using the
   SplittingFunction:ScaleChoice interface.

** Tests
   New NLO fixed-order input files for testing Matchbox in

** Input files
   Set diagonal CKM options consistently. Added TauTauHVertex and
   MuMuHVertex to MatchboxDefaults.

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