[Herwig-announce] Herwig 7.1.2 and ThePEG 2.1.2

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Sun Nov 5 11:45:13 GMT 2017

Dear users of Herwig and ThePEG,

we're happy to announce a new incremental release in the Herwig 7
series, Herwig 7.1.2, with the matching release of ThePEG 2.1.2.

The latest version of the bootstrap script at


will update ThePEG and Herwig in an existing bootstrap installation.

As always, contact <herwig at projects.hepforge.org> with any questions or
comments, or use our newly re-opened bug tracker at


with user name "new" and password "ticket". Don't forget your email
address in the CC field!

With best regards,

    The Herwig developers

List of changes

* ThePEG-2.1.2 release: 2017-11-01

** Allow LHAPDF6 interface to return photon pdf.

** Sign fix in GeneralVVSVertex

** Fix multiple weight reading from LHE files

** Preparations for Rivet 3

* Herwig 7.1.2 release: 2017-11-01

** Reduction of the default pt cut for QED radiation off leptons.

** Inputfile changes due to new read mode in ThePEG.
   ThePEG remains in current repo dir when reading input-file/snippet.

** Fix for shower scale variations in qtilde shower.

** All standard input files now use the tuned intrinsic pt.

** Remove obsolete input files for various tunes.

** Fix for Madgraph interface for NLO corrections with recent version.

** Run file size reduction for processes using madgraph/openloops.

** Fix in jacobian for massive dipole kinematics.

** General improvements for UFO model handling.

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