[Herwig-announce] Herwig 7.2.1 and ThePEG 2.2.1

RICHARDSON, PETER peter.richardson at durham.ac.uk
Sat Apr 11 14:37:17 BST 2020

Dear users of Herwig and ThePEG,

We're happy to announce a new incremental release in the Herwig 7
series, Herwig 7.2.1, with the matching release of ThePEG 2.2.1.

The latest version of the bootstrap script at


will update ThePEG and Herwig in an existing bootstrap installation.

In addition for the LHC experiments a updated version of the 7.1 series, Herwig 7.1.7, with the matching release of ThePEG 2.1.7, is available containing this fix.

As always, contact <herwig at projects.hepforge.org> with any questions or

With best regards,

    The Herwig developers

List of changes

* Herwig 7.2.1 release: 2020-04-10

** Fix for tau lifetime in the dipole shower

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