[Laura-announce] New version (v1r1p1) of Laura++ package releasedlaura at projects.hepforge.org laura at projects.hepforge.orgFri Nov 22 16:37:50 GMT 2013
Dear Laura++ users, We have just released a patch version (v1r1p1) of the Laura++ package. This version makes the following changes with respect to v1r1: - Fix a bug in LauCPFitModel::getEvtExtraLikelihoods where the q = -1 extra PDFs were being used to calculate the likelihood regardless of the event charge. https://laura.hepforge.org/trac/ticket/5 The new version can be downloaded from the download page: http://www.hepforge.org/downloads/laura or checked out from svn. The doxygen documentation is available on the webpage: http://laura.hepforge.org/doc/doxygen/v1r1p1/ Many thanks, The Laura++ Developers
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