[LHAPDF-announce] LHAPDF V5.4.0 now released

m.r.whalley at durham.ac.uk m.r.whalley at durham.ac.uk
Fri May 23 17:01:14 BST 2008

Dear LHAPDF user,

This is to inform you that version  - 5.4.0 - of LHAPDF is now
officially released.

The major changes from the previous version (5.3.1) are:

* New PDF sets included:

		cteq66.LHgrid  - cteq 6.6 fit with error sets (1+44)
		cteq66c.LHgrid - cteq 6.6 intrinsic charm sets (4)
		cteq66a.LHgrid - cteq 6.6 alternate alphas sets (4)

		MRST2007lomod.LHgrid - PDFs for LO generators (1)
		MRSTMCal.LHgrid - LO MC fit - alphas KT^2 (1)

	* New Nuclear PDF formula EPS08 available as an alternate to
	  the older EKS98.

         * Various bug fixes from patches to 5.3.1

	* Improved handling of error reporting through

	* Deprecated class-based C++ wrapper and provided replacement
           version based on global functions in a new "LHAPDF" namespace.
The new interface is declared in LHAPDF.h and also provides a
greater subset of the Fortran configuration functions and more
efficient versions of the xfx functions which bypass the
copying in and out of STL vectors.

The on-line manual on our website contains more details of many of these
changes and particularly of the C++ methods in the wrapper code.

The standard installation procedure remains as:

configure --prefix=/where/you/want/to/install
make install

and there are several example programs for both the fortran and c++
wrapper in the /examples directory.

If you want to be sure you have all the latest features, I encourage you
download the official release from our web site :

I hope you find this useful, and please contact me if you find any problems.

Best regards,
Mike Whalley

Durham University, UK

M.R.Whalley at durham.ac.uk

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