[LHAPDF-announce] LHAPDF V5.6.0 released

Mike Whalley M.R.Whalley at durham.ac.uk
Thu Oct 23 16:18:12 BST 2008

Dear LHAPDF user,

The is to inform you that we have today officially released the long
awaited new version 5.6.0 of lhapdf.  This can be downloaded as usual
from our website:


or directly at:



This release contains 3 new PDF sets HERAPDF01, GJR08 and NNPDF01

It also has several bug fixes and improvements since the last release,
including more -lite code to reduce the low-memory configuration option
(--enable-low-memory) a little more.  These can be viewed in the
ChangeLog on the lhapadf web site:

This is a combined ZEUS and H1 fit and comes in two different sets:

HERAPDF01.LHpdf is the central+22 error sets for experimental uncertainties.

HERAPDF01.LHgrid is the central+14 sets resulting from changing various
fit parameters.

These are the dynamical PDF sets from Gluck, Jimenez-Delgado and Reya
There are four PDF sets all which contain the central value and 26 error

GJR08lo.LHgrid - LO sets for Variable Flavour(VF) and Fixed Flavour(FF).

GJR08FFnloE.LHgrid - NLO(MSbar) sets for FF

GJR08VFnloE.LHgrid - NLO(MSbar) sets for VF

GJR08FFdis.LHgrid - NLO(DIS) sets for FF

Monte Carlo PDF sets based on a Neutral Network approach
There are four different sets:

NNPDF01_100.LHpdf - exact evolution sets (100 members)
NNPDF01_1000.LHpdf - exact evolution sets (1000 members)

NNPDF01_100.LHgrid - interpolation grid sets (100 members)
NNPDF01_1000.LHgrid - interpolation sets (1000 members)

Beware: the NNPDF01_xxx.LHpdf exact evolution sets run extremely slowly
and are not suitable for use in MC programmes which should use the
.LHgrid sets. They were used to produce the interpolation grid sets.

Note also that the NNPDF01_1000.LHgrid is not distributed in the
download tarball because of its size.  It is available separately from
the LHAPDF website at http://projects.hepforge.org/lhapdf/extras


Any problems, as usual send them to lhapdf at projects.hepforge.org

Best regards,

Mike Whalley and Andy Buckley

Durham University, UK

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