[LHAPDF-announce] LHAPDF 6.0.5 released!

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Dec 20 15:59:24 GMT 2013

Hi everyone,

At the last moment of the working year, we have a little pre-Christmas
present: a new version of LHAPDF6 :-)

Version 6.0.5 is now available to download from
http://lhapdf.hepforge.org/  There are many tweaks and improvements, but
the ones that will really be noticed are:

- *greatly* reduced dependence on Boost and yaml-cpp: you should now not
notice the yaml-cpp dependence unless you explicitly want to use an
external version, and only headers from Boost are used, so that the
system installation of it on SLC6 machines should just work "out of the
- speed-up of PDF data file initialization;
- extra Fortran and C++ compatibility function coverage
- a new PDF set manager script, simply called "lhapdf"

While PDF set data is not bound to particular releases, at the same time
we have updated all sets with metadata improvements and fixes
(particularly for "unvalidated" sets), and have added extra MRST2004 QED
sets, the ATLAS PDF sets, and the ABM12 sets to the "unvalidated" area.
Our experience is that these PDFs actually behave very well, but we are
waiting for official sign-off from the set authors before moving them to
the official data collection. The NNPDF23 MC and FFN sets, and the
NNPDF21 LO and LO* sets sets, are offically validates and are now
available in the official downloads area... and MRST/MSTW should be
following them shortly. You can get all the set data from
http://www.hepforge.org/archive/lhapdf/pdfsets/6.0.5/ or by using the
new "lhapdf" manager script.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this release by both coding and
providing feedback, enjoy the new release, and have an excellent
Christmas and New Year holiday!

The LHAPDF6 team

Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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