[Nnhep] Proposal for the meeting

Tomas Lastovicka t.lastovicka1 at physics.ox.ac.uk
Wed May 27 20:52:01 BST 2009

Hello Lev,

i will be busy tomorrow from 9 till 5pm and then i have a workshop dinner from 19:30 in Meyrin. Friday looks better, i am busy until 4pm and then free. Thus i would suggest Friday evening and we could continue with a pint.

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
From: Lev Dudko [mailto:dudko at fnal.gov]
Sent: Wed 5/27/2009 11:51 AM
To: Tomas Lastovicka
Cc: nnhep at projects.hepforge.org; Konstantin.Toms at cern.ch
Subject: RE: [Nnhep] Proposal for the meeting

    Hello Tomas,
 What time is appropriate for you? I will have shift 28.05 till 16.30,
after that I am able to meet. On Friday I will have meeting at 9.30 till
11 (11.30) and after that I can meet in any time appropriate for you. It
is also possible to meet on Saturday.
       Best regards,

? ???, 27/05/2009 ? 07:31 +0100, Tomas Lastovicka ?????:
> Dear all,
> i am traveling to CERN today from Montenegro. Unfortunately, i will be
> busy with the CLIC workshop on both Thursday and Friday the whole day
> and thus i am not sure i could join you at 29.05.09 11.00-12.00. I
> will contact you once at CERN.
> Best,
> Tomas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nnhep-bounces at projects.hepforge.org on behalf of Lev Dudko
> Sent: Tue 5/26/2009 12:02 PM
> To: nnhep at projects.hepforge.org
> Cc: Konstantin.Toms at cern.ch
> Subject: [Nnhep] Proposal for the meeting
>      Dear Colleagues,
>   we have discussed privately, the possible time of the first meeting
> dedicated to NNHEP proposal. Looks like 3 people are in CERN now.
> Sasha
> can be connected with skype.
>     The proposed time is 29.05.09 11.00-12.00  If you want to change
> the
> time, lets discuss it.
>     The first version of the questions to discuss is the following:
> 1. We have to define the structure of interfaces between different
> modules and understand what should be the input of the module and the
> output. 
>    Let me remind, what I mean the module, this is one independent
> component e.g. one neural network or some other algorithm which has
> some
> input and some output, internal set of the parameters and some way of
> graphical representation of what is happened with the input in this
> module.
> 2. We can start to discuss what modules (algorithms) we would like to
> see as the components of the system and what parts we can take from
> the
> available external code.
> The first set could be the following:
> Feed-Forward Neural Network, Bayesian Neural Network, Boosting
> algorithm, Decision trees, Self Organizing Maps, Likelihood
> functions, ...
>       Some of the modules are realized already in the exist packages
> (e.g. Feed-Forward NN training with perfect optimizations and training
> methods are realized in MLPfit package; BNN is realised in RuleFit,
> etc.)
> 3. Practical realization of the discussed plans and how we plan to
> proceed with the code development.
>         Please, correct/add the set of questions above and provide
> your
> opinion.
>               Best regards,
>                     Lev
> --
>  Lev V. Dudko            e-mail:dudko at fnal.gov
>  t. +7(495)9395881      http://top.sinp.msu.ru

 Lev V. Dudko            e-mail:dudko at fnal.gov
 t. +7(495)9395881      http://top.sinp.msu.ru

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