[PyFeyn] PyFeyn adjust fonts

Ian Brock brock at physik.uni-bonn.de
Tue Nov 15 14:54:48 GMT 2016

Hi Georg,

Thanks for the information. I am still finding my way around this stuff.

Suppose I want a green electron line and the label to be also green. For now I do:
fa2 = Fermion(vtx1, out1).addArrow().addLabel(r'$\Pe(k^{\prime})$')
However, how can I get \Pe to also be green?
I am not sure how to change the pyx.text.defaulttexrunner attributes or where I can find documentation on that.

Another question: Can I draw the diagram on a canvas rather than directly into a file? I see there is a command drawToCanvas(), bit I am not sure if I have to initialise the canvas and if so how?

Best Regards

Ian C. Brock | Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn | Nußallee 12 | D-53115 Bonn
Tel. +49 228 733616 | Email: brock at physik.uni-bonn.de <mailto:brock at physik.uni-bonn.de>

> On 7 Nov 2016, at 13:02, Georg von Hippel <hippel at uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> Dear Ian,
> Glad to hear you like PyFeyn! For the particle lines you can use the addStyle method, e.g.
> f1 = Fermion(vin1,vout1).addArrow().addStyle(RED).addStyle(THICK3)
> gives a fermion line which is red and somewhat thicker than normal. A number of colours and line widths are predefined in pyfeyn.paint, which is
> imported for convenience in pyfeyn.user.
> The labels are TeX, so you can use TeX commands within labels, e.g.
> Circle(x=4,y=4,radius=1).setFillStyle(RED).addLabel(r"\Large~$\Pi_{\mu\nu}$")
> gives a filled red circular blob labelled $\Pi_{\mu\nu}$. Alternatively, you can change the attributes of the pyx.text.defaulttexrunner.
> I hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask in case of further questions.
> Best regards,
>   Georg
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Ian Brock wrote:
>> Dear PyFeyn,
>> I am getting used to using PyFeyn - certainly very promising and makes nice graphs.
>> How can I change the font, size, color etc. of both labels and particles in Feynman graphs?
>> Best Regards
>> Ian
>> Ian C. Brock | Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn | Nußallee 12 | D-53115 Bonn
>> Tel. +49 228 733616 | Email: brock at physik.uni-bonn.de
> -- 
> ===========================================================================
> PD Dr. Georg von Hippel
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