[Pythia8-announce] Pythia 8.170 now availableTorbjorn Sjostrand torbjorn at thep.lu.seSat Sep 22 07:41:00 BST 2012
Dear All, Pythia 8.170 has now been released, and can be downloaded from http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html as usual. The list of news and improvements include: * Reading of ALPGEN parameter and event files now available. * MLM matching is implemented, currently for ALPGEN events. * The CKKW-L merging machinery has been upgraded. * Central diffraction now available for all the different Pomeron fluxes, and some previous kinematics choices have been improved. * The tau decay machinery has been augmented by matrix elements for several production and decay modes. * Flavour violating decays have been added for sparticles. R-parity violating decays of R-hadrons allowed. Some bug fixes for SUSY processes and SLHA input. * Resonance decays can be performed standalone, i.e without being part of a process. * Further ATLAS tunes included. * Angular correlations in decay chain H -> gamma Z0 -> gamma f fbar. * Possibility of separate prefactors to the renormalization and factorization default pT2 scale for showers. * Built-in possibility to reweight 2 -> 2 events by a power of pT. * SlowJet can tell which jet a particle has been assigned to. * The Info class can give generation statistics for subprocesses. * Particle masses and widths have been updated to agree with the 2012 RPP values. * Several new methods have been added to the UserHooks machinery, offering further functionality. * Improved HepMC interface. * Extended Les Houches event file handling. * The configure script and makefile have been expanded to allow automatic installation in reqested location. * New check that version number of the code matches that of the xmldoc/ data files. If not, program will not run. * Automatic check that mother and daughter indices give a consistent event history. * Minor improvements in the hadronization machinery, especially for junctions, leading to fewer error messages. * Fewer warning messagess, notably by tolerating weights just barely above unity. * Several bug fixes. For a more extensive listing, see the "Update History" in the online html/php manual. We encourage you to upgrade to this new version and, as always, look forward to constructive feedback. (Although our limited manpower means that not all suggestions/requests can be met.) A follow-up version is foreseen in a near future. The Pythia 8 Collaboration (Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Richard Corke, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Peter Skands)
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