[Pythia8-announce] Pythia 8 News and Announcements

Peter Skands peter.skands at monash.edu
Sat Jun 5 07:54:53 BST 2021


Dear All,

This announcement is to let you know that the PYTHIA web pages have moved to:

• pythia.org

There is also a new PYTHIA contact email,

• authors at pythia.org

which should always be used when contacting (any of) us about PYTHIA, as it allows us to coordinate replies. See further details about this below.

For the foreseeable future, the old site at http://home.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html will continue to contain a link and forward to the new web page, but now would be a good time to update relevant bookmarks and/or web page links to point to the new site and/or email list.

The organisation of the PYTHIA project is also changing, to accommodate the growing size of the project and to allow in particular Torbjörn to focus a bit more on research and a bit less on administrative tasks in PYTHIA. Thus, the administration of PYTHIA will in the future be shared by a triumvirate consisting of a spokesperson (and deputy), a codemaster, and a webmaster. The people currently elected to fill these roles are:

• Spokesperson: Peter Skands
• Deputy Spokesperson: Ilkka Helenius.
• Codemaster: Phillip Ilten.
• Webmaster: Christian Bierlich.

In addition, Torbjörn Sjöstrand will remain Adjoint Spokesperson for life.

Finally, we are very happy to congratulate Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Bryan Webber on being awarded the 2021 EPS High Energy and Particle Physics prize, "for the conception, development and realisation of parton shower Monte Carlo simulations, yielding an accurate description of particle collisions in terms of quantum chromodynamics and electroweak interactions, and thereby enabling the experimental validation of the Standard Model, particle discoveries and searches for new physics."


Further details on how to use authors at pythia.org: As already mentioned, this should always be used when contacting any of the PYTHIA authors, as it allows us to coordinate replies. You may also include the individual addresses of authors that are relevant for a specific issue. Never contact several persons independently on the same topic, thereby potentially leading to double work. Abuse will have consequences.

When responding to emails from us at authors at pythia.org, please reply directly to the email you receive, which has a unique return address of the form incoming+<hash>@incoming.gitlab.com, and not authors at pythia.org. Please consider allowing your correspondence to be made publicly available to other users via our issue tracker, by replying at any point with your express permission, e.g. "this correspondence can be made public".


Wishing you an enjoyable experience with PYTHIA.

Sincerely yours,
The Pythia 8 Collaboration
(Christian Bierlich, Nishita Desai, Leif Gellersen, Ilkka Helenius,
Philip Ilten, Leif Lönnblad, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel,
Christian Preuss, Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Peter Skands, Marius Utheim,
Rob Verheyen)

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