[Rivet-announce] Rivet 1.1.1 and AGILe 1.1.2 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Mon Sep 1 14:10:31 BST 2008

Hi Riveteers,

I have finally released Rivet version 1.1.1 and AGILe version 1.1.2.
These versions include many, many fixes and new analyses and are now the
*strongly* recommended versions. The rivet-bootstrap script, found at


is the easiest way to get up and running quickly with the new tarballs.
This version now supports Genser's builds of HERWIG, Pythia, Charybdis,
AlpGen, Herwig++, Sherpa and Pythia 8 automatically, making rivetgun an
even easier way to run generator validation routines.

Thanks to all the users who have submitted bug reports and suggestions,
and to Genser for responding quickly to *our* bug reports!

Best wishes,

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