[Rivet-announce] [Fwd: MCnet studentships]
Andy Buckley
andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk
Wed Aug 19 14:17:49 BST 2009
For your information!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: MCnet studentships
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:18:14 +0100
From: Emily Nurse <nurse at fnal.gov>
To: a.d.martin at durham.ac.uk, a.finch at lancaster.ac.uk,
abbiendi at bo.infn.it, akos.csilling at cern.ch, alberto.ribon at cern.ch,
amelamed at weizmann.ac.il, andersen at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk,
andre.sopczak at cern.ch, andreas.woehr at cern.ch, Andy Buckley
<andy.buckley at durham.ac.uk>, armin.boehrer at cern.ch,
aversa at ictp.trieste.it, b.w.kennedy at rl.ac.uk, bijnens at nordita.dk,
bill.gary at cern.ch, bourhis at qcd.th.u-psud.fr, bravo at ifae.es,
brigitte.bloch at cern.ch, brock at msupa.pa.msu.edu,
carlos at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu, chih-hsun.lin at cern.ch,
chris at hep.man.ac.uk, chyla at fzu.cz, clara.matteuzzi at cern.ch,
d.grellscheid at gmail.com, dave.charlton at cern.ch, denegri at mail.cern.ch,
djm at hep.ucl.ac.uk, dominique.duchesneau at cern.ch, drw1 at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk,
e.w.n.glover at durham.ac.uk, einsweiler at lbl.gov, elbdpf at hep.anl.gov,
elisabeth.drayer at t-online.de, ellis at fnal.gov,
elzbieta.richter-was at cern.ch, eric.laenen at cern.ch, eric.lancon at cern.ch,
fabiola.gianotti at cern.ch, fmoortga at mail.cern.ch,
fontanna at qcd.th.u-psud.fr, frederik.erne at cern.ch,
g.marchesini at mi.infn.it, galtieri at lbl.gov, garren at fnal.gov,
gennaro.corcella at cern.ch, gerard.sajot at cern.ch,
giacomo.polesello at cern.ch, giele at fnal.gov, glen.cowan at cern.ch,
gmoreau at dsm-mail.extra.cea.fr, goran.jarlskog at cern.ch, gosta at thep.lu.se,
grb at slac.stanford.edu, greco at lnf.infn.it, guenterg at desy.de,
guido.altarelli at cern.ch, gwwilson at ku.edu, harris at hep.anl.gov,
hasko.stenzel at cern.ch, hayashii at hepl.phys.nara-wu.ac.jp,
heinrich at ekp.uni-karlsruhe.de, herwig-dev at projects.hepforge.org,
huston at msupa.pa.msu.edu, huth at fnal.gov, i_hinchliffe at lbl.gov,
iknowles at supanet.com, j.m.smillie at durham.ac.uk,
jameskeates at hep.man.ac.uk, jason.ward at physics.gla.ac.uk, jdlee at fnal.gov,
jeffrey.forshaw at cern.ch, jelys at lbl.gov, jenia_sold at mail.ru,
jmacgibb at unf.edu, Jonathan Butterworth <jmb at hep.ucl.ac.uk>,
john.field at cern.ch, johnzhou at fnal.gov, juergen at mail.cern.ch,
kato at sin.cc.kogakuin.ac.jp, ketevi.adikle.assamagan at cern.ch,
kharlov at mx.ihep.su, kirkby at hep.stanford.edu, klaus.desch at cern.ch,
klaus.hamacher at cern.ch, kolanosk at ifh.de, kovacs at fnal.gov,
kroll at wpts0.physik.uni-wuppertal.de, kunszt at itp.phys.ethz.ch,
leif.lonnblad at cern.ch, luca.stanco at pd.infn.it,
m.r.pennington at durham.ac.uk, m.seymour at rl.ac.uk, maria.kienzle at cern.ch,
marina.cobal at cern.ch, martin.grunewald at cern.ch, matt.dobbs at cern.ch,
michael.duehrssen at cern.ch, michael.kraemer at cern.ch,
michelangelo.mangano at cern.ch, miriam.watson at cern.ch, Monika Wielers
<monika.wielers at cern.ch>, mpeskin at slac.stanford.edu,
mspira at mail.cern.ch, muanza at ipnl.in2p3.fr, muller at slac.stanford.edu,
n.brook at bristol.ac.uk, nick.ellis at cern.ch, nigel.watson at cern.ch,
nikolai.pavel at desy.de, nils.gollub at tsl.uu.se,
odagirik at phys.sinica.edu.tw, paige at bnl.gov, parkes at mail.cern.ch,
patrick.aurenche at lapp.in2p3.fr, patrickm at nikhef.nl,
paula.eerola at quark.lu.se, peter.mattig at cern.ch,
peter.richardson at cern.ch, pimia at mail.cern.ch, pumplin at pa.msu.edu,
rohini at theory.tifr.res.in, ryh at physics.carleton.ca, salgado at fnal.gov,
siggi at mail.cern.ch, stan.bentvelsen at cern.ch, stefan.tapprogge at cern.ch,
stefano.forte at cern.ch, stefano.frixione at cern.ch,
stefano at hep.phys.soton.ac.uk, stober at ekp.uni, teb at phys.hawaii.edu,
iijima at hepl.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp, masanori.yamauchi at kek.jp,
kaoru.hagiwara at kek.jp
Dear all,
The next application round for MCnet short term studentships is the 7th
of September. If you know of any suitable students please let them know
about the scheme and encourage them to apply.
For those who do not know about the scheme details on MCnet are here :
and on the studentship scheme here:
They are for current PhD students and are a really good and unique
opportunity to get direct access to the MC experts and get some hands on
training that can help with a thesis topic that already involves some MC
work. The knowledge acquired is then hopefully brought back to the
experiments and spread!
As a user community we really need to understand the tools we rely on so
heavily better and this is a great way to achieve this.
There are all sorts of possibilities for the projects, ranging from
implementing a new process in one of the generators to including new
data into MC tunes to contrasting different generator predictions for
certain distributions to studying analysis techniques etc etc.
If you are currently working on an analysis that involves understanding
MC generators (or know of someone else who is) this would be a great
opportunity for you to really improve your understanding and get a
chance to stay at one of the MCnet nodes for a few months.
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