[Rivet-announce] Rivet 2.3.0 released

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Jul 24 22:58:25 BST 2015

Dear Rivet users,

We're very pleased to announce the release of Rivet 2.3.0 (and an 
accompanying release of version 1.4.0 of the YODA histogramming 
package.) They are available to download now from the HepForge Rivet & 
YODA pages:


-- but note that HepForge will be offline during 25 July due to IT 
maintenance work, so if your download fails please wait until the 26th 
and try again!

This new release of Rivet adds a further 15 new analysis routines, as 
well as validating several long-standing analyses from the UNVALIDATED 
set... and two re-UNVALIDATions! We've also made a variety of minor 
analysis fixes and improvements, and various technical tweaks.

As you'd expect from the non-trivial release number change, the 
framework has also received some significant improvements. These are 
described in some detail in the website release announcement, but in 
brief are as follows:

1) FastJets configuration now allows the user to specify the treatment 
of invisible particles (primarily neutrinos) and muons as constructor 
arguments as well as via the useInvisibles (and new useMuons) methods. A 
more nuanced way of using these particles has been added, to allow only 
clustering them into jets if they were produced in hadron decays rather 
than the hard process: this is now the default behaviour when 
useInvisibles() is called. Additionally, FastJets instances can also now 
be constructed using a fastjet::JetDefinition object.

2) The WFinder has been minimally adapted to use a total missing energy 
vector in place of an individual neutrino's four-momentum when 
constructing a pseudo-W with best-mass-fit to m_W. The total missing 
energy includes acceptance effects and any additional neutrinos, such as 
those from non-prompt hadron decays. We are having a more general 
conversation about the future of WFinder, as there is no unambiguous way 
to create an optimal pseudo-W from purely final-state information and we 
prefer that each experimental analysis implements the approach taken in 
that measurement, using the other Rivet tools for missing momentum and 
dressed lepton finding.

As always, this new version is recommended for immediate use. Please 
keep sending us your feedback and analysis codes!

The Rivet team

Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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