[Rivet-svn] r1896 - in trunk: plugindemo src/Analyses

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Fri Oct 9 09:49:33 BST 2009

Author: buckley
Date: Fri Oct  9 09:49:32 2009
New Revision: 1896

Moving never-properly-built ROOT analysis into plugindemo directory... does anyone *really* want to update it?

      - copied unchanged from r1889, trunk/src/Analyses/ExampleTree.cc

Copied: trunk/plugindemo/ExampleTree.cc (from r1889, trunk/src/Analyses/ExampleTree.cc)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/plugindemo/ExampleTree.cc	Fri Oct  9 09:49:32 2009	(r1896, copy of r1889, trunk/src/Analyses/ExampleTree.cc)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedLeptons.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Projections/TotalVisibleMomentum.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
+// ROOT stuff
+#ifdef HAVE_ROOT
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+namespace Rivet {
+  /// @brief Book and fill a ROOT tree with simulated data.
+  ///
+  /// This does some things, e.g. access parton level information, which
+  /// are not recommended in Rivet analyses, since the information is 
+  /// unphysical and so cannot be compared to data, and also may be generator dependent.
+  /// 
+  class ExampleTree : public Analysis {
+  public:
+    #ifndef HAVE_ROOT
+    ExampleTree() : Analysis("EXAMPLETREE") { }
+    void init() {
+      getLog() << Log::WARN << "Rivet was not compiled against ROOT. ExampleTree will do nothing." << endl;
+    }
+    void analyze(const Event& event) { }
+    void finalize() { }
+    #else
+    ExampleTree() 
+      : Analysis("EXAMPLETREE")
+    { 
+      // Choose cuts
+      _jet_pt_cut = 20*GeV;
+      _subj_pt_cut = 20*GeV;
+      _lepton_pt_cut = 20*GeV;
+      _store_partons = true;
+      _treeFileName = "rivetTree.root";
+    }
+    void init() {
+      const FinalState fs(-4.0, 4.0, 0.0*GeV);
+      addProjection(fs, "FS");
+      addProjection(ChargedLeptons(fs), "ChLeptons");
+      addProjection(FastJets(fs, FastJets::KT, 0.7), "Jets");
+      /// Veto neutrinos, antineutrinos and LSP
+      VetoedFinalState vfs(fs);
+      vfs
+        .addVetoDetail(NU_E, 10.0*GeV, 50.0*GeV)
+        .addVetoPairId(NU_MU)
+        .addVetoPairId(NU_TAU)
+        .addVetoId(1000022); // Assumes that neutralino_1 is the LSP
+      addProjection(vfs, "VFS");
+      addProjection(TotalVisibleMomentum(vfs), "TotalVisMom");
+      ZFinder zs(fs, ELECTRON, 80*GeV, 100*GeV, 0.2);
+      addProjection(zs, "Zs");
+      // Set up ROOT file structure
+      _treeFile = new TFile(_treeFileName, "recreate");
+      _rivetTree = new TTree("Rivet Tree", "Rivet Example Tree");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("nevt", &_nevt, "nevt/I");
+      // Vector bosons
+      _rivetTree->Branch("nvb", &_nvb, "nvb/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("vbtype", &_vbtype, "vbtype[nvb]/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("vbvec", &_vbvec, "vbvec[nvb][4]/F");
+      // Jets      
+      _rivetTree->Branch("njet", &_njet, "njet/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("vjet", &_vjet, "vjet[njet][4]/F");
+      // Subjets
+      _rivetTree->Branch("nsub", &_nsub, "nsub/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("sjet3", &_sjet3, "sjet3[nsub][4]/F");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("ysubsj", &_ysubsj, "ysubsj[nsub][4]/F");
+      // Leptons
+      _rivetTree->Branch("nlep", &_nlep, "nlep/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("vlep", &_vlep, "vlep[nlep][4]/F");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("leptype", &_leptype, "leptype[nlep][3]/F");
+      // All particles
+      _rivetTree->Branch("npart", &_npart, "npart/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("ppart", &_ppart, "ppart[npart][4]/F");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("pid", &_pid, "pid[npart]/I");
+      _rivetTree->Branch("mo", &_mo, "mo[npart]/I");  // first mother.
+      // Missing Et
+      _rivetTree->Branch("esumr", &_esumr, "esumr[4]/F");
+    }
+    // Do the analysis
+    void analyze(const Event& event) {
+      const GenEvent& ev = event.genEvent();
+      _nevt = ev.event_number();
+      // Get the vector bosons
+      _nvb = 0;
+      const FinalState& zs = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "Zs");
+      foreach (const Particle& p, zs.particles()) {
+        const FourMomentum p4 = p.momentum();
+        _vbvec[_nvb][0] = p4.E()/GeV;
+        _vbvec[_nvb][1] = p4.px()/GeV;
+        _vbvec[_nvb][2] = p4.py()/GeV;
+        _vbvec[_nvb][3] = p4.pz()/GeV;
+        _vbtype[_nvb]   = 1;
+        ++_nvb;
+      }
+      // Get the partons. This is generator-dependent and should not be
+      // used in normal analyses.
+      _npart = 0;
+      if (_store_partons) {
+        foreach (const HepMC::GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) {
+          // Only include particles which are documentation line (status >1) 
+          // The result/meaning will be generator dependent.
+          if (p->status() >= 2) {
+            const FourMomentum p4 = p->momentum();
+            _ppart[_npart][1] = p4.px();
+            _ppart[_npart][2] = p4.py();
+            _ppart[_npart][3] = p4.pz();
+            _ppart[_npart][0] = p4.E();
+            _pid[_npart] = p->pdg_id();
+            const GenVertex* vertex = p->production_vertex();
+            // Get the first mother
+            if (vertex) {
+              if (vertex->particles_in_size() > 0) {
+                GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator p1 = vertex->particles_in_const_begin();
+                _mo[_npart] = (*p1)->pdg_id();
+              } else {
+                _mo[_npart] = 0;
+              }
+            } else {
+              _mo[_npart] = 0;
+            }
+            getLog() << Log::DEBUG << _npart << ":" << _pid[_npart] << endl;
+            ++_npart;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // Get the jets in decreasing pT order.
+      const FastJets& jets = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "Jets");
+      PseudoJets jetList = jets.pseudoJetsByPt();
+      _njet = 0;
+      _nsub = 0;
+      foreach (const fastjet::PseudoJet& j, jetList) {
+        if (j.perp() > _jet_pt_cut) {
+          _vjet[_njet][0] = j.e()/GeV;
+          _vjet[_njet][1] = j.px()/GeV;
+          _vjet[_njet][2] = j.py()/GeV;
+          _vjet[_njet][3] = j.pz()/GeV;
+          if (j.perp() > _subj_pt_cut) {
+            _sjet3[_nsub][0] = j.e()/GeV;
+            _sjet3[_nsub][1] = j.px()/GeV;
+            _sjet3[_nsub][2] = j.py()/GeV;
+            _sjet3[_nsub][3] = j.pz()/GeV;
+            const vector<double> ys = jets.ySubJet(j);
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
+              if (ys.size() > i) {
+                _ysubsj[_nsub][i] = ys.at(i);
+              } else {
+                _ysubsj[_nsub][i] = 0;
+              }
+            }
+            ++_nsub;	 
+          }
+          ++_njet;
+        }
+      }
+      // Loop over leptons
+      _nlep = 0;
+      const ChargedLeptons& cl = applyProjection<ChargedLeptons>(event, "ChLeptons");
+      foreach (const Particle& p, cl.chargedLeptons()) {
+        const FourMomentum p4 = p.momentum();
+        if (p4.pT() > _lepton_pt_cut) {
+          _vlep[_nlep][0] = p4.E()/GeV;
+          _vlep[_nlep][1] = p4.px()/GeV;
+          _vlep[_nlep][2] = p4.py()/GeV;
+          _vlep[_nlep][3] = p4.pz()/GeV;
+          ++_nlep;
+        }
+      }
+      // Missing Et/total energy
+      const TotalVisibleMomentum& tvm = applyProjection<TotalVisibleMomentum>(event, "TotalVisMom");
+      _esumr[0] = tvm.momentum().E()/GeV;
+      _esumr[1] = tvm.momentum().px()/GeV;
+      _esumr[2] = tvm.momentum().py()/GeV;
+      _esumr[3] = tvm.momentum().pz()/GeV;
+      // Finally fill the tree
+      _rivetTree->Fill();
+    }
+    void finalize() { 
+      // Write the tree to file.
+      _rivetTree->Write();
+    }
+    //@}
+  private:
+    /// The tree
+    TTree* _rivetTree;
+    /// The file for the Tree
+    TFile* _treeFile;
+    /// The filename
+    TString _treeFileName;
+    /// @name The ntuple variables.
+    //@{
+    /// Event number
+    int _nevt;            
+    /// Number of W bosons
+    int _nvb;             
+    /// 4 momentum of W bosons.
+    float _vbvec[8][4];
+    /// Type (i.e. decay mode) of W bosons.
+    int _vbtype[8]; 
+    /// Number of jets
+    int _njet; 
+    /// Four momentum of the jets
+    float _vjet[50][4]; 
+    /// Number of jets for which the subjet analysis was performed.
+    int _nsub; 
+    /// Four vector of jets for which we found subjets.
+    float _sjet3[200][4];
+    /// y 1->2, 2->3, 3->4, 4->5 for the above jets.
+    float _ysubsj[200][4];
+    /// Number of leptons
+    int _nlep;
+    /// Lepton types
+    int _leptype[150][3];
+    float _vlep[150][4];
+    /// Number of partons
+    int _npart; 
+    float _ppart[4000][4];
+    int _pid[4000];
+    int _mo[4000];
+    /// Total visible momentum
+    float _esumr[4];
+    //@}
+    /// Minimum pt of jets which will go into the tree.
+    int _jet_pt_cut;
+    /// Minimum pt of jets which will have y evaluated and stored.
+    int _subj_pt_cut;
+    /// Minimum pt of charged leptons which will go into the tree.
+    int _lepton_pt_cut;
+    /// Store the partons or not?
+    bool _store_partons;
+    #endif
+  };
+  // This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system
+  AnalysisBuilder<ExampleTree> plugin_ExampleTree;

Modified: trunk/plugindemo/Makefile.am
--- trunk/plugindemo/Makefile.am	Fri Oct  9 09:39:33 2009	(r1895)
+++ trunk/plugindemo/Makefile.am	Fri Oct  9 09:49:32 2009	(r1896)
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
 $(pluginlib): MyAnalysis.cc
 	$(CXX) -o $(pluginlib) $(shared_flags) -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(HEPMCINCPATH) MyAnalysis.cc
+## Bundle the ROOT-based analysis in the Rivet tarball
+EXTRA_DIST += RootAnalysis.cc
 ## Hook in the build rule for the plugin library demo
 plugin: $(pluginlib)

Modified: trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am
--- trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am	Fri Oct  9 09:39:33 2009	(r1895)
+++ trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am	Fri Oct  9 09:49:32 2009	(r1896)
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 lib_LTLIBRARIES += RivetExampleAnalyses.la
 RivetExampleAnalyses_la_SOURCES = \
-    ExampleAnalysis.cc \
-    ExampleTree.cc
+    ExampleAnalysis.cc
 lib_LTLIBRARIES += RivetCDFAnalyses.la

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