[Rivet-svn] r1918 - in trunk: bin pyext

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Thu Oct 15 19:20:00 BST 2009

Author: eike
Date: Thu Oct 15 19:19:59 2009
New Revision: 1918

moved light histogramming to python module


Modified: trunk/bin/chop_bins.py
--- trunk/bin/chop_bins.py	Thu Oct 15 19:04:42 2009	(r1917)
+++ trunk/bin/chop_bins.py	Thu Oct 15 19:19:59 2009	(r1918)
@@ -1,272 +1,25 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
+"""%prog [OPTIONS] <AIDAFILE> [...]
+Strip specified bins from data sets. Histgrams not specified will be passed
+through without any chopping. Bins to be kept can be specified on command
+line via `-b' options. The format is
+    -b AIDAPATH:start:stop
+where start and stop are x values contained in the first and last bins,
+respectively, that should be kept. They need not to be the center but must
+only lie somewhere in the bin's x-range.
+    %prog -b /ALEPH_1996_S3486095/d03-x01-y01:0.095:0.27 out.aida
+This will give you the all bins of the ALEPH 1-T distribution that are
+between the bins that contain the x-values 0.095 and 0.27 .
 import os
 import sys
 import logging
-from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name
-unichr2entity = dict((unichr(code), u'&%s;' % name) \
-                         for code,name in codepoint2name.iteritems() \
-                         if code != 38) # exclude "&"
-def htmlescape(text, d=unichr2entity):
-    if u"&" in text:
-        text = text.replace(u"&", u"&amp;")
-    for key, value in d.iteritems():
-        if key in text:
-            text = text.replace(key, value)
-    return text
-# Histo and Bin classes were copied from aida2flat
-class Histo:
-    indent = "  "
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._bins = []
-        self.path = None
-        self.name = None
-        self.title = None
-        self.xlabel = None
-        self.ylabel = None
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Sort by $path/$name string"""
-        return self.fullPath() > other.fullPath()
-    def __str__(self):
-        out = "Histogram '%s' with %d bins\n" % (self.fullPath(), self.numBins())
-        out += "Title: %s\n" % self.title
-        out += "XLabel: %s\n" % self.xlabel
-        out += "YLabel: %s\n" % self.ylabel
-        out += "\n".join([str(b) for b in self.getBins()])
-        return out
-    def fullPath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.path, self.name)
-    def header(self):
-        out = "# BEGIN PLOT\n"
-        out += "LogY=1\n"
-        out += "Title=%s\n" % self.title
-        out += "XLabel=%s\n" % self.xlabel
-        out += "YLabel=%s\n" % self.ylabel
-        out += "# END PLOT\n"
-        return out
-    def asFlat(self):
-        global opts
-        out = "# BEGIN HISTOGRAM %s\n" % self.fullPath()
-        out += "AidaPath=%s\n" % self.fullPath()
-        out += "Title=%s\n" % self.title
-        out += "XLabel=%s\n" % self.xlabel
-        out += "YLabel=%s\n" % self.ylabel
-        if self.fullPath().startswith('/REF'):
-            out += "PolyMarker=*\n"
-            out += "ErrorBars=1\n"
-        out += "## Area: %s\n" % self.area()
-        out += "## Num bins: %d\n" % self.numBins()
-        if opts.GNUPLOT:
-            out += "## xval  \tyval    \txlow    \txhigh    \tylow     \tyhigh\n"
-        else:
-            out += "## xlow  \txhigh   \tyval    \tyerrminus\tyerrplus\n"
-        out += "\n".join([b.asFlat() for b in self.getBins()])
-        out += "\n# END HISTOGRAM"
-        return out
-    def asAIDA(self):
-        ind = self.indent
-        r = ind + '<dataPointSet name="%s" dimension="2"\n' % (
-                self.name)
-        if self.title is not None:
-            r += ind + '    path="%s" title="%s">\n' % (
-                    self.path, htmlescape(self.title))
-        else:
-            r += ind + '    path="%s" title="">\n' % (
-                    os.path.dirname(self.path))
-        if self.xlabel is not None:
-            r += ind + '  <dimenstion dim="0" title="%s"/>\n' % (
-                    htmlescape(self.xlabel))
-        if self.ylabel is not None:
-            r += ind + '  <dimenstion dim="1" title="%s"/>\n' % (
-                    htmlescape(self.ylabel))
-        r += ind + "  <annotation>\n"
-        if self.title is not None:
-            r += ind + '    <item key="Title" value="%s" sticky="true"/>\n' % (
-                    htmlescape(self.title))
-        else:
-            r += ind + '    <item key="Title" value="" sticky="true"/>\n'
-        r += ind + '    <item key="AidaPath" value="%s" sticky="true"/>\n' % (
-                self.fullPath())
-        # TODO: FullPath annotation item?
-        # r += ind + '    <item key="FullPath" value
-        r += ind + "  </annotation>\n"
-        for b in self:
-            r += b.asAIDA()
-        r += ind + "</dataPointSet>\n"
-        return r
-    def numBins(self):
-        return len(self._bins)
-    def getBins(self):
-        return sorted(self._bins)
-    def setBins(self, bins):
-        self._bins = bins
-        return self
-    def addBin(self, bin):
-        self._bins.append(bin)
-        return self
-    def getBin(self, index):
-        self._bins.sort()
-        return self.getBins()[index]
-    bins = property(getBins, setBins)
-    def area(self):
-        return sum([bin.area() for bin in self.bins])
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self.getBins())
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._bins)
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self.getBin(index)
-    def chop(self, *xranges):
-        """Return a chopped histogram.
-        The kept bins are defined by (xstart, xstop) pairs. The first xstart
-        and last xstop can be None meaning that all is included from the
-        first or up to the last bin respectively.
-        Example:
-            >>> hist.chop((2.5, 5.5), (7.5, None))
-        """
-        if len(xranges) == 0:
-            raise ValueError("At least one (xstart, xstop) range is needed!")
-        # check that xranges is
-        laststop = xranges[0][1]
-        for xr in xranges[1:]:
-            if laststop >= xr[0]:
-                raise ValueError("(xstart, xstop) ranges must be in numerical order!")
-            laststop = xr[1]
-        new = Histo()
-        new.path = self.path
-        new.name = self.name
-        new.title = self.title
-        new.xlabel = self.xlabel
-        new.ylabel = self.ylabel
-        irange = 0
-        curran = xranges[irange]
-        for b in self:
-            lowok = False
-            highok = False
-            br = b.getXRange()
-            # print curran, "->", br
-            # update the current range used if we exceed the current upper
-            # limit
-            while (curran[1] is not None and
-                    irange < len(xranges) - 1 and
-                    br[0] > curran[1]):
-                irange += 1
-                curran = xranges[irange]
-            if ((curran[0] is None or curran[0] <= br[0] or
-                        br[0] <= curran[0] <= br[1]) and
-                (curran[1] is None or curran[1] >= br[1] or
-                        br[0] <= curran[1] <= br[1])):
-                new.addBin(b)
-            else:
-                logging.info("Chopping bin %s:%f" % (self.fullPath(),
-                             b.getBinCenter()))
-        return new
-class Bin:
-    """A simple container for a binned value with an error."""
-    indent = "    "
-    def __init__(self, xlow=None, xhigh=None, yval=0, yerrplus=0, yerrminus=0, focus=None):
-        self.xlow = xlow
-        self.xhigh= xhigh
-        self.yval = yval
-        self.yerrplus = yerrplus
-        self.yerrminus = yerrminus
-        self.focus= focus
-    def __str__(self):
-        out = "%e to %e: %e +%e-%e" % (self.xlow, self.xhigh,
-                self.yval, self.yerrplus, self.yerrminus)
-        return out
-    def asFlat(self):
-        global opts
-        if opts.GNUPLOT:
-            out = "%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e" % (self.getBinCenter(), self.yval,
-                                              self.xlow, self.xhigh, 
-                                              self.yval-self.yerrminus, self.yval+self.yerrplus)
-        else:
-            out = "%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e" % (self.xlow, self.xhigh, self.yval, self.yerrminus, self.yerrplus)
-        return out
-    def asAIDA(self):
-        "Return this bin as AIDA formatted string."
-        ind = self.indent
-        return (ind + "<dataPoint>\n"
-    + ind
-    + '  <measurement value="%e" errorPlus="%e" errorMinus="%e"/>\n' % (
-        self.getBinCenter(), self.getXErrPlus(), self.getXErrMinus())
-    + ind
-    + '  <measurement value="%e" errorPlus="%e" errorMinus="%e"/>\n' % (
-        self.yval, self.yerrplus, self.yerrminus)
-    + ind + "</dataPoint>\n")
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Sort by mean x value (yeah, I know...)"""
-        return (self.xlow + self.xhigh) > (other.xlow + other.xhigh)
-    def getXRange(self):
-        return (self.xlow, self.xhigh)
-    def setXRange(self, xlow, xhigh):
-        self.xlow = xlow
-        self.xhigh = xhigh
-        return self
-    def getBinCenter(self):
-        """Geometric middle of the bin range."""
-        return self.xlow + .5*(self.xhigh - self.xlow)
-    def getXErrPlus(self):
-        return self.xhigh - self.getBinCenter()
-    def getXErrMinus(self):
-        return self.getBinCenter() - self.xlow
-    def getFocus(self):
-        """Mean x-value of the bin."""
-        if self.focus is not None:
-            return (self.xlow + self.xhigh)/2.0
-        else:
-            return self.focus
-    def area(self):
-        return self.yval * (self.xhigh - self.xlow)
-    def getYErr(self):
-        """Get mean of +ve and -ve y-errors."""
-        return (self.yerrplus + self.yerrminus)/2.0
-    def setYErr(self, yerr):
-        """Set both +ve and -ve y-errors simultaneously."""
-        self.yerrplus = yerr
-        self.yerrminus = yerr
-        return self
+import lighthisto
 ## Make "sorted" a builtin function on Python < 2.4
 if not 'sorted' in dir(__builtins__):
     def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=None):
@@ -296,54 +49,9 @@
-def mkHistoFromDPS(dps):
-    """Make a mini histo representation from an AIDA dataPointSet tag."""
-    myhist = Histo()
-    myhist.name = dps.get("name")
-    myhist.title = dps.get("title")
-    myhist.path = dps.get("path")
-    axes = dps.findall("dimension")
-    if (len(axes)==2):
-        for a in axes:
-            if (a.get("dim")=="0"):
-                myhist.xlabel = a.get("title")
-            elif (a.get("dim")=="1"):
-                myhist.ylabel = a.get("title")
-    points = dps.findall("dataPoint")
-    numbins = len(points)
-    for binnum, point in enumerate(points):
-        bin = Bin()
-        for d, m in enumerate(point.findall("measurement")):
-            val  = float(m.get("value"))
-            down = float(m.get("errorMinus"))
-            up = float(m.get("errorPlus"))
-            if d == 0:
-                low  = val - down
-                high = val + up
-                bin.setXRange(low, high)
-            elif d == 1:
-                bin.yval = val
-                bin.yerrplus = up
-                bin.yerrminus = down
-        myhist.addBin(bin)
-    return myhist
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
-    parser = OptionParser(usage="""%prog [OPTIONS] <AIDAFILE> [...]
-%prog -b
-Strip specified bins from data sets. Histgrams not specified will be passed
-through without chopping. Bins to be kept can be specified on command line
-via `-b' options. The format is
-    -b AIDAPATH:start:stop
-where start and stop are the x values contained in the first and last bins
-that are kept.
+    parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
     parser.add_option("-b", "--bins",
@@ -407,10 +115,9 @@
         tree = ET.parse(aidafile)
         for dps in tree.findall("dataPointSet"):
-            dpspath = os.path.join(dps.get("path"), dps.get("name"))
-            thishist = mkHistoFromDPS(dps)
-            if dpspath in bindefs.keys():
-                outhistos.append(thishist.chop(bindefs[dpspath]))
+            thishist = lighthisto.Histo.fromDPS(dps)
+            if thishist.fullPath() in bindefs.keys():
+                outhistos.append(thishist.chop(bindefs[thishist.fullPath()]))
         out = open(chopfile, "w")

Added: trunk/pyext/lighthisto.py
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/pyext/lighthisto.py	Thu Oct 15 19:19:59 2009	(r1918)
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import logging
+## Work around lacking functionality in old Python versions:
+## Make "sorted" a builtin function on Python < 2.4
+if not 'sorted' in dir(__builtins__):
+    def sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=None):
+        rtn = iterable
+        rtn.sort(cmp)
+        return rtn
+from htmlentitydefs import codepoint2name
+unichr2entity = dict((unichr(code), u'&%s;' % name)
+                         for code,name in codepoint2name.iteritems()
+                         if code != 38) # exclude "&"
+def htmlescape(text, d=unichr2entity):
+    if u"&" in text:
+        text = text.replace(u"&", u"&amp;")
+    for key, value in d.iteritems():
+        if key in text:
+            text = text.replace(key, value)
+    return text
+# Histo and Bin classes were copied from aida2flat
+class Histo:
+    aidaindent = "  "
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._bins = []
+        self.path = None
+        self.name = None
+        self.title = None
+        self.xlabel = None
+        self.ylabel = None
+        self._sorted = False
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        """Sort by $path/$name string"""
+        return self.fullPath() > other.fullPath()
+    def __str__(self):
+        out = "Histogram '%s' with %d bins\n" % (self.fullPath(), self.numBins())
+        out += "Title: %s\n" % self.title
+        out += "XLabel: %s\n" % self.xlabel
+        out += "YLabel: %s\n" % self.ylabel
+        out += "\n".join([str(b) for b in self.getBins()])
+        return out
+    def fullPath(self):
+        return os.path.join(self.path, self.name)
+    fullpath = property(fullPath)
+    def header(self):
+        out = "# BEGIN PLOT\n"
+        out += "LogY=1\n"
+        out += "Title=%s\n" % self.title
+        out += "XLabel=%s\n" % self.xlabel
+        out += "YLabel=%s\n" % self.ylabel
+        out += "# END PLOT\n"
+        return out
+    def asFlat(self, gnuplot=False):
+        out = "# BEGIN HISTOGRAM %s\n" % self.fullPath()
+        out += "AidaPath=%s\n" % self.fullPath()
+        out += "Title=%s\n" % self.title
+        out += "XLabel=%s\n" % self.xlabel
+        out += "YLabel=%s\n" % self.ylabel
+        if self.fullPath().startswith('/REF'):
+            out += "PolyMarker=*\n"
+            out += "ErrorBars=1\n"
+        out += "## Area: %s\n" % self.area()
+        out += "## Num bins: %d\n" % self.numBins()
+        if gnuplot:
+            out += "## xval  \tyval    \txlow    \txhigh    \tylow     \tyhigh\n"
+        else:
+            out += "## xlow  \txhigh   \tyval    \tyerrminus\tyerrplus\n"
+        out += "\n".join([b.asFlat(gnuplot) for b in self.getBins()])
+        out += "\n# END HISTOGRAM"
+        return out
+    def asAIDA(self):
+        ind = self.aidaindent
+        r = ind + '<dataPointSet name="%s" dimension="2"\n' % (
+                self.name)
+        if self.title is not None:
+            r += ind + '    path="%s" title="%s">\n' % (
+                    self.path, htmlescape(self.title))
+        else:
+            r += ind + '    path="%s" title="">\n' % (
+                    os.path.dirname(self.path))
+        if self.xlabel is not None:
+            r += ind + '  <dimenstion dim="0" title="%s"/>\n' % (
+                    htmlescape(self.xlabel))
+        if self.ylabel is not None:
+            r += ind + '  <dimenstion dim="1" title="%s"/>\n' % (
+                    htmlescape(self.ylabel))
+        r += ind + "  <annotation>\n"
+        if self.title is not None:
+            r += ind + '    <item key="Title" value="%s" sticky="true"/>\n' % (
+                    htmlescape(self.title))
+        else:
+            r += ind + '    <item key="Title" value="" sticky="true"/>\n'
+        r += ind + '    <item key="AidaPath" value="%s" sticky="true"/>\n' % (
+                self.fullPath())
+        # TODO: FullPath annotation item?
+        # r += ind + '    <item key="FullPath" value
+        r += ind + "  </annotation>\n"
+        for b in self:
+            r += b.asAIDA()
+        r += ind + "</dataPointSet>\n"
+        return r
+    def numBins(self):
+        return len(self._bins)
+    def getBins(self):
+        if not self._sorted:
+            self._bins.sort()
+            self._sorted = True
+        return self._bins
+    def setBins(self, bins):
+        self._bins = bins
+        self._sorted = False
+        return self
+    def addBin(self, bin):
+        self._bins.append(bin)
+        self._sorted = False
+        return self
+    def getBin(self, index):
+        if not self._sorted:
+            self._bins.sort()
+            self._sorted = True
+        return self.getBins()[index]
+    bins = property(getBins, setBins)
+    def area(self):
+        return sum([bin.area() for bin in self.bins])
+    getArea = area
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.getBins())
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._bins)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        return self.getBin(index)
+    def chop(self, *xranges):
+        """Return a chopped histogram.
+        The kept bins are defined by (xstart, xstop) pairs. The first xstart
+        and last xstop can be None meaning that all is included from the
+        first or up to the last bin respectively.
+        Example:
+            >>> hist.chop((2.5, 5.5), (7.5, None))
+        """
+        if len(xranges) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("At least one (xstart, xstop) range is needed!")
+        # check that xranges is
+        laststop = xranges[0][1]
+        for xr in xranges[1:]:
+            if laststop >= xr[0]:
+                raise ValueError("(xstart, xstop) ranges must be in numerical order!")
+            laststop = xr[1]
+        new = Histo()
+        new.path = self.path
+        new.name = self.name
+        new.title = self.title
+        new.xlabel = self.xlabel
+        new.ylabel = self.ylabel
+        irange = 0
+        curran = xranges[irange]
+        for b in self:
+            lowok = False
+            highok = False
+            br = b.getXRange()
+            # print curran, "->", br
+            # update the current range used if we exceed the current upper
+            # limit
+            while (curran[1] is not None and
+                    irange < len(xranges) - 1 and
+                    br[0] > curran[1]):
+                irange += 1
+                curran = xranges[irange]
+            if ((curran[0] is None or curran[0] <= br[0] or
+                        br[0] <= curran[0] <= br[1]) and
+                (curran[1] is None or curran[1] >= br[1] or
+                        br[0] <= curran[1] <= br[1])):
+                new.addBin(b)
+            else:
+                logging.info("Chopping bin %s:%f" % (self.fullPath(),
+                             b.getBinCenter()))
+        return new
+    ## decorators are only available since Python 2.4
+    def fromDPS(cls, dps):
+        """Build a histogram from a xml dataPointSet."""
+        new = cls()
+        new.name = dps.get("name")
+        new.title = dps.get("title")
+        new.path = dps.get("path")
+        axes = dps.findall("dimension")
+        if (len(axes)==2):
+            for a in axes:
+                if (a.get("dim")=="0"):
+                    new.xlabel = a.get("title")
+                elif (a.get("dim")=="1"):
+                    new.ylabel = a.get("title")
+        points = dps.findall("dataPoint")
+        numbins = len(points)
+        for binnum, point in enumerate(points):
+            bin = Bin()
+            for d, m in enumerate(point.findall("measurement")):
+                val  = float(m.get("value"))
+                down = float(m.get("errorMinus"))
+                up = float(m.get("errorPlus"))
+                if d == 0:
+                    low  = val - down
+                    high = val + up
+                    bin.setXRange(low, high)
+                elif d == 1:
+                    bin.yval = val
+                    bin.yerrplus = up
+                    bin.yerrminus = down
+            new.addBin(bin)
+        return new
+    fromDPS = classmethod(fromDPS)
+    def fromFlat(cls, stringbuf):
+        """Build a histogram from a string buffer containing flat-format."""
+        desc = {}
+        new = cls()
+        for line in stringbuf:
+            line = line.rstrip()
+            if "=" in line:
+                linearray = line.split("=", 0)
+                desc[linearray[0]] = linearray[1]
+            else:
+                linearray = line.split()
+                if len(linearray) == 4:
+                    new.addBin(Bin(float(linearray[0]), float(linearray[1]),
+                                   float(linearray[2]),
+                                   float(linearray[3]), float(linearray[3])))
+                elif len(linearray) == 5:
+                    new.addBin(Bin(float(linearray[0]), float(linearray[1]),
+                                   float(linearray[2]),
+                                   float(linearray[3]), float(linearray[4])))
+                else:
+                    logging.error("Unknown line format in '%s'" % (line))
+        new.path, new.name = os.path.split(desc["AidaPath"])
+        if desc.has_key("Title"):
+            new.title = desc["Title"]
+        if desc.has_key("XLabel"):
+            new.title = desc["XLabel"]
+        if desc.has_key("YLabel"):
+            new.title = desc["YLabel"]
+        return new
+    fromFlat = classmethod(fromFlat)
+class Bin:
+    """A simple container for a binned value with an error."""
+    aidaindent = "    "
+    def __init__(self, xlow=None, xhigh=None, yval=0, yerrplus=0, yerrminus=0, focus=None):
+        self.xlow = xlow
+        self.xhigh= xhigh
+        self.yval = yval
+        self.yerrplus = yerrplus
+        self.yerrminus = yerrminus
+        self.focus= focus
+    def __str__(self):
+        out = "%e to %e: %e +%e-%e" % (self.xlow, self.xhigh,
+                self.yval, self.yerrplus, self.yerrminus)
+        return out
+    def asFlat(self, gnuplot):
+        if gnuplot:
+            out = "%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e" % (self.getBinCenter(), self.yval,
+                                              self.xlow, self.xhigh, 
+                                              self.yval-self.yerrminus, self.yval+self.yerrplus)
+        else:
+            out = "%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e" % (self.xlow, self.xhigh, self.yval, self.yerrminus, self.yerrplus)
+        return out
+    def asAIDA(self):
+        "Return this bin as AIDA formatted string."
+        ind = self.aidaindent
+        return (ind + "<dataPoint>\n"
+            + ind
+            + '  <measurement errorPlus="%e" value="%e" errorMinus="%e"/>\n' % (
+                self.getXErrPlus(), self.getBinCenter(), self.getXErrMinus())
+            + ind
+            + '  <measurement errorPlus="%e" value="%e" errorMinus="%e"/>\n' % (
+                self.yerrplus, self.yval, self.yerrminus)
+            + ind + "</dataPoint>\n")
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        """Sort by mean x value (yeah, I know...)"""
+        return (self.xlow + self.xhigh) > (other.xlow + other.xhigh)
+    def getXRange(self):
+        return (self.xlow, self.xhigh)
+    def setXRange(self, xlow, xhigh):
+        self.xlow = xlow
+        self.xhigh = xhigh
+        return self
+    def getBinCenter(self):
+        """Geometric middle of the bin range."""
+        return self.xlow + .5*(self.xhigh - self.xlow)
+    def getXErrPlus(self):
+        return self.xhigh - self.getBinCenter()
+    def getXErrMinus(self):
+        return self.getBinCenter() - self.xlow
+    def getFocus(self):
+        """Mean x-value of the bin."""
+        if self.focus is not None:
+            return (self.xlow + self.xhigh)/2.0
+        else:
+            return self.focus
+    def area(self):
+        return self.yval * (self.xhigh - self.xlow)
+    getArea = area
+    def getYErr(self):
+        """Get mean of +ve and -ve y-errors."""
+        return (self.yerrplus + self.yerrminus)/2.0
+    def setYErr(self, yerr):
+        """Set both +ve and -ve y-errors simultaneously."""
+        self.yerrplus = yerr
+        self.yerrminus = yerr
+        return self
+    yerr = property(getYErr, setYErr)

Modified: trunk/pyext/setup.py.in
--- trunk/pyext/setup.py.in	Thu Oct 15 19:04:42 2009	(r1917)
+++ trunk/pyext/setup.py.in	Thu Oct 15 19:19:59 2009	(r1918)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 setup(name = 'rivet',
       version = '@PACKAGE_VERSION@',
-      py_modules = ['rivet'],
+      py_modules = ['rivet', 'lighthisto'],
       author = ['Andy Buckley'],
       author_email = 'andy at insectnation.org',
       url = 'http://projects.hepforge.org/rivet/',

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