[Rivet-svn] r2478 - trunk/data/anainfo

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Thu Jun 10 18:19:58 BST 2010

Author: buckley
Date: Thu Jun 10 18:20:04 2010
New Revision: 2478

Correcting failing YAML syntax in UA5 1988 analysis info


Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/UA5_1988_S1867512.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/UA5_1988_S1867512.info	Thu Jun 10 15:26:25 2010	(r2477)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/UA5_1988_S1867512.info	Thu Jun 10 18:20:04 2010	(r2478)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name: UA5_1988_S1867512
 Year: 1988
-Summary: Charged particle correlations in ppbar non-single-diffractive events of the UA5 detector at sqrt(s) = 200, 546 and 900 GeV.
+Summary: Charged particle correlations in UA5 $p \\bar{p}$ NSD events at sqrt(s) = 200, 546 and 900 GeV.
 Experiment: UA5
 Collider: CERN SPS
 SpiresID: 1867512
@@ -8,34 +8,34 @@
  - Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de>
- - Z.Phys.C37:191-213,1988 
+ - Z.Phys.C37:191-213,1988
-  ppbar events. Non-single diffractive events need to be switched on.
+  "ppbar events. Non-single diffractive events need to be switched on.
   The trigger implementation is the same as in UA5_1989_S1926373.
-  Important: Only the correlation strengths with symmetric eta bins 
-  should be used for tuning.
+  Important: Only the correlation strengths with symmetric eta bins
+  should be used for tuning."
 NumEvents: 100000
 Beams: [p-, p+]
 Energies: [200, 546, 900]
 PtCuts: [0]
-  'Data on two-particle pseudorapidity and multiplicity correlations 
-  of charged particles for non single-diffractive $\bar{p}p$ collisions at 
-  c.m. energies of 200, 546 and 900 GeV. Pseudorapidity correlations interpreted 
-  in terms of a cluster model, which has been motivated by this and other 
-  experiments, require on average about two charged particles per cluster. 
-  The decay width of the clusters in pseudorapidity is approximately independent 
-  of multiplicity and of c.m. energy. The investigations of correlations in terms 
-  of pseudorapidity gaps confirm the picture of cluster production. The strength 
-  of forward-backward multiplicity correlations increases linearly with ins and 
-  depends strongly on position and size of the pseudorapidity gap separating 
-  the forward and backward interval. All our correlation studies can be understood 
-  in terms of a cluster model in which clusters contain on average about two 
-  charged particles, i.e. are of similar magnitude to earlier estimates from the ISR.'
+  "Data on two-particle pseudorapidity and multiplicity correlations
+  of charged particles for non single-diffractive $\bar{p}p$ collisions at
+  c.m. energies of 200, 546 and 900 GeV. Pseudorapidity correlations interpreted
+  in terms of a cluster model, which has been motivated by this and other
+  experiments, require on average about two charged particles per cluster.
+  The decay width of the clusters in pseudorapidity is approximately independent
+  of multiplicity and of c.m. energy. The investigations of correlations in terms
+  of pseudorapidity gaps confirm the picture of cluster production. The strength
+  of forward-backward multiplicity correlations increases linearly with ins and
+  depends strongly on position and size of the pseudorapidity gap separating
+  the forward and backward interval. All our correlation studies can be understood
+  in terms of a cluster model in which clusters contain on average about two
+  charged particles, i.e. are of similar magnitude to earlier estimates from the ISR."
 BibKey: Ansorge:1988fg
 BibTeX: '@Article{Ansorge:1988fg,
      author    = "Ansorge, R. E. and others",
- collaboration = "UA5",
+     collaboration = "UA5",
                   C.M. ENERGIES OF 200-GEV, 546-GEV AND 900-GEV}",
      journal   = "Z. Phys.",

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