[Rivet-svn] r2455 - trunk/src/Analysesblackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.orgTue May 18 10:33:24 BST 2010
Author: hoeth Date: Tue May 18 14:20:54 2010 New Revision: 2455 Log: revert last commit for D0_2001_S4674421. Modified: trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc Modified: trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc ============================================================================== --- trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc Tue May 18 14:18:26 2010 (r2454) +++ trunk/src/Analyses/D0_2001_S4674421.cc Tue May 18 14:20:54 2010 (r2455) @@ -28,14 +28,6 @@ //@{ void init() { - vector<double> bins; - bins.push_back(0.); - bins.push_back(1.); - bins.push_back(3.); - ttt = bookHistogram1D("somename", bins); - //ttt = bookHistogram1D(1,1,1); - //ttt = bookHistogram1D("somename", 10, 0, 10); -#if 0 // Final state projection FinalState fs(-5.0, 5.0); // corrected for detector acceptance addProjection(fs, "FS"); @@ -67,14 +59,15 @@ // Histograms _h_dsigdpt_w = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 1); _h_dsigdpt_z = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 2); - _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z = bookDataPointSet(2, 1, 1); -#endif + /// @todo Can't take this from ref data? + vector<double> bins(23); + bins += 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200; + _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z = bookHistogram1D("d01-x01-y03", bins); } void analyze(const Event& event) { -#if 0 const double weight = event.weight(); const LeadingParticlesFinalState& eeFS = applyProjection<LeadingParticlesFinalState>(event, "eeFS"); @@ -89,7 +82,9 @@ ++Zcount; _eventsFilledZ += weight; getLog() << Log::DEBUG << "Z #" << Zcount << " pmom.pT() = " << pmom.pT()/GeV << " GeV" << endl; + const double MW_MZ = 0.8820; // Ratio M_W/M_Z _h_dsigdpt_z->fill(pmom.pT()/GeV, weight); + _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->fill(pmom.pT()/GeV * MW_MZ, weight); } } else { // There is no Z -> ee candidate... so this must be a W event, right? @@ -112,13 +107,11 @@ _h_dsigdpt_w->fill(pmom.pT()/GeV, weight); } } -#endif } void finalize() { -#if 0 // Get cross-section per event (i.e. per unit weight) from generator const double xSecPerEvent = crossSectionPerEvent()/picobarn; @@ -129,64 +122,33 @@ const double xSecZ = xSecPerEvent * _eventsFilledZ; // Get W and Z pT integrals - const double wpt_integral = xSecW; //integral(_h_dsigdpt_w); - const double zpt_integral = xSecZ; //integral(_h_dsigdpt_z); + const double wpt_integral = integral(_h_dsigdpt_w); + const double zpt_scaled_integral = integral(_h_dsigdpt_scaled_z); // Divide and scale ratio histos - if (xSecW == 0 || wpt_integral == 0 || xSecZ == 0 || zpt_integral == 0) { + AIDA::IDataPointSet* div = histogramFactory().divide(histoDir() + "/d02-x01-y01", *_h_dsigdpt_w, *_h_dsigdpt_scaled_z); + div->setTitle("$[\\mathrm{d}\\sigma/\\mathrm{d}p_\\perp(W)] / [\\mathrm{d}\\sigma/\\mathrm{d}(p_\\perp(Z) \\cdot M_W/M_Z)]$"); + if (xSecW == 0 || wpt_integral == 0 || xSecZ == 0 || zpt_scaled_integral == 0) { getLog() << Log::WARN << "Not filling ratio plot because input histos are empty" << endl; } else { - std::vector<double> xval; - std::vector<double> xerr; - std::vector<double> yval; - std::vector<double> yerr; - // Scale factor converts event counts to cross-sections, and inverts the // branching ratios since only one decay channel has been analysed for each boson. - // Oh, and we put MW/MZ in, like they do in the paper. - const double MW_MZ = 0.8820; // Ratio M_W/M_Z - const double BRZEE_BRWENU = 0.033632 / 0.1073; // Ratio of branching fractions - const double scalefactor = (xSecW / wpt_integral) / (xSecZ / zpt_integral) * MW_MZ * BRZEE_BRWENU; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "xSecW " << xSecW << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "wpt_integral " << wpt_integral << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "xSecZ " << xSecZ << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "zpt_integral " << zpt_integral << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "W UNDER " << _h_dsigdpt_w->binHeight(AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN) << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "W OVER " << _h_dsigdpt_w->binHeight(AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN) << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "Z UNDER " << _h_dsigdpt_z->binHeight(AIDA::IAxis::UNDERFLOW_BIN) << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "Z OVER " << _h_dsigdpt_z->binHeight(AIDA::IAxis::OVERFLOW_BIN) << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "eventsFilledW " << _eventsFilledW << endl; - getLog() << Log::WARN << "eventsFilledZ " << _eventsFilledZ << endl; - for (int ibin=0; ibin<_h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->size(); ibin++) { - /// @todo I would love to use axis().binMidPoint(ibin) here, but this #*&$*^%$ LWH IAxis doesn't have it!!!! - /// It's only in Axis and VariAxis, but doesn't get passed through to the user. I WANT YODA!!! *SIGH* - xval.push_back(0.5*(_h_dsigdpt_w->axis().binUpperEdge(ibin)-_h_dsigdpt_w->axis().binLowerEdge(ibin))); - xerr.push_back(0.5*_h_dsigdpt_w->axis().binWidth(ibin)); - yval.push_back(scalefactor * _h_dsigdpt_w->binHeight(ibin) / _h_dsigdpt_z->binHeight(ibin)); - yerr.push_back(0.); + const double BRZEE_BRWENU = 0.033632 / 0.1073; + const double scalefactor = (xSecW / wpt_integral) / (xSecZ / zpt_scaled_integral) * BRZEE_BRWENU; + for (int pt = 0; pt < div->size(); ++pt) { + assert(div->point(pt)->dimension() == 2); + AIDA::IMeasurement* m = div->point(pt)->coordinate(1); + m->setValue(m->value() * scalefactor); + m->setErrorPlus(m->errorPlus() * scalefactor); + m->setErrorMinus(m->errorPlus() * scalefactor); } - _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->setCoordinate(0, xval, xerr); - _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z->setCoordinate(1, yval, yerr); -//// for (int pt = 0; pt < div->size(); ++pt) { -//// assert(div->point(pt)->dimension() == 2); -//// AIDA::IMeasurement* m = div->point(pt)->coordinate(1); -//// m->setValue(m->value() * scalefactor); -//// m->setErrorPlus(m->errorPlus() * scalefactor); -//// m->setErrorMinus(m->errorPlus() * scalefactor); -//// } } // Normalize non-ratio histos normalize(_h_dsigdpt_w, xSecW); normalize(_h_dsigdpt_z, xSecZ); + normalize(_h_dsigdpt_scaled_z, xSecZ); - -#endif - - ttt->fill(0.5, 1.5); - ttt->fill(1.5, 1.5); - getLog() << Log::WARN << "int(ttt) " << integral(ttt) << endl; - normalize(ttt,1); } @@ -196,16 +158,15 @@ /// @name Event counters for cross section normalizations //@{ -/// double _eventsFilledW; -/// double _eventsFilledZ; + double _eventsFilledW; + double _eventsFilledZ; //@} //@{ /// Histograms - AIDA::IHistogram1D* ttt; -/// AIDA::IHistogram1D* _h_dsigdpt_w; -/// AIDA::IHistogram1D* _h_dsigdpt_z; -/// AIDA::IDataPointSet* _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z; + AIDA::IHistogram1D* _h_dsigdpt_w; + AIDA::IHistogram1D* _h_dsigdpt_z; + AIDA::IHistogram1D* _h_dsigdpt_scaled_z; //@} };
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