[Rivet-svn] r2687 - in trunk: data/anainfo data/plotinfo src/Analysesblackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.orgWed Sep 1 10:59:50 BST 2010
Author: fsiegert Date: Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 New Revision: 2687 Log: Add MC analyses for W+[e nu]W-[mu nu] pair production and Z[ee]Z[mumu] pair production. Added: trunk/data/anainfo/MC_WWJETS.info trunk/data/anainfo/MC_ZZJETS.info trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_WWJETS.plot trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_ZZJETS.plot trunk/src/Analyses/MC_WWJETS.cc trunk/src/Analyses/MC_ZZJETS.cc Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/Makefile.am trunk/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Added: trunk/data/anainfo/MC_WWJETS.info ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/data/anainfo/MC_WWJETS.info Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +Name: MC_WWJETS +Summary: Monte Carlo validation observables for $W^+[e^+ \, \nu]W^-[\mu^- \, \nu]$ + jets production +Status: VALIDATED +Authors: + - Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk> +References: +RunInfo: + $WW$ + jets analysis. +NumEvents: 1000000 +PtCuts: [0] +Description: + In addition to the typical jet observables this analysis contains observables + related to properties of the WW-pair momentum, correlations between the WW, + properties of the W bosons, properties of the leptons, correlations between + the opposite charge leptons and correlations with jets. Added: trunk/data/anainfo/MC_ZZJETS.info ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/data/anainfo/MC_ZZJETS.info Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Name: MC_ZZJETS +Summary: Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[e^+ \, e^-]Z[\mu^+ \, \mu^-]$ + jets production +Status: VALIDATED +Authors: + - Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at durham.ac.uk> +References: +RunInfo: + $ZZ$ + jets analysis. Needs mass cut on lepton pairs to avoid + photon singularity, e.g. a min range of $66 < m_{ee} < 116$ GeV +NumEvents: 1000000 +PtCuts: [0] +Description: + In addition to the typical jet observables this analysis contains observables + related to properties of the ZZ-pair momentum, correlations between the ZZ, + properties of the Z bosons, properties of the leptons, correlations between + the opposite charge leptons and correlations with jets. Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- trunk/data/anainfo/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:53:01 2010 (r2686) +++ trunk/data/anainfo/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ MC_PHOTONJETS.info \ MC_HJETS.info \ MC_WJETS.info \ + MC_WWJETS.info \ MC_ZJETS.info \ + MC_ZZJETS.info \ OPAL_1993_S2692198.info \ OPAL_1998_S3780481.info \ OPAL_2001_S4553896.info \ Added: trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_WWJETS.plot ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_WWJETS.plot Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,497 @@ +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_pT +Title=Transverse momentum of boson pair +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_pT_peak +Title=Peak region of transverse momentum of boson pair +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_eta +Title=Pseudorapidity of boson pair +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{WW}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{WW}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_phi +Title=Azimuthal angle of boson pair +XLabel=$\phi_{\text{WW}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\phi_{\text{WW}}$ [pb] +LogY=0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_m +Title=Invariant mass of boson pair +XLabel=$m_{\text{WW}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m_{\text{WW}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_dphi +Title=Azimuthal angle difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta\phi_{\text{WW}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\phi_{\text{WW}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.55 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_deta +Title=Pseudorapidity difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta\eta_{\text{WW}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta_{\text{WW}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_dR +Title=Separation of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta R_{\text{WW}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R_{\text{WW}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_dpT +Title=Transverse momentum difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta p_\perp^{\text{WW}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_costheta_planes +Title=Angle between the boson decay planes +XLabel=$\cos(\Psi_{\text{e}\nu,\mu\nu})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\cos(\Psi_{\text{e}\nu,\mu\nu})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/W_pT +Title=W $p_\perp$ +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{W}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{W}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/W_eta +Title=W pseudorapidity +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{W}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{W}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/Wl_pT +Title=Lepton $p_\perp$ +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{l}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{l}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/Wl_eta +Title=Lepton $\eta$ +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{l}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{l}}$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WeWm_dphi +Title=Azimuthal angle difference between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta\phi_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\phi$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.55 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WeWm_deta +Title=Pseudorapidity difference between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta\eta_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.75 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WeWm_dR +Title=Separation between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta R_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WeWm_m +Title=Invariant mass of oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$m_{e^+,\mu^-}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_jet1_dR +Title=Separation between W boson pair and leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta R(\text{WW, 1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R(\text{WW, 1st jet})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.7 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/WW_jet1_deta +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{\eta}(\text{WW, 1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{\eta}(\text{WW, 1st jet})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/We_jet1_dR +Title=Separation between $e^+$ and leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta R(e^+,\text{1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R(e^+,\text{1st jet})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.7 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_WWJETS/HT +Title=HT +XLabel=$H_T$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}H_T$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_12 +Title=Separation between leading and second leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_13 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_14 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_23 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_24 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_34 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_12 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_13 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_14 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_23 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_24 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_34 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_1 +Title=Pseudorapidity of leading jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 1})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_2 +Title=Pseudorapidity of second jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_3 +Title=Pseudorapidity of third jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_4 +Title=Pseudorapidity of fourth jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_1 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of first jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 1})_+/\eta(\text{jet 1})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 1}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_2 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of second jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 2})_+/\eta(\text{jet 2})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 2}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_3 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of third jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 3})_+/\eta(\text{jet 3})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 3}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_4 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of fourth jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 4})_+/\eta(\text{jet 4})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 4}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_1 +Title=Rapidity of first jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 1})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_2 +Title=Rapidity of second jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_3 +Title=Rapidity of third jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_4 +Title=Rapidity of fourth jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_1 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of first jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 1})_+/y(\text{jet 1})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 1}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_2 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of second jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 2})_+/y(\text{jet 2})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 2}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_3 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of third jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 3})_+/y(\text{jet 3})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 3}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_4 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of fourth jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 4})_+/y(\text{jet 4})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 4}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_1 +Title=Mass of first jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 1})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_2 +Title=Mass of second jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 2})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_3 +Title=Mass of third jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 3})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_4 +Title=Mass of fourth jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 4})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_exclusive +Title=Exclusive jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(N_{\text{jet}})$ [pb] +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_inclusive +Title=Inclusive jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}})$ [pb] +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_ratio +Title=Ratio of jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}})/\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}}-1)$ +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +LogY=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_0 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $0$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{0}$ +Rebin=2 +LegendYPos=0.8 +LegendXPos=1.2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_1 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $1$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{1}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_2 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $2$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{2}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_3 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $3$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{3}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_4 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $4$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{\geq4}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_01 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $0 \to 1$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{01}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{01}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_12 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $1 \to 2$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{12}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{12}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_23 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $2 \to 3$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{23}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{23}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_34 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $3 \to 4$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{34}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{34}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_1 +Title=Transverse momentum of leading jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 1})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 1})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_2 +Title=Transverse momentum of second jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 2})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 2})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_3 +Title=Transverse momentum of third jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 3})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 3})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_4 +Title=Transverse momentum of fourth jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 4})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 4})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT Added: trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_ZZJETS.plot ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/data/plotinfo/MC_ZZJETS.plot Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_pT +Title=Transverse momentum of boson pair +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_pT_peak +Title=Peak region of transverse momentum of boson pair +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_eta +Title=Pseudorapidity of boson pair +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{ZZ}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_phi +Title=Azimuthal angle of boson pair +XLabel=$\phi_{\text{ZZ}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\phi_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb] +LogY=0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_m +Title=Invariant mass of boson pair +XLabel=$m_{\text{ZZ}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_dphi +Title=Azimuthal angle difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta\phi_{\text{ZZ}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\phi_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.55 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_deta +Title=Pseudorapidity difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta\eta_{\text{ZZ}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_dR +Title=Separation of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta R_{\text{ZZ}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R_{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_dpT +Title=Transverse momentum difference of boson pair +XLabel=$\Delta p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta p_\perp^{\text{ZZ}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_costheta_planes +Title=Angle between the boson decay planes +XLabel=$\cos(\Psi_{\text{ee},\mu\mu})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\cos(\Psi_{\text{ee},\mu\mu})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/Z_pT +Title=Z $p_\perp$ +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{Z}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{Z}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/Z_eta +Title=Z pseudorapidity +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{Z}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{Z}}$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/Zl_pT +Title=Lepton $p_\perp$ +XLabel=$p_\perp^{\text{l}}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp^{\text{l}}$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/Zl_eta +Title=Lepton $\eta$ +XLabel=$\eta_{\text{l}}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta_{\text{l}}$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZeZm_dphi +Title=Azimuthal angle difference between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta\phi_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\phi$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZeZm_deta +Title=Pseudorapidity difference between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta\eta_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZeZm_dR +Title=Separation between oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$\Delta R_{e^+,\mu^-}$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZeZm_m +Title=Invariant mass of oppositely charged leptons +XLabel=$m_{e^+,\mu^-}$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_jet1_dR +Title=Separation between Z boson pair and leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta R(\text{ZZ, 1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R(\text{ZZ, 1st jet})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/ZZ_jet1_deta +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{\eta}(\text{ZZ, 1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{\eta}(\text{ZZ, 1st jet})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/Ze_jet1_dR +Title=Separation between $e^+$ and leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta R(e^+,\text{1st jet})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta R(e^+,\text{1st jet})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.8 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZZJETS/HT +Title=HT +XLabel=$H_T$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}H_T$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.55 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_12 +Title=Separation between leading and second leading jet +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_13 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_14 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_23 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_24 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_dR_34 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta{R}(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta{R}(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_12 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_13 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_14 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 1, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_23 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_24 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 2, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jets_deta_34 +Title= +XLabel=$\Delta\eta(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\Delta\eta(\text{jet 3, jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_1 +Title=Pseudorapidity of leading jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 1})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_2 +Title=Pseudorapidity of second jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_3 +Title=Pseudorapidity of third jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_4 +Title=Pseudorapidity of fourth jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\eta(\text{jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_1 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of first jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 1})_+/\eta(\text{jet 1})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 1}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_2 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of second jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 2})_+/\eta(\text{jet 2})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 2}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_3 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of third jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 3})_+/\eta(\text{jet 3})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 3}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_eta_pmratio_4 +Title=Pseudorapidity $+/-$ ratio of fourth jet +XLabel=$\eta(\text{jet 4})_+/\eta(\text{jet 4})_-$ +YLabel=$|\eta(\text{jet 4}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_1 +Title=Rapidity of first jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 1})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_2 +Title=Rapidity of second jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 2})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_3 +Title=Rapidity of third jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 3})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_4 +Title=Rapidity of fourth jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}y(\text{jet 4})$ [pb] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_1 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of first jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 1})_+/y(\text{jet 1})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 1}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_2 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of second jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 2})_+/y(\text{jet 2})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 2}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_3 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of third jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 3})_+/y(\text{jet 3})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 3}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_y_pmratio_4 +Title=Rapidity $+/-$ ratio of fourth jet +XLabel=$y(\text{jet 4})_+/y(\text{jet 4})_-$ +YLabel=$|y(\text{jet 4}|$ +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_1 +Title=Mass of first jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 1})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 1})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_2 +Title=Mass of second jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 2})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 2})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_3 +Title=Mass of third jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 3})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 3})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_mass_4 +Title=Mass of fourth jet +XLabel=$m(\text{jet 4})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}m(\text{jet 4})$ [pb/GeV] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_exclusive +Title=Exclusive jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(N_{\text{jet}})$ [pb] +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_inclusive +Title=Inclusive jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}})$ [pb] +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_multi_ratio +Title=Ratio of jet multiplicity +XLabel=$N_{\text{jet}}$ +YLabel=$\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}})/\sigma(\geq N_{\text{jet}}-1)$ +XMajorTickMarks=10 +XMinorTickMarks=0 +LogY=0 +ErrorBands=1 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_0 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $0$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{0}$ +Rebin=2 +LegendYPos=0.8 +LegendXPos=1.2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_1 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $1$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{1}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_2 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $2$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{2}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_3 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $3$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{3}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_R_4 +Title=$\log_{10}$(Integrated $4$ jet rate in $k_\perp$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{\text{cut}}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$R_{\geq4}$ +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_01 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $0 \to 1$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{01}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{01}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_12 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $1 \to 2$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{12}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{12}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_23 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $2 \to 3$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{23}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{23}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/log10_d_34 +Title=$\log_{10}$($k_\perp$ jet resolution $3 \to 4$ [GeV]) +XLabel=$\log_{10}(d_{34}/\text{GeV})$ +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}\log_{10}(d_{34}/\text{GeV})$ [pb] +LegendXPos=0.6 +LegendYPos=0.5 +Rebin=2 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_1 +Title=Transverse momentum of leading jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 1})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 1})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_2 +Title=Transverse momentum of second jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 2})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 2})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_3 +Title=Transverse momentum of third jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 3})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 3})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /MC_ZJETS/jet_pT_4 +Title=Transverse momentum of fourth jet +XLabel=$p_\perp(\text{jet 4})$ [GeV] +YLabel=$\text{d}\sigma/\text{d}p_\perp(\text{jet 4})$ [pb/GeV] +LogX=1 +LegendXPos=0.5 +LegendYPos=0.5 +XMin=20.0 +# END PLOT Modified: trunk/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- trunk/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:53:01 2010 (r2686) +++ trunk/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ MC_PHOTONJETS.plot \ MC_HJETS.plot \ MC_WJETS.plot \ + MC_WWJETS.plot \ MC_ZJETS.plot \ + MC_ZZJETS.plot \ OPAL_1993_S2692198.plot \ OPAL_1998_S3780481.plot \ OPAL_2001_S4553896.plot \ Added: trunk/src/Analyses/MC_WWJETS.cc ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/src/Analyses/MC_WWJETS.cc Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +// -*- C++ -*- +#include "Rivet/Analyses/MC_JetAnalysis.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh" +#include "Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh" + +namespace Rivet { + + /// @brief MC validation analysis for W^+[enu]W^-[munu] + jets events + class MC_WWJETS : public MC_JetAnalysis { + public: + + /// Default constructor + MC_WWJETS() + : MC_JetAnalysis("MC_WWJETS", 4, "Jets") + { + setNeedsCrossSection(true); + } + + + /// @name Analysis methods + //@{ + + /// Book histograms + void init() { + WFinder wenufinder(-3.5, 3.5, 25.0*GeV, ELECTRON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2); + addProjection(wenufinder, "WenuFinder"); + WFinder wmnufinder(-3.5, 3.5, 25.0*GeV, MUON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2); + addProjection(wmnufinder, "WmnuFinder"); + VetoedFinalState jetinput; + jetinput + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(wenufinder.constituentsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(wenufinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(wmnufinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState()); + FastJets jetpro(jetinput, FastJets::KT, 0.7); + addProjection(jetpro, "Jets"); + + // properties of the pair momentum + _h_WW_pT = bookHistogram1D("WW_pT", logBinEdges(100, 1.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + _h_WW_pT_peak = bookHistogram1D("WW_pT_peak", 25, 0.0, 25.0); + _h_WW_eta = bookHistogram1D("WW_eta", 40, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_WW_phi = bookHistogram1D("WW_phi", 25, 0.0, TWOPI); + _h_WW_m = bookHistogram1D("WW_m", logBinEdges(100, 150.0, 180.0+0.25*sqrtS())); + + // correlations between the WW + _h_WW_dphi = bookHistogram1D("WW_dphi", 25, 0.0, PI); /// @todo non-linear? + _h_WW_deta = bookHistogram1D("WW_deta", 25, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_WW_dR = bookHistogram1D("WW_dR", 25, 0.5, 7.0); + _h_WW_dpT = bookHistogram1D("WW_dpT", logBinEdges(100, 1.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + _h_WW_costheta_planes = bookHistogram1D("WW_costheta_planes", 25, -1.0, 1.0); + + /// @todo fuer WW: missing ET + + // properties of the W bosons + _h_W_pT = bookHistogram1D("W_pT", logBinEdges(100, 10.0, 0.25*sqrtS())); + _h_W_eta = bookHistogram1D("W_eta", 70, -7.0, 7.0); + + // properties of the leptons + _h_Wl_pT = bookHistogram1D("Wl_pT", logBinEdges(100, 30.0, 0.1 + *sqrtS())); + _h_Wl_eta = bookHistogram1D("Wl_eta", 40, -3.5, 3.5); + + // correlations between the opposite charge leptons + _h_WeWm_dphi = bookHistogram1D("WeWm_dphi", 25, 0.0, PI); + _h_WeWm_deta = bookHistogram1D("WeWm_deta", 25, -5.0, 5.0); + _h_WeWm_dR = bookHistogram1D("WeWm_dR", 25, 0.5, 5.0); + _h_WeWm_m = bookHistogram1D("WeWm_m", 100, 0.0, 300.0); + + // correlations with jets + _h_WW_jet1_deta = bookHistogram1D("WW_jet1_deta", 70, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_WW_jet1_dR = bookHistogram1D("WW_jet1_dR", 25, 1.5, 7.0); + _h_We_jet1_dR = bookHistogram1D("We_jet1_dR", 25, 0.0, 7.0); + + // global stuff + _h_HT = bookHistogram1D("HT", logBinEdges(100, 100.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + + MC_JetAnalysis::init(); + } + + + + /// Do the analysis + void analyze(const Event & e) { + const double weight = e.weight(); + + const WFinder& wenufinder = applyProjection<WFinder>(e, "WenuFinder"); + if (wenufinder.particles().size()!=1) { + vetoEvent; + } + + const WFinder& wmnufinder = applyProjection<WFinder>(e, "WmnuFinder"); + if (wmnufinder.particles().size()!=1) { + vetoEvent; + } + + FourMomentum wenu(wenufinder.particles()[0].momentum()); + FourMomentum wmnu(wmnufinder.particles()[0].momentum()); + FourMomentum ww(wenu+wmnu); + // find leptons + FourMomentum ep(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), enu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); + if (PID::threeCharge(wenufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0])>0.0) { + ep=wenufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + enu=wenufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + } + else { + ep=wenufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + enu=wenufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + } + FourMomentum mnu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), mm(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); + if (PID::threeCharge(wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0])==0.0) { + mnu=wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + mm=wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + } + else { + mnu=wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + mm=wmnufinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + } + + _h_WW_pT->fill(ww.pT(),weight); + _h_WW_pT_peak->fill(ww.pT(),weight); + _h_WW_eta->fill(ww.eta(),weight); + _h_WW_phi->fill(ww.azimuthalAngle(),weight); + double mww2=ww.mass2(); + if (mww2>0.0) _h_WW_m->fill(sqrt(mww2), weight); + + _h_WW_dphi->fill(mapAngle0ToPi(wenu.phi()-wmnu.phi()), weight); + _h_WW_deta->fill(wenu.eta()-wmnu.eta(), weight); + _h_WW_dR->fill(deltaR(wenu,wmnu), weight); + _h_WW_dpT->fill(fabs(wenu.pT()-wmnu.pT()), weight); + + Vector3 crossWenu = ep.vector3().cross(enu.vector3()); + Vector3 crossWmnu = mm.vector3().cross(mnu.vector3()); + double costheta = crossWenu.dot(crossWmnu)/crossWenu.mod()/crossWmnu.mod(); + _h_WW_costheta_planes->fill(costheta, weight); + + _h_W_pT->fill(wenu.pT(),weight); + _h_W_pT->fill(wmnu.pT(),weight); + _h_W_eta->fill(wenu.eta(),weight); + _h_W_eta->fill(wmnu.eta(),weight); + + _h_Wl_pT->fill(ep.pT(), weight); + _h_Wl_pT->fill(mm.pT(), weight); + _h_Wl_eta->fill(ep.eta(), weight); + _h_Wl_eta->fill(mm.eta(), weight); + + _h_WeWm_dphi->fill(mapAngle0ToPi(ep.phi()-mm.phi()), weight); + _h_WeWm_deta->fill(ep.eta()-mm.eta(), weight); + _h_WeWm_dR->fill(deltaR(ep,mm), weight); + double m2=FourMomentum(ep+mm).mass2(); + if (m2 < 0) m2 = 0.0; + _h_WeWm_m->fill(sqrt(m2), weight); + + const FastJets& jetpro = applyProjection<FastJets>(e, "Jets"); + const Jets& jets = jetpro.jetsByPt(20.0*GeV); + if (jets.size() > 0) { + _h_WW_jet1_deta->fill(ww.eta()-jets[0].momentum().eta(), weight); + _h_WW_jet1_dR->fill(deltaR(ww, jets[0].momentum()), weight); + _h_We_jet1_dR->fill(deltaR(ep, jets[0].momentum()), weight); + } + + double HT=ep.pT()+mm.pT()+FourMomentum(enu+mnu).pT(); + foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) { + HT+=jet.momentum().pT(); + } + foreach (const Particle& p, wenufinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState().particles()) { + HT+=p.momentum().pT(); + } + foreach (const Particle& p, wmnufinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState().particles()) { + HT+=p.momentum().pT(); + } + if (HT>0.0) _h_HT->fill(HT, weight); + + MC_JetAnalysis::analyze(e); + } + + + /// Finalize + void finalize() { + double norm=crossSection()/sumOfWeights(); + scale(_h_WW_pT, norm); + scale(_h_WW_pT_peak, norm); + scale(_h_WW_eta, norm); + scale(_h_WW_phi, norm); + scale(_h_WW_m, norm); + scale(_h_WW_dphi, norm); + scale(_h_WW_deta, norm); + scale(_h_WW_dR, norm); + scale(_h_WW_dpT, norm); + scale(_h_WW_costheta_planes, norm); + scale(_h_W_pT, norm); + scale(_h_W_eta, norm); + scale(_h_Wl_pT, norm); + scale(_h_Wl_eta, norm); + scale(_h_WeWm_dphi, norm); + scale(_h_WeWm_deta, norm); + scale(_h_WeWm_dR, norm); + scale(_h_WeWm_m, norm); + scale(_h_WW_jet1_deta, norm); + scale(_h_WW_jet1_dR, norm); + scale(_h_We_jet1_dR, norm); + scale(_h_HT, norm); + + MC_JetAnalysis::finalize(); + } + + //@} + + + private: + + /// @name Histograms + //@{ + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_pT_peak; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_phi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_m; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_dphi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_dpT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_costheta_planes; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_W_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_W_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Wl_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Wl_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WeWm_dphi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WeWm_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WeWm_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WeWm_m; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_jet1_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_WW_jet1_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_We_jet1_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_HT; + //@} + + }; + + + + // This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system + AnalysisBuilder<MC_WWJETS> plugin_MC_WWJETS; + +} Added: trunk/src/Analyses/MC_ZZJETS.cc ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ trunk/src/Analyses/MC_ZZJETS.cc Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +// -*- C++ -*- +#include "Rivet/Analyses/MC_JetAnalysis.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" +#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh" +#include "Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh" + +namespace Rivet { + + /// @brief MC validation analysis for Z[ee]Z[mumu] + jets events + class MC_ZZJETS : public MC_JetAnalysis { + public: + + /// Default constructor + MC_ZZJETS() + : MC_JetAnalysis("MC_ZZJETS", 4, "Jets") + { + setNeedsCrossSection(true); + } + + + /// @name Analysis methods + //@{ + + /// Book histograms + void init() { + ZFinder zeefinder(-3.5, 3.5, 25.0*GeV, ELECTRON, 65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.2); + addProjection(zeefinder, "ZeeFinder"); + ZFinder zmmfinder(-3.5, 3.5, 25.0*GeV, MUON, 65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.2); + addProjection(zmmfinder, "ZmmFinder"); + VetoedFinalState jetinput; + jetinput + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(zeefinder.constituentsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(zeefinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState()) + .addVetoOnThisFinalState(zmmfinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState()); + FastJets jetpro(jetinput, FastJets::KT, 0.7); + addProjection(jetpro, "Jets"); + + // properties of the pair momentum + _h_ZZ_pT = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_pT", logBinEdges(100, 1.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + _h_ZZ_pT_peak = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_pT_peak", 25, 0.0, 25.0); + _h_ZZ_eta = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_eta", 40, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_ZZ_phi = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_phi", 25, 0.0, TWOPI); + _h_ZZ_m = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_m", logBinEdges(100, 150.0, 180.0+0.25*sqrtS())); + + // correlations between the ZZ + _h_ZZ_dphi = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_dphi", 25, 0.0, PI); /// @todo non-linear? + _h_ZZ_deta = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_deta", 25, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_ZZ_dR = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_dR", 25, 0.5, 7.0); + _h_ZZ_dpT = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_dpT", logBinEdges(100, 1.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + _h_ZZ_costheta_planes = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_costheta_planes", 25, -1.0, 1.0); + + /// @todo fuer WW: missing ET + + // properties of the Z bosons + _h_Z_pT = bookHistogram1D("Z_pT", logBinEdges(100, 10.0, 0.25*sqrtS())); + _h_Z_eta = bookHistogram1D("Z_eta", 70, -7.0, 7.0); + + // properties of the leptons + _h_Zl_pT = bookHistogram1D("Zl_pT", logBinEdges(100, 30.0, 0.1 + *sqrtS())); + _h_Zl_eta = bookHistogram1D("Zl_eta", 40, -3.5, 3.5); + + // correlations between the opposite charge leptons + _h_ZeZm_dphi = bookHistogram1D("ZeZm_dphi", 25, 0.0, PI); + _h_ZeZm_deta = bookHistogram1D("ZeZm_deta", 25, -5.0, 5.0); + _h_ZeZm_dR = bookHistogram1D("ZeZm_dR", 25, 0.5, 5.0); + _h_ZeZm_m = bookHistogram1D("ZeZm_m", 100, 0.0, 300.0); + + // correlations with jets + _h_ZZ_jet1_deta = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_jet1_deta", 70, -7.0, 7.0); + _h_ZZ_jet1_dR = bookHistogram1D("ZZ_jet1_dR", 25, 1.5, 7.0); + _h_Ze_jet1_dR = bookHistogram1D("Ze_jet1_dR", 25, 0.0, 7.0); + + // global stuff + _h_HT = bookHistogram1D("HT", logBinEdges(100, 100.0, 0.5*sqrtS())); + + MC_JetAnalysis::init(); + } + + + + /// Do the analysis + void analyze(const Event & e) { + const double weight = e.weight(); + + const ZFinder& zeefinder = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZeeFinder"); + if (zeefinder.particles().size()!=1) { + vetoEvent; + } + + const ZFinder& zmmfinder = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZmmFinder"); + if (zmmfinder.particles().size()!=1) { + vetoEvent; + } + + FourMomentum zee(zeefinder.particles()[0].momentum()); + FourMomentum zmm(zmmfinder.particles()[0].momentum()); + FourMomentum zz(zee+zmm); + // find leptons + FourMomentum ep(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), em(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); + if (PID::threeCharge(zeefinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0])>0.0) { + ep=zeefinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + em=zeefinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + } + else { + ep=zeefinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + em=zeefinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + } + FourMomentum mp(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), mm(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); + if (PID::threeCharge(zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0])>0.0) { + mp=zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + mm=zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + } + else { + mp=zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[1].momentum(); + mm=zmmfinder.constituentsFinalState().particles()[0].momentum(); + } + + _h_ZZ_pT->fill(zz.pT(),weight); + _h_ZZ_pT_peak->fill(zz.pT(),weight); + _h_ZZ_eta->fill(zz.eta(),weight); + _h_ZZ_phi->fill(zz.azimuthalAngle(),weight); + double mzz2=zz.mass2(); + if (mzz2>0.0) _h_ZZ_m->fill(sqrt(mzz2), weight); + + _h_ZZ_dphi->fill(mapAngle0ToPi(zee.phi()-zmm.phi()), weight); + _h_ZZ_deta->fill(zee.eta()-zmm.eta(), weight); + _h_ZZ_dR->fill(deltaR(zee,zmm), weight); + _h_ZZ_dpT->fill(fabs(zee.pT()-zmm.pT()), weight); + + Vector3 crossZee = ep.vector3().cross(em.vector3()); + Vector3 crossZmm = mp.vector3().cross(mm.vector3()); + double costheta = crossZee.dot(crossZmm)/crossZee.mod()/crossZmm.mod(); + _h_ZZ_costheta_planes->fill(costheta, weight); + + _h_Z_pT->fill(zee.pT(),weight); + _h_Z_pT->fill(zmm.pT(),weight); + _h_Z_eta->fill(zee.eta(),weight); + _h_Z_eta->fill(zmm.eta(),weight); + + _h_Zl_pT->fill(ep.pT(), weight); + _h_Zl_pT->fill(em.pT(), weight); + _h_Zl_pT->fill(mp.pT(), weight); + _h_Zl_pT->fill(mm.pT(), weight); + _h_Zl_eta->fill(ep.eta(), weight); + _h_Zl_eta->fill(em.eta(), weight); + _h_Zl_eta->fill(mp.eta(), weight); + _h_Zl_eta->fill(mm.eta(), weight); + + _h_ZeZm_dphi->fill(mapAngle0ToPi(ep.phi()-mm.phi()), weight); + _h_ZeZm_deta->fill(ep.eta()-mm.eta(), weight); + _h_ZeZm_dR->fill(deltaR(ep,mm), weight); + double m2=FourMomentum(ep+mm).mass2(); + if (m2 < 0) m2 = 0.0; + _h_ZeZm_m->fill(sqrt(m2), weight); + + const FastJets& jetpro = applyProjection<FastJets>(e, "Jets"); + const Jets& jets = jetpro.jetsByPt(20.0*GeV); + if (jets.size() > 0) { + _h_ZZ_jet1_deta->fill(zz.eta()-jets[0].momentum().eta(), weight); + _h_ZZ_jet1_dR->fill(deltaR(zz, jets[0].momentum()), weight); + _h_Ze_jet1_dR->fill(deltaR(ep, jets[0].momentum()), weight); + } + + double HT=ep.pT()+em.pT()+mp.pT()+mm.pT(); + foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) { + HT+=jet.momentum().pT(); + } + foreach (const Particle& p, zeefinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState().particles()) { + HT+=p.momentum().pT(); + } + foreach (const Particle& p, zmmfinder.clusteredPhotonsFinalState().particles()) { + HT+=p.momentum().pT(); + } + if (HT>0.0) _h_HT->fill(HT, weight); + + MC_JetAnalysis::analyze(e); + } + + + /// Finalize + void finalize() { + double norm=crossSection()/sumOfWeights(); + scale(_h_ZZ_pT, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_pT_peak, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_eta, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_phi, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_m, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_dphi, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_deta, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_dR, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_dpT, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_costheta_planes, norm); + scale(_h_Z_pT, norm); + scale(_h_Z_eta, norm); + scale(_h_Zl_pT, norm); + scale(_h_Zl_eta, norm); + scale(_h_ZeZm_dphi, norm); + scale(_h_ZeZm_deta, norm); + scale(_h_ZeZm_dR, norm); + scale(_h_ZeZm_m, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_jet1_deta, norm); + scale(_h_ZZ_jet1_dR, norm); + scale(_h_Ze_jet1_dR, norm); + scale(_h_HT, norm); + + MC_JetAnalysis::finalize(); + } + + //@} + + + private: + + /// @name Histograms + //@{ + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_pT_peak; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_phi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_m; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_dphi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_dpT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_costheta_planes; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Z_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Z_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Zl_pT; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Zl_eta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZeZm_dphi; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZeZm_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZeZm_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZeZm_m; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_jet1_deta; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_ZZ_jet1_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_Ze_jet1_dR; + AIDA::IHistogram1D * _h_HT; + //@} + + }; + + + + // This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system + AnalysisBuilder<MC_ZZJETS> plugin_MC_ZZJETS; + +} Modified: trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:53:01 2010 (r2686) +++ trunk/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 2010 (r2687) @@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ MC_PHOTONJETS.cc \ MC_HJETS.cc \ MC_WJETS.cc \ + MC_WWJETS.cc \ MC_ZJETS.cc \ + MC_ZZJETS.cc \ MC_LEADINGJETS.cc \ MC_DIPHOTON.cc \ MC_SUSY.cc
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