[Rivet-svn] r3279 - in branches/2011-07-aida2yoda: . bin

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Fri Aug 5 14:29:15 BST 2011

Author: hoeth
Date: Fri Aug  5 14:29:14 2011
New Revision: 3279

merge r3260-r3262 from trunk, even though we will get rid of aida2root soon


Modified: branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/ChangeLog
--- branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/ChangeLog	Fri Aug  5 14:27:28 2011	(r3278)
+++ branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/ChangeLog	Fri Aug  5 14:29:14 2011	(r3279)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2011-07-29  Andy Buckley  <andy at insectnation.org>
+	* New version of aida2root from James Monk.
 2011-07-27  David Mallows <dave.mallows at gmail.com>
 	* Updated MC_TTBAR.plot to reflect updated analysis.

Modified: branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/aida2root
--- branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/aida2root	Fri Aug  5 14:27:28 2011	(r3278)
+++ branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/aida2root	Fri Aug  5 14:29:14 2011	(r3279)
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 Verify in the ROOT user manual what needs to be setup for use of ROOT with python
-E.g. do the following additional setup steps:
+For example, additional setup steps such as this may be required:
  setup setenv PYTHONDIR /usr
- setenv PYTHONPATH $ROOTSYS/lib:$PYTHONDIR/lib/python2.3
+ setenv PYTHONPATH $ROOTSYS/lib:$PYTHONDIR/lib/python2.6
 import sys
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@
+import os, array
-import os
-from array import array
-    from ROOT import TGraphAsymmErrors, TFile
+    from ROOT import ROOT, TGraphAsymmErrors, TGraph2DErrors, TH1F, TH2F, TFile
     sys.stderr.write("Couldn't find PyROOT module. If ROOT is installed, PyROOT probably is too, but it's not currently accessible\n")
     foundpyroot = False
@@ -40,160 +39,6 @@
     sys.stderr.write("You can test if PyROOT is properly set up by calling 'import ROOT' at the interactive Python shell\n")
-## TODO: replace with lighthisto
-class Histo:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._bins = []
-        self.path = None
-        self.name = None
-        self.title = None
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Sort by $path/$name string"""
-        return self.fullPath() > other.fullPath()
-    def __str__(self):
-        out = "Histogram '%s' with %d bins\n" % (self.fullPath(), self.numBins())
-        out += "Title: %s\n" % self.title
-        out += "\n".join([str(b) for b in self.getBins()])
-        return out
-    def fullPath(self):
-        return os.path.join(self.path, self.name)
-    def asFlat(self):
-        out = "### %s\n" % self.fullPath()
-        out += "## Title: %s\n" % self.title
-        out += "## Area: %s\n" % self.area()
-        out += "## Num bins: %d\n" % self.numBins()
-        out += "## xlow    xhigh    yval  yerrminus  yerrplus\n"
-        out += "\n".join([b.asFlat() for b in self.getBins()])
-        return out
-    def asRoot(self):
-        xerrminus = array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        xerrplus = array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        xval = array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        yval = array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        yerrminus = array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        yerrplus= array('f',self.numBins()*[0.])
-        ibin = 0
-        for b in self.getBins():
-            xval[ibin] = b.getXval()
-            yval[ibin] = b.getYval()
-            xerrminus[ibin], xerrplus[ibin] = b.getXErrors()
-            yerrminus[ibin], yerrplus[ibin] = b.getYErrors()
-            #print 'xerrminus=',xerrminus[ibin],' xerrplus=',xerrplus[ibin],' xval=',xval[ibin],' yval=',yval[ibin],' yerrplus=',yerrplus[ibin],' yerrminus=',yerrminus[ibin]
-            ibin = ibin +1
-        tg = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.numBins(), xval, yval, xerrminus, xerrplus, yerrminus, yerrplus);
-        tg.SetTitle(self.title);
-        tg.SetName(self.name.replace("-", "_"));
-        return tg
-    def numBins(self):
-        return len(self._bins)
-    def getBins(self):
-        return sorted(self._bins)
-    def setBins(self, bins):
-        self._bins = bins
-        return self
-    def addBin(self, bin):
-        self._bins.append(bin)
-        return self
-    def getBin(self, index):
-        self._bins.sort()
-        return self.getBins()[index]
-    bins = property(getBins, setBins)
-    def area(self):
-        return sum([bin.area() for bin in self.bins])
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self.getBins())
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._bins)
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self.getBin(index)
-## TODO: replace with lighthisto
-class Bin:
-    """A simple container for a binned value with an error."""
-    def __init__(self, xval=0, xerrminus=None, xerrplus=None, yval=0, yerrminus=0, yerrplus=0, focus=None):
-        self.xval = xval
-        self.xerrplus = xerrplus
-        self.xerrminus= xerrminus
-        self.yval = yval
-        self.yerrplus = yerrplus
-        self.yerrminus = yerrminus
-        self.focus= focus
-    def __str__(self):
-        out = "%e to %e: %e +- %e" % (self.xval-self.xerrminus, self.xval+self.xerrplus, self._yval, self._yerr)
-        return out
-    def asFlat(self):
-        out = "%e %e %e %e %e" % (self.xval-self.xerrminus, self.xval+self.xerrplus, self.yval, self.yerrminus, self.yerrplus)
-        return out
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        """Sort by mean x value (yeah, I know...)"""
-        return (self.xval) > (other.xval)
-    def getXRange(self):
-        return (self.xval-self.xerrminus, self.xval+self.xerrplus)
-    def getXErrors(self):
-        return (self.xerrminus, self.xerrplus)
-    def setXRange(self, xlow, xhigh):
-        self.xlow = xlow
-        self.xhigh = xhigh
-        return self
-    def getYErrors(self):
-        return (self.yerrminus, self.yerrplus)
-    def getBinCenter(self):
-        """Geometric middle of the bin range."""
-        return self.xlow + .5*(self.xhigh - self.xlow)
-    def getFocus(self):
-        """Mean x-value of the bin."""
-        if self.focus is not None:
-            return (self.xlow + self.xhigh)/2.0
-        else:
-            return self.focus
-    def getXval(self):
-        return self.xval
-    def getYval(self):
-        return self.yval
-    def area(self):
-        return self.yval * (self.xerrplus - self.xerrminus)
-    def getYErr(self):
-        """Get mean of +ve and -ve y-errors."""
-        return (self.yerrplus + self.yerrminus)/2.0
-    def setYErr(self, yerr):
-        """Set both +ve and -ve y-errors simultaneously."""
-        self.yerrplus = yerr
-        self.yerrminus = yerr
-        return self
 ## Try to load faster but non-standard cElementTree module
     import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
@@ -208,33 +53,285 @@
+class Histo:
+  def __init__(self, nDim):
+    self._points = []
+    self.name    = ""
+    self.title   = ""
+    self._nDim   = nDim
+  def addPoint(self, dp):
+    if dp.dimensionality() != self._nDim:
+      er = "Tried to add a datapoint of dimensionality " + str(dp.dimensionality()) + " to a histogram of dimensionality " + str(self._nDim)
+      sys.stderr.write(er)
+      sys.exit(1)
+    self._points.append(dp)
+  def numPts(self):
+    return len(self._points)
+  def asTGraph(self):
+    tg = TGraph()
+    tg.SetName(self.name)
+    tg.SetTitle(self.title)
+    return tg
+  def asHisto(self):
+    tg = self.asTGraph()
+    histo = tg.Histogram().Clone()
+    return histo
+  @staticmethod
+  def equalFloats(left, right, precision=1.e-6):
+    try:
+      test = abs((left - right) / (left + right))
+      return test < precision
+    except ZeroDivisionError:
+      if left * right < 0.:
+        return False
+      else:
+        return True
+    return False
+class Histo2D(Histo):
+  def __init__(self):
+    Histo.__init__(self,3)
+  def asTGraph(self):
+    xs = array.array("d", [])
+    ex = array.array("d", [])
+    ys = array.array("d", [])
+    ey = array.array("d", [])
+    zs = array.array("d", [])
+    ez = array.array("d", [])
+    for pt in self._points:
+      x   = pt.mean(0)
+      erx = pt.er(0)
+      y   = pt.mean(1)
+      ery = pt.er(1)
+      z   = pt.mean(2)
+      erz = pt.er(2)
+      xs.append(x)
+      ex.append(erx)
+      ys.append(y)
+      ey.append(ery)
+      zs.append(z)
+      ez.append(erz)
+    if self.numPts() == 0:
+      tg = TGraph2DErrors()
+      er = "Tried to create TGraph2DErrors called " + self.name + " with zero datapoints"
+    else:
+      tg = TGraph2DErrors(self.numPts(), xs, ys, zs, ex, ey, ez)
+    tg.SetTitle(self.title)
+    tg.SetName(self.name.replace("-", "_"))
+    return tg
+  def asTHisto(self):
+    if self.numPts() == 0:
+      histo = TH2F()
+      histo.SetName(self.name)
+      return histo
+    tmpXEdges = []
+    tmpYEdges = []
+    for pt in self._points:
+      tmpXEdges.append(pt.lowEdge(0))
+      tmpXEdges.append(pt.highEdge(0))
+      tmpYEdges.append(pt.lowEdge(1))
+      tmpYEdges.append(pt.highEdge(1))
+    sortedX = sorted(tmpXEdges)
+    sortedY = sorted(tmpYEdges)
+    xBinEdges = array.array("d", [sortedX[0]])
+    yBinEdges = array.array("d", [sortedY[0]])
+    for edge in sortedX:
+      if not Histo.equalFloats(edge, xBinEdges[-1]):
+        xBinEdges.append(edge)
+    for edge in sortedY:
+      if not Histo.equalFloats(edge, yBinEdges[-1]):
+        yBinEdges.append(edge)
+    histo = TH2F(self.name, self.title, len(xBinEdges)-1, xBinEdges, len(yBinEdges)-1, yBinEdges)
+    histo.Sumw2()
+    for pt in self._points:
+      bin = histo.FindBin(pt.value(0), pt.value(1))
+      histo.SetBinContent(bin, pt.value(2))
+      histo.SetBinError(bin, pt.er(2))
+    return histo
+class Histo1D(Histo):
+  def __init__(self):
+    Histo.__init__(self,2)
+  def asTGraph(self):
+    xerrminus = array.array("d", [])
+    xerrplus  = array.array("d", [])
+    xval      = array.array("d", [])
+    yval      = array.array("d", [])
+    yerrminus = array.array("d", [])
+    yerrplus  = array.array("d", [])
+    for pt in self._points:
+      x      = pt.value(0)
+      xplus  = pt.erUp(0)
+      xminus = pt.erDn(0)
+      y      = pt.value(1)
+      yplus  = pt.erUp(1)
+      yminus = pt.erDn(1)
+      xval.append(x)
+      xerrminus.append(xminus)
+      xerrplus.append(xplus)
+      yval.append(y)
+      yerrminus.append(yminus)
+      yerrplus.append(yplus)
+    tg = TGraphAsymmErrors(self.numPts(), xval, yval, xerrminus, xerrplus, yerrminus, yerrplus)
+    tg.SetTitle(self.title)
+    tg.SetName(self.name.replace("-", "_"))
+    return tg
+  def asTHisto(self):
+    if self.numPts() == 0:
+      histo = TH1F()
+      histo.SetName(self.name)
+      return histo
+    binEdges = array.array("d", [])
+    binEdges.append(self._points[0].lowEdge(0))
+    bin = 0
+    binNumbers = []
+    for pt in self._points:
+      lowEdge = pt.lowEdge(0)
+      highEdge = pt.highEdge(0)
+      if not Histo1D.equalFloats(lowEdge, binEdges[-1]):
+        binEdges.append(lowEdge)
+        bin = bin + 1
+      bin = bin + 1
+      binEdges.append(highEdge)
+      binNumbers.append(bin)
+    histo = TH1F(self.name, self.title, self.numPts(), binEdges)
+    histo.Sumw2()
+    for i, pt in enumerate(self._points):
+      histo.SetBinContent(binNumbers[i], pt.value(1))
+      histo.SetBinError(binNumbers[i], pt.er(1))
+    return histo
+class DataPoint:
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._dims   = 0
+    self._coords = []
+    self._erUps  = []
+    self._erDns  = []
+  def setCoord(self, val, up, down):
+    self._dims = self._dims + 1
+    self._coords.append(val)
+    self._erUps.append(up)
+    self._erDns.append(down)
+  def dimensionality(self):
+    return self._dims
+  def th(self, dim):
+    th = "th"
+    if dim == 1:
+      th = "st"
+    elif dim == 2:
+      th = "nd"
+    elif dim == 3:
+      th = "rd"
+    return th
+  def checkDimensionality(self, dim):
+    if dim >= self.dimensionality():
+      er = "Tried to obtain the " + str(dim) + self.th(dim) + " dimension of a " + str(self.dimensionality()) + " dimension DataPoint"
+      sys.stderr.write(er)
+      sys.exit(1)
+  def value(self, dim):
+    self.checkDimensionality(dim)
+    return self._coords[dim]
+  def erUp(self, dim):
+    self.checkDimensionality(dim)
+    return self._erUps[dim]
+  def erDn(self, dim):
+    self.checkDimensionality(dim)
+    return self._erDns[dim]
+  def mean(self, dim):
+    val = self.value(dim) + 0.5 * (self.erUp(dim) - self.erDn(dim))
+    return val
+  def er(self, dim):
+    ee = 0.5 * (self.erUp(dim) + self.erDn(dim))
+    return ee
+  def lowEdge(self, dim):
+    return self.value(dim) - self.erDn(dim)
+  def highEdge(self, dim):
+    return self.value(dim) + self.erUp(dim)
 def mkHistoFromDPS(dps):
-    """Make a mini histo representation from an AIDA dataPointSet tag."""
-    myhist = Histo()
-    myhist.name = dps.get("name")
-    myhist.title = dps.get("title")
-    myhist.path = dps.get("path")
-    points = dps.findall("dataPoint")
-    numbins = len(points)
-    for binnum, point in enumerate(points):
-        bin = Bin()
-        for d, m in enumerate(point.findall("measurement")):
-            val  = float(m.get("value"))
-            down = float(m.get("errorMinus"))
-            up = float(m.get("errorPlus"))
-            if d == 0:
-                low  = val - down
-                high = val + up
-                bin.setXRange(low, high)
-                bin.xval = val
-                bin.xerrplus = up
-                bin.xerrminus = down
-            elif d == 1:
-                bin.yval = val
-                bin.yerrplus = up
-                bin.yerrminus = down
-        myhist.addBin(bin)
-    return myhist
+  dim = dps.get("dimension")
+  is3D = False
+  if dim == "3":
+      myhist = Histo2D()
+      is3D = True
+  else:
+      myhist = Histo1D()
+  myhist.name = dps.get("name")
+  myhist.title = dps.get("title")
+  myhist.path = dps.get("path")
+  points = dps.findall("dataPoint")
+  numbins = len(points)
+  for ptNum, point in enumerate(points):
+      dp = DataPoint()
+      for d, m in enumerate(point.findall("measurement")):
+          val  = float(m.get("value"))
+          down = float(m.get("errorMinus"))
+          up = float(m.get("errorPlus"))
+          dp.setCoord(val, up, down)
+      myhist.addPoint(dp)
+  return myhist
 from optparse import OptionParser
@@ -245,6 +342,13 @@
 parser.add_option("-m", "--match", action="append",
                   help="Only write out histograms whose $path/$name string matches these regexes",
+parser.add_option("-g", "--tgraph", action="store_true", default=True,
+                  help="Store output as ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors or TGraph2DErrors",
+                  dest="TGRAPH")
+parser.add_option("-t", "--thisto", action="store_false",
+                  help="Store output as ROOT TH1 or TH2",
+                  dest="TGRAPH")
 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
 if opts.PATHPATTERNS is None:
     opts.PATHPATTERNS = []
@@ -253,11 +357,11 @@
     sys.stderr.write("Must specify at least one AIDA histogram file\n")
-import re
 for aidafile in args:
-    out = sys.stdout
     tree = ET.parse(aidafile)
     histos = []
     for dps in tree.findall("dataPointSet"):
         useThisDps = True
         if len(opts.PATHPATTERNS) > 0:
@@ -268,13 +372,17 @@
                     useThisDps = True
         if useThisDps:
-            histos.append(mkHistoFromDPS(dps))
+          histos.append(mkHistoFromDPS(dps))
     if len(histos) > 0:
         if opts.SMARTOUTPUT:
             outfile = os.path.basename(aidafile).replace(".aida", ".root")
             out = TFile(outfile,"RECREATE")
             for h in sorted(histos):
-                h.asRoot().Write()
+                if opts.TGRAPH:
+                  h.asTGraph().Write()
+                else:
+                  h.asTHisto().Write()
             sys.stderr.write("ROOT objects must be written to a file")

Modified: branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/rivet-mkhtml
--- branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/rivet-mkhtml	Fri Aug  5 14:27:28 2011	(r3278)
+++ branches/2011-07-aida2yoda/bin/rivet-mkhtml	Fri Aug  5 14:29:14 2011	(r3279)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
                   default=False, help="ignore unvalidated analyses.")
 parser.add_option("-m", "--match", action="append", dest="PATHPATTERNS",
                   help="only write out histograms from analyses whose name matches any of these regexes")
-parser.add_option("-M", "--unmatch", action="append", dest="PATHUNPATTERNS"
+parser.add_option("-M", "--unmatch", action="append", dest="PATHUNPATTERNS",
                   help="Exclude histograms whose $path/$name string matches these regexes")
 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="Add extra debug messages", dest="VERBOSE",
                   action="store_true", default=False)

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