[Rivet-svn] r3491 - in trunk: . bin data include/Rivet/Projections src/Projections

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 GMT 2011

Author: buckley
Date: Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011
New Revision: 3491

bin/rivet: Adding a more helpful error message if the rivet module can't be loaded, grouping the option parser options, removing the -A option (this just doesn't seem useful anymore), and providing a --pwd option as a shortcut to append . to the search path.


Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	Fri Nov 18 14:23:53 2011	(r3490)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011	(r3491)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+2011-11-19  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley at cern.ch>
+	* bin/rivet: Adding a more helpful error message if the rivet
+	module can't be loaded, grouping the option parser options,
+	removing the -A option (this just doesn't seem useful anymore),
+	and providing a --pwd option as a shortcut to append "." to the
+	search path.
 2011-11-18  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley at cern.ch>
 	* Adding a guide to compiling a new analysis template to the

Modified: trunk/bin/rivet
--- trunk/bin/rivet	Fri Nov 18 14:23:53 2011	(r3490)
+++ trunk/bin/rivet	Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011	(r3491)
@@ -61,53 +61,68 @@
     import rivet
 except Exception, e:
-    sys.stderr.write(PROGNAME + " requires the 'rivet' Python module\n")
+    sys.stderr.write(PROGNAME + " requires the 'rivet' Python module but it cannot be loaded:\n")
+    sys.stderr.write("Try re-running with the -v switch to enable more debugging output \n")
 ## Parse command line options
 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
 parser = OptionParser(usage=__doc__, version="rivet v%s" % rivet.version())
-parser.add_option("-n", "--nevts", dest="MAXEVTNUM", type="int",
-                  default=None, metavar="NUM",
-                  help="max number of events to read.")
-parser.add_option("-a", "--analysis", dest="ANALYSES", action="append",
-                  default=[], metavar="ANA",
-                  help="add an analysis to the processing list.")
-parser.add_option("-A", "--all-analyses", dest="ALL_ANALYSES", action="store_true",
-                  default=False, help="add all analyses to the processing list.")
-parser.add_option("--analysis-path", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH", metavar="PATH", default=None,
-                  help="specify the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
-parser.add_option("--analysis-path-append", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH_APPEND", metavar="PATH", default=None,
-                  help="append to the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
-parser.add_option("--list-analyses", dest="LIST_ANALYSES", action="store_true",
-                  default=False, help="show the list of available analyses' names. With -v, it shows the descriptions, too")
-parser.add_option("--list-used-analyses", action="store_true", dest="LIST_USED_ANALYSES",
-                  default=False, help="list the analyses used by this command (after subtraction of inappropriate ones)")
-parser.add_option("--show-analysis", "--show-analyses", dest="SHOW_ANALYSES", action="append",
-                  default=[], help="show the details of an analysis")
-parser.add_option("--runname", dest="RUN_NAME", default=None, metavar="NAME",
-                  help="give an optional run name, to be prepended as a 'top level directory' in histo paths")
-parser.add_option("-H", "--histo-file", dest="HISTOFILE",
-                  default="Rivet.aida", help="specify the output histo file path (default = %default)")
-parser.add_option("--event-timeout", dest="EVENT_TIMEOUT", type="int",
-                  default=21600, metavar="NSECS",
-                  help="max time in whole seconds to wait for an event to be generated from the specified source (default = %default)")
-parser.add_option("--run-timeout", dest="RUN_TIMEOUT", type="int",
-                  default=None, metavar="NSECS",
-                  help="max time in whole seconds to wait for the run to finish. This can be useful on batch systems such "
-                  "as the LCG Grid where tokens expire on a fixed wall-clock and can render long Rivet runs unable to write "
-                  "out the final histogram file (default = unlimited)")
-parser.add_option("--histo-interval", dest="HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL", type=int,
-                  default=None, help="[experimental!] specify the number of events between histogram file updates. "
-                  "Default is to only write out at the end of the run. Note that intermediate histograms will be those "
-                  "from the analyze step only: analysis finalizing is currently not executed until the end of the run.")
-parser.add_option("-x", "--cross-section", dest="CROSS_SECTION",
-                  default=None, metavar="XS",
-                  help="specify the signal process cross-section in pb")
-parser.add_option("--ignore-beams", dest="IGNORE_BEAMS", action="store_true", default=False,
-                  help="Ignore input event beams when checking analysis compatibility.")
+anagroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Analysis handling")
+anagroup.add_option("-a", "--analysis", dest="ANALYSES", action="append",
+                    default=[], metavar="ANA",
+                    help="add an analysis to the processing list.")
+# anagroup.add_option("-A", "--all-analyses", dest="ALL_ANALYSES", action="store_true",
+#                     default=False, help="add all analyses to the processing list.")
+anagroup.add_option("--list-analyses", dest="LIST_ANALYSES", action="store_true",
+                    default=False, help="show the list of available analyses' names. With -v, it shows the descriptions, too")
+anagroup.add_option("--list-used-analyses", action="store_true", dest="LIST_USED_ANALYSES",
+                    default=False, help="list the analyses used by this command (after subtraction of inappropriate ones)")
+anagroup.add_option("--show-analysis", "--show-analyses", dest="SHOW_ANALYSES", action="append",
+                    default=[], help="show the details of an analysis")
+anagroup.add_option("--analysis-path", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH", metavar="PATH", default=None,
+                    help="specify the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
+anagroup.add_option("--analysis-path-append", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH_APPEND", metavar="PATH", default=None,
+                    help="append to the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
+anagroup.add_option("--pwd", dest="ANALYSIS_PATH_PWD", action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="append the current directory (pwd) to the analysis search path (cf. $RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH).")
+extragroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Extra run settings")
+extragroup.add_option("-H", "--histo-file", dest="HISTOFILE",
+                      default="Rivet.aida", help="specify the output histo file path (default = %default)")
+extragroup.add_option("-x", "--cross-section", dest="CROSS_SECTION",
+                      default=None, metavar="XS",
+                      help="specify the signal process cross-section in pb")
+extragroup.add_option("-n", "--nevts", dest="MAXEVTNUM", type="int",
+                      default=None, metavar="NUM",
+                      help="restrict the max number of events to read.")
+extragroup.add_option("--runname", dest="RUN_NAME", default=None, metavar="NAME",
+                      help="give an optional run name, to be prepended as a 'top level directory' in histo paths")
+extragroup.add_option("--ignore-beams", dest="IGNORE_BEAMS", action="store_true", default=False,
+                      help="Ignore input event beams when checking analysis compatibility.")
+timinggroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Timeouts and periodic operations")
+timinggroup.add_option("--event-timeout", dest="EVENT_TIMEOUT", type="int",
+                       default=21600, metavar="NSECS",
+                       help="max time in whole seconds to wait for an event to be generated from the specified source (default = %default)")
+timinggroup.add_option("--run-timeout", dest="RUN_TIMEOUT", type="int",
+                       default=None, metavar="NSECS",
+                       help="max time in whole seconds to wait for the run to finish. This can be useful on batch systems such "
+                       "as the LCG Grid where tokens expire on a fixed wall-clock and can render long Rivet runs unable to write "
+                       "out the final histogram file (default = unlimited)")
+timinggroup.add_option("--histo-interval", dest="HISTO_WRITE_INTERVAL", type=int,
+                       default=None, help="[experimental!] specify the number of events between histogram file updates. "
+                       "Default is to only write out at the end of the run. Note that intermediate histograms will be those "
+                       "from the analyze step only: analysis finalizing is currently not executed until the end of the run.")
 verbgroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Verbosity control")
 parser.add_option("-l", dest="NATIVE_LOG_STRS", action="append",
@@ -222,7 +237,8 @@
     for ap in opts.ANALYSIS_PATH_APPEND.split(":"):
+    rivet.addAnalysisLibPath(".")
 ## List of analyses
 all_analyses = rivet.AnalysisLoader.analysisNames()

Modified: trunk/data/rivet-completion
--- trunk/data/rivet-completion	Fri Nov 18 14:23:53 2011	(r3490)
+++ trunk/data/rivet-completion	Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011	(r3491)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     opts="--help --verbose --quiet --version --nevts --cross-section"
     opts="$opts --analysis --runname --list-analyses --show-analysis"
-    opts="$opts --analysis-path --analysis-path-append"
+    opts="$opts --analysis-path --analysis-path-append --pwd"
     opts="$opts --histo-file --histo-interval --event-timeout"
     opts="$opts -a -A -n -h -x -H -l -v -q"
     if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then

Modified: trunk/include/Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh
--- trunk/include/Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh	Fri Nov 18 14:23:53 2011	(r3490)
+++ trunk/include/Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh	Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011	(r3491)
@@ -67,22 +67,35 @@
     /// E-scheme recombination is used. For full control of
     /// FastJet built-in jet algs, use the native arg constructor.
     FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, JetAlgName alg,
-             double rparameter, double seed_threshold=1.0);
+             double rparameter, double seed_threshold=1.0)
+      : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0) { _init1(alg, rparameter, seed_threshold); }
     /// Native argument constructor, using FastJet alg/scheme enums.
     FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, fastjet::JetAlgorithm type,
-             fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter);
+             fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter)
+      : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0) { _init2(type, recom, rparameter); }
-    /// Explicitly pass in an externally-constructed plugin
-    FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin);
+    /// Explicitly pass in an externally-constructed plugin (must be heap-allocated, Rivet will delete)
+    FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin* plugin);
+      : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0) { _init3(plugin); }
+    /// Explicitly pass in an externally-constructed plugin (must be heap-allocated, Rivet will delete)
+    FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin)
+      : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0) { _init3(&plugin); }
+    /// Same thing as above, but without an FS (for when we want to pass the particles directly to the calc method)
+    FastJets(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold=1.0)
+      : _adef(0) { _init1(alg, rparameter, seed_threshold); }
+    /// Same thing as above, but without an FS (for when we want to pass the particles directly to the calc method)
+    FastJets(fastjet::JetAlgorithm type, fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter)
+      : _adef(0) { _init2(type, recom, rparameter); }
+    /// Same thing as above, but without an FS (for when we want to pass the particles directly to the calc method)
+    FastJets(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin* plugin)
+      : _adef(0) { _init3(plugin); }
+    /// Same thing as above, but without an FS (for when we want to pass the particles directly to the calc method)
+    FastJets(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin)
+      : _adef(0) { _init3(&plugin); }
-    /// Same thing as above, but we want to pass the particles directly to the calc method
-    FastJets(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold=1.0);
-    FastJets(fastjet::JetAlgorithm type, fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter);
-    FastJets(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin);
-    // /// Explicit copy constructor.
-    // FastJets(const FastJets& other);
     /// Clone on the heap.
     virtual const Projection* clone() const {
@@ -170,63 +183,11 @@
     Jets _pseudojetsToJets(const PseudoJets& pjets) const;
-    void _init1(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold) {
-      setName("FastJets");
-      MSG_DEBUG("R parameter = " << rparameter);
-      MSG_DEBUG("Seed threshold = " << seed_threshold);
-      if (alg == KT) {
-        _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
-      } else if (alg == CAM) {
-        _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
-      } else if (alg == ANTIKT) {
-        _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
-      } else if (alg == DURHAM) {
-        _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::ee_kt_algorithm, fastjet::E_scheme);
-      } else {
-        // Plugins:
-        if (alg == SISCONE) {
-          const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::SISConePlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD));
-        } else if (alg == PXCONE) {
-          string msg = "PxCone currently not supported, since FastJet doesn't install it by default. ";
-          msg += "Please notify the Rivet authors if this behaviour should be changed.";
-          throw Error(msg);
-          //_plugin.reset(new fastjet::PxConePlugin(rparameter));
-        } else if (alg == ATLASCONE) {
-          const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::ATLASConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD));
-        } else if (alg == CMSCONE) {
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CMSIterativeConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold));
-        } else if (alg == CDFJETCLU) {
-          const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold));
-        } else if (alg == CDFMIDPOINT) {
-          const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFMidPointPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold));
-        } else if (alg == D0ILCONE) {
-          const double min_jet_Et = 6.0;
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::D0RunIIConePlugin(rparameter, min_jet_Et));
-        } else if (alg == JADE) {
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::JadePlugin());
-        } else if (alg == TRACKJET) {
-          _plugin.reset(new fastjet::TrackJetPlugin(rparameter));
-        }
-        _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(_plugin.get());
-      }
-    }
+    /// Shared utility functions to implement constructor behaviour
+    void _init1(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold);
     void _init2(fastjet::JetAlgorithm type,
-                     fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter) {
-      setName("FastJets");
-      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(type, rparameter, recom);
-    }
-    void _init3(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin) {
-      setName("FastJets");
-      /// @todo Should we be copying the plugin?
-      _plugin.reset(&plugin);
-      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(_plugin.get());
-    }
+                fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter);
+    void _init3(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin* plugin);

Modified: trunk/src/Projections/FastJets.cc
--- trunk/src/Projections/FastJets.cc	Fri Nov 18 14:23:53 2011	(r3490)
+++ trunk/src/Projections/FastJets.cc	Sat Nov 19 21:21:31 2011	(r3491)
@@ -6,49 +6,65 @@
 namespace Rivet {
-  FastJets::FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold)
-    : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init1(alg, rparameter, seed_threshold);
-  }
-  FastJets::FastJets(const FinalState& fsp, fastjet::JetAlgorithm type,
-                     fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter)
-    : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init2(type, recom, rparameter);
-  }
-  FastJets::FastJets(const FinalState& fsp,
-                     fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin)
-    : JetAlg(fsp), _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init3(plugin);
+  void FastJets::_init1(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold) {
+    setName("FastJets");
+    MSG_DEBUG("R parameter = " << rparameter);
+    MSG_DEBUG("Seed threshold = " << seed_threshold);
+    if (alg == KT) {
+      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
+    } else if (alg == CAM) {
+      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
+    } else if (alg == ANTIKT) {
+      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, rparameter, fastjet::E_scheme);
+    } else if (alg == DURHAM) {
+      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::ee_kt_algorithm, fastjet::E_scheme);
+    } else {
+      // Plugins:
+      if (alg == SISCONE) {
+        const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::SISConePlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD));
+      } else if (alg == PXCONE) {
+        string msg = "PxCone currently not supported, since FastJet doesn't install it by default. ";
+        msg += "Please notify the Rivet authors if this behaviour should be changed.";
+        throw Error(msg);
+        //_plugin.reset(new fastjet::PxConePlugin(rparameter));
+      } else if (alg == ATLASCONE) {
+        const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::ATLASConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD));
+      } else if (alg == CMSCONE) {
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CMSIterativeConePlugin(rparameter, seed_threshold));
+      } else if (alg == CDFJETCLU) {
+        const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFJetCluPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold));
+      } else if (alg == CDFMIDPOINT) {
+        const double OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::CDFMidPointPlugin(rparameter, OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, seed_threshold));
+      } else if (alg == D0ILCONE) {
+        const double min_jet_Et = 6.0;
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::D0RunIIConePlugin(rparameter, min_jet_Et));
+      } else if (alg == JADE) {
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::JadePlugin());
+      } else if (alg == TRACKJET) {
+        _plugin.reset(new fastjet::TrackJetPlugin(rparameter));
+      }
+      _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(_plugin.get());
+    }
-  FastJets::FastJets(JetAlgName alg, double rparameter, double seed_threshold)
-    : _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init1(alg, rparameter, seed_threshold);
+  void FastJets::_init2(fastjet::JetAlgorithm type,
+                        fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter) {
+    setName("FastJets");
+    _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(type, rparameter, recom);
-  FastJets::FastJets(fastjet::JetAlgorithm type,
-                     fastjet::RecombinationScheme recom, double rparameter)
-    : _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init2(type, recom, rparameter);
+  void FastJets::_init3(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin* plugin) {
+    setName("FastJets");
+    /// @todo Should we be copying the plugin?
+    _plugin.reset(plugin);
+    _jdef = fastjet::JetDefinition(_plugin.get());
-  FastJets::FastJets(fastjet::JetDefinition::Plugin& plugin)
-    : _adef(0)
-  {
-    _init3(plugin);
-  }
   int FastJets::compare(const Projection& p) const {
     const FastJets& other = dynamic_cast<const FastJets&>(p);
@@ -243,4 +259,5 @@
     return reconst_jet;

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