[Rivet-svn] r4060 - in branches/2012-06-aidarivet: . data/anainfo data/plotinfo data/refdata src/Analysesblackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.orgThu Dec 6 15:26:38 GMT 2012
Author: hoeth Date: Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 New Revision: 4060 Log: Added LHCB_2010_I867355 analysis Added: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.info branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.plot branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/LHCB_2010_I867355.aida branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/LHCB_2010_I867355.cc Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/ChangeLog branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/Makefile.am branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/Makefile.am branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/ChangeLog ============================================================================== --- branches/2012-06-aidarivet/ChangeLog Thu Dec 6 12:49:02 2012 (r4059) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/ChangeLog Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 2012-12-06 Hendrik Hoeth <hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch> * Added ATLAS_2012_I1188891 analysis + * Added LHCB_2010_I867355 analysis * Added TGraphErrors support to root2flat 2012-11-27 Hendrik Hoeth <hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch> Added: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.info ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.info Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +Name: LHCB_2010_I867355 +Year: 2010 +Summary: Measurement of sigma(pp to bbar{b} X at sqrt{s}=7 TeV in the forward region +Experiment: LHCb +Collider: LHC +SpiresID: 8785570 +InspireID: 867355 +Status: VALIDATED +Authors: + - Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk> + - Sercan Sen <sercan.sen at cern.ch> + - Peter Skands <Peter.Skands at cern.ch> + - Sheldon Stone <stone at physics.syr.edu> +References: + - arXiv:1009.2731 [hep-ex] +RunInfo: + pp to b-hadron + X at 7 TeV. i.e., Swith on "HardQCD:gg2bbbar" and "HardQCD:qqbar2bbbar" flags in pythia8(v165). +NumEvents: 1000000 +Beams: [p+, p+] +Energies: [7000] +PtCuts: [0] +Description: + 'The average cross-section to produce b-flavoured or bbar-flavoured hadrons is measured in different pseudorapidity intervals + over the entire range of pT assuming the LEP (and Tevatron) fractions for fragmentation into b-flavoured hadrons.' +BibKey: Aaij:2010gn +BibTeX: '@article{Aaij:2010gn, + author = "Aaij, R. and others", + title = "{Measurement of $\sigma(pp \to b \bar{b} X)$ at + $\sqrt{s}=7~\rm{TeV}$ in the forward region}", + collaboration = "LHCb Collaboration", + journal = "Phys.Lett.", + volume = "B694", + pages = "209-216", + doi = "10.1016/j.physletb.2010.10.010", + year = "2010", + eprint = "1009.2731", + archivePrefix = "arXiv", + primaryClass = "hep-ex", + reportNumber = "CERN-PH-EP-2010-029", + SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1009.2731;%%" +}' Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 12:49:02 2012 (r4059) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/anainfo/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807.info \ JADE_1998_S3612880.info \ LHCB_2010_S8758301.info \ + LHCB_2010_I867355.info \ LHCB_2011_I917009.info \ LHCB_2011_I919315.info \ LHCF_2012_I1115479.info \ Added: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.plot ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/LHCB_2010_I867355.plot Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d0 +XLabel=$\eta(H_b)$ +LegendXPos=0.05 +LegendYPos=0.40 +# END PLOT + + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d01 +YLabel=$\mathrm{d}\sigma(pp \to H_b X) / \mathrm{d}\eta$ [$\mu$b] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d01-x01-y01 +Title=$b$ production cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, with LEP fragmentation fractions +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d01-x01-y02 +Title=$b$ production cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, with Tevatron fragmentation fractions +# END PLOT + + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d02 +YLabel=$\sigma(pp \to H_b X)|_{2<\eta<6}$ [$\mu$b] +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d02-x01-y01 +Title=$b$ production cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, with LEP fragmentation fractions +# END PLOT + +# BEGIN PLOT /LHCB_2010_I867355/d02-x01-y02 +Title=$b$ production cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV, with Tevatron fragmentation fractions +# END PLOT Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 12:49:02 2012 (r4059) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/plotinfo/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807.plot \ JADE_1998_S3612880.plot \ LHCB_2010_S8758301.plot \ + LHCB_2010_I867355.plot \ LHCB_2011_I917009.plot \ LHCB_2011_I919315.plot \ LHCF_2012_I1115479.plot \ Added: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/LHCB_2010_I867355.aida ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/LHCB_2010_I867355.aida Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> +<!DOCTYPE aida SYSTEM "http://aida.freehep.org/schemas/3.3/aida.dtd"> +<aida version="3.3"> + <implementation version="1.0" package="HepData"/> + <dataPointSet name="d01-x01-y01" dimension="2" path="/REF/LHCB_2010_I867355" title="SIG IN MUB" > + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="2.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="29.0" errorPlus="3.9" errorMinus="3.9"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="3.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="28.8" errorPlus="2.4" errorMinus="2.4"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="4.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="12.2" errorPlus="2.0" errorMinus="2.0"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="5.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="5.3" errorPlus="2.0" errorMinus="2.0"/> + </dataPoint> + </dataPointSet> + <dataPointSet name="d01-x01-y02" dimension="2" path="/REF/LHCB_2010_I867355" title="SIG IN MUB" > + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="2.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="34.5" errorPlus="4.6" errorMinus="4.6"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="3.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="34.3" errorPlus="2.9" errorMinus="2.9"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="4.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="14.5" errorPlus="2.4" errorMinus="2.4"/> + </dataPoint> + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="5.5" errorPlus="0.5" errorMinus="0.5"/> + <measurement value="6.3" errorPlus="2.4" errorMinus="2.4"/> + </dataPoint> + </dataPointSet> + <dataPointSet name="d02-x01-y01" dimension="2" path="/REF/LHCB_2010_I867355" title="SIG IN MUB" > + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="4.0" errorPlus="2.0" errorMinus="2.0"/> + <measurement value="75.3" errorPlus="14.076931483814219" errorMinus="14.076931483814219"/> + </dataPoint> + </dataPointSet> + <dataPointSet name="d02-x01-y02" dimension="2" path="/REF/LHCB_2010_I867355" title="SIG IN MUB" > + <dataPoint> + <measurement value="4.0" errorPlus="2.0" errorMinus="2.0"/> + <measurement value="89.6" errorPlus="16.769317219254933" errorMinus="16.769317219254933"/> + </dataPoint> + </dataPointSet> +</aida> + Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 12:49:02 2012 (r4059) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/data/refdata/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ dist_pkgdata_DATA = \ LHCB_2010_S8758301.aida \ + LHCB_2010_I867355.aida \ LHCB_2011_I917009.aida \ LHCB_2011_I919315.aida \ LHCF_2012_I1115479.aida \ Added: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/LHCB_2010_I867355.cc ============================================================================== --- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/LHCB_2010_I867355.cc Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// -*- C++ -*- +#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" +#include "Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh" +#include "Rivet/Particle.hh" +#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh" + + +namespace Rivet { + + class LHCB_2010_I867355 : public Analysis { + public: + + LHCB_2010_I867355() : Analysis("LHCB_2010_I867355") + { } + + void init() { + + //@ Results are presented for two different fragmentation functions, LEP and Tevatron. Therefore, we have two sets of histograms. + _h_sigma_vs_eta_lep = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 1); + _h_sigma_vs_eta_tvt = bookHistogram1D(1, 1, 2); + _h_sigma_total_lep = bookHistogram1D(2, 1, 1); + _h_sigma_total_tvt = bookHistogram1D(2, 1, 2); + + } + + /// Perform the per-event analysis + void analyze(const Event& event) { + double weight = event.weight(); + + ParticleVector bhadrons; + foreach (const GenParticle* p, particles(event.genEvent())) { + if (!( PID::isHadron( p->pdg_id() ) && PID::hasBottom( p->pdg_id() )) ) continue; + + const GenVertex* dv = p->end_vertex(); + + bool hasBdaughter = false; + if ( PID::isHadron( p->pdg_id() ) && PID::hasBottom( p->pdg_id() )) { // selecting b-hadrons + if (dv) { + for (GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator pp = dv->particles_out_const_begin() ; pp != dv->particles_out_const_end() ; ++pp) { + if (PID::isHadron( (*pp)->pdg_id() ) && PID::hasBottom( (*pp)->pdg_id() )) { + hasBdaughter = true; + } + } + } + } + if (hasBdaughter) continue; // continue if the daughter is another b-hadron + + bhadrons += Particle(*p); + } + + foreach (const Particle& particle, bhadrons) { + + // take fabs() to use full statistics and then multiply weight by 0.5 because LHCb is single-sided + double eta = fabs(particle.momentum().eta()); + + _h_sigma_vs_eta_lep->fill( eta, 0.5*weight ); + _h_sigma_vs_eta_tvt->fill( eta, 0.5*weight ); + + _h_sigma_total_lep->fill( eta, 0.5*weight ); // histogram for full kinematic range + _h_sigma_total_tvt->fill( eta, 0.5*weight ); // histogram for full kinematic range + + } + + } + + + void finalize() { + double norm = crossSection()/microbarn/sumOfWeights(); + double binwidth = 4.; // integrated over full rapidity space from 2 to 6. + + // to get the avergae of b and bbar, we scale with 0.5 + scale(_h_sigma_vs_eta_lep, 0.5*norm); + scale(_h_sigma_vs_eta_tvt, 0.5*norm); + scale(_h_sigma_total_lep, 0.5*norm*binwidth); + scale(_h_sigma_total_tvt, 0.5*norm*binwidth); + } + + + private: + + AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_sigma_total_lep; + AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_sigma_total_tvt; + AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_sigma_vs_eta_lep; + AIDA::IHistogram1D *_h_sigma_vs_eta_tvt; + + }; + + + // Hook for the plugin system + DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(LHCB_2010_I867355); + +} Modified: branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/Makefile.am ============================================================================== --- branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 12:49:02 2012 (r4059) +++ branches/2012-06-aidarivet/src/Analyses/Makefile.am Thu Dec 6 15:26:38 2012 (r4060) @@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ lib_LTLIBRARIES += RivetLHCbAnalyses.la -RivetLHCbAnalyses_la_SOURCES = +RivetLHCbAnalyses_la_SOURCES = \ + LHCB_2010_I867355.cc if ENABLE_UNVALIDATED RivetLHCbAnalyses_la_SOURCES += \ LHCB_2010_S8758301.cc \
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