[Rivet-svn] r3727 - trunk/bin

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Mon May 14 15:41:31 BST 2012

Author: dgrell
Date: Mon May 14 15:41:31 2012
New Revision: 3727

Inspire ID can have 7 digits


Modified: trunk/bin/rivet-find-id
--- trunk/bin/rivet-find-id	Mon May 14 15:10:32 2012	(r3726)
+++ trunk/bin/rivet-find-id	Mon May 14 15:41:31 2012	(r3727)
@@ -36,40 +36,36 @@
                 - arXiv:   yymm.nnnn  
                 - arXiv:   foo-bar/yymmnnn
                 - SPIRES:  [S]nnnnnnn
-                - Inspire: [I]nnnnnn
+                - Inspire: [I]nnnnnn[n]
 """ % sys.argv[0])
     for N,id in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
-        RESULT = {}
         a_match = arxiv_pattern.match(id)
         s_match = spires_pattern.match(id)
-        r = None
+        RESULT = {}
         if a_match:
-            r = try_arxiv(id)
+            RESULT = try_arxiv(id)
         elif s_match:
             prefix = s_match.group(1)
             number = s_match.group(2)
             if prefix == 'S' and len(number) == 7:
-                r = try_spires(number)
+                RESULT = try_spires(number)
             elif prefix == 'I':
-                r = try_inspire(number)
-            elif len(number) == 7:
-                r = try_spires(number)
+                RESULT = try_inspire(number)
-                r = try_inspire(number)
+                if len(number) == 7:
+                    RESULT = try_spires(number)
+                RESULT.update( try_inspire(number) )
             sys.stderr.write('error       Pattern %s not recognized.\n\n' % id)
-        if r:
-            RESULT.update(r)
         rivet_candidates = []
         if 'inspire' in RESULT:
             rivet_candidates += try_rivet('I'+RESULT['inspire'])

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