[Rivet-svn] r4127 - in trunk: data/anainfo doc

blackhole at projects.hepforge.org blackhole at projects.hepforge.org
Tue Feb 5 15:18:52 GMT 2013

Author: fsiegert
Date: Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013
New Revision: 4127

Update paper by adding a selected list of ~20 analyses as a show-case of the Rivet standard analyses. Before compiling the paper, you have to create the selectedanalyses.tex by running ./selectedanalyses.sh.

   trunk/doc/selectedanalyses.sh   (contents, props changed)
   trunk/doc/   (props changed)

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/ALICE_2011_S8945144.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/ALICE_2011_S8945144.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/ALICE_2011_S8945144.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
  - Eva Sicking <esicking at cern.ch>
  - Eur.Phys.J.C71:1655,2011.
+ - arXiv:1101.4110 [hep-ex]
   Diffractive events need to be enabled.
 NumEvents: 1000000

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2012_I1094568.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2012_I1094568.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/ATLAS_2012_I1094568.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
  - Kiran Joshi <kiran.joshi at cern.ch>
  - arXiv:1203.5015 [hep-ex]
+ - Eur.Phys.J. C72 (2012) 2043
   Require dileptonic ttbar events at 7TeV.
 NumEvents: 1000000
@@ -23,15 +24,21 @@
   jet in the rapidity interval with transverse momentum above a threshold, or 
   alternatively, if the scalar transverse momentum sum of all additional jets 
   in the rapidity interval is above a threshold.'
-  author        = "Aad, Georges and others",
-  collaboration = "ATLAS",
-  title         = "{Measurement of ttbar production with a veto on
-                    additional central jet activity in pp collisions at
-                    sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector}",
-  year          = "2012",
-  eprint        = "1203.5015",
-  archivePrefix = "arXiv",
-  primaryClass  = "hep-ex",
+BibKey: ATLAS:2012al
+BibTeX: '@article{ATLAS:2012al,
+      author         = "Aad, Georges and others",
+      title          = "{Measurement of $t \bar{t}$ production with a veto on
+                        additional central jet activity in pp collisions at
+                        sqrt(s) = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector}",
+      collaboration  = "ATLAS Collaboration",
+      journal        = "Eur.Phys.J.",
+      volume         = "C72",
+      pages          = "2043",
+      doi            = "10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-2043-9",
+      year           = "2012",
+      eprint         = "1203.5015",
+      archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
+      primaryClass   = "hep-ex",
+      reportNumber   = "CERN-PH-EP-2012-062",
+      SLACcitation   = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1203.5015;%%",

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/JADE_1998_S3612880.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/JADE_1998_S3612880.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/JADE_1998_S3612880.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 SpiresID: 3612880
- - Holger Schulz holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
+ - Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de>
- - hep-ex/9708034
+ - arXiv:hep-ex/9708034
  - Eur.Phys.J.C1:461-478,1998
   Z->hadronic final states, bbar contributions have been corrected for as well as ISR

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/LHCB_2011_I919315.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/LHCB_2011_I919315.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/LHCB_2011_I919315.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 InspireID: 919315
- - Friederike Blatt friederike.blatt at tu-dortmund.de
- - Michael Kaballo michael.kaballo at tu-dortmund.de
- - Till Moritz Karbach moritz.karbach at tu-dortmund.de
+ - Friederike Blatt <friederike.blatt at tu-dortmund.de>
+ - Michael Kaballo <michael.kaballo at tu-dortmund.de>
+ - Till Moritz Karbach <moritz.karbach at tu-dortmund.de>
  - Phys.Lett.B703:267-273,2011
  - arXiv:1107.3935 [hep-ex]
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   'Measurement of the inclusive differential $\Phi$ cross-section in $pp$
    collisions at $\sqrt {s}=7$TeV in the rapidity range of
    $ 2.44 < y < 4.06$ and the $p_\text{T}$ range of
-   0.6 GeV/c < $p_\text{T}$ < 5.0 GeV/c.'
+   0.6 GeV/c $< p_\text{T} <$ 5.0 GeV/c.'
 NeedCrossSection: yes
 BibKey: Aaij:2011uk
 BibTeX: '@article{Aaij:2011uk,

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/LHCF_2012_I1115479.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/LHCF_2012_I1115479.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/LHCF_2012_I1115479.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
  - Sercan Sen <ssen at cern.ch>
+ - Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 092001
  - arXiv:1205.4578 [hep-ex]
    Inelastic events (ND+SD+DD) at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV.
@@ -28,6 +29,10 @@
                         spectra for $\sqrt{s}$ = 7TeV proton-proton collisions at
       collaboration  = "LHCf Collaboration",
+      journal        = "Phys.Rev.",
+      volume         = "D86",
+      pages          = "092001",
+      doi            = "10.1103/PhysRevD.86.092001",
       year           = "2012",
       eprint         = "1205.4578",
       archivePrefix  = "arXiv",

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/OPAL_2004_S6132243.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/OPAL_2004_S6132243.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/OPAL_2004_S6132243.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  - Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch>
  - Eur.Phys.J.C40:287-316,2005
- - hep-ex/0503051
+ - arXiv:hep-ex/0503051
   Hadronic $e^+ e^-$ events at 4 representative energies (91, 133, 177, 197).
   Runs need to have ISR suppressed, since the analysis was done using a cut of

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/SLD_2004_S5693039.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/SLD_2004_S5693039.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/SLD_2004_S5693039.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  - Peter Richardson <Peter.Richardson at durham.ac.uk>
  - Phys.Rev.D69:072003,2004
- - hep-ex/0310017
+ - arXiv:hep-ex/0310017
   Hadronic Z decay events generated on the Z pole (sqrt(s) = 91.2 GeV)
 NumEvents: 1000000

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/STAR_2006_S6500200.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/STAR_2006_S6500200.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/STAR_2006_S6500200.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  - Hendrik Hoeth <hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch>
  - Phys. Lett. B637, 161
- - nucl-ex/0601033
+ - arXiv:nucl-ex/0601033
   pp at 200 GeV
 NumEvents: 2500000

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/TASSO_1990_S2148048.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/TASSO_1990_S2148048.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/TASSO_1990_S2148048.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 SpiresID: 2148048
- - Holger Schulz holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de
+ - Holger Schulz <holger.schulz at physik.hu-berlin.de>
  - Z.Phys.C47:187-198,1990
  - DESY-90-013

Modified: trunk/data/anainfo/TOTEM_2012_I1115294.info
--- trunk/data/anainfo/TOTEM_2012_I1115294.info	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/data/anainfo/TOTEM_2012_I1115294.info	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -24,5 +24,20 @@
   density $dN_\text{ch}/d\eta$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7$\,TeV
   for $5.3 < |\eta| < 6.4$ in events with at least one charged particle
   with transverse momentum above 40 MeV/c in this pseudorapidity range.'
-BibTeX: ''
+BibKey: Aspell:2012ux
+BibTeX: '@article{Aspell:2012ux,
+      author         = "Aspell, P.",
+      title          = "{Measurement of the forward charged particle
+                        pseudorapidity density in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =
+                        7$ TeV with the TOTEM experiment}",
+      collaboration  = "TOTEM Collaboration",
+      journal        = "Europhys.Lett.",
+      volume         = "98",
+      pages          = "31002",
+      doi            = "10.1209/0295-5075/98/31002",
+      year           = "2012",
+      eprint         = "1205.4105",
+      archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
+      primaryClass   = "hep-ex",
+      SLACcitation   = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1205.4105;%%",

Modified: trunk/doc/paper.tex
--- trunk/doc/paper.tex	Tue Feb  5 15:16:04 2013	(r4126)
+++ trunk/doc/paper.tex	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -121,6 +121,12 @@
+\part{Selected analyses}
 \part{How Rivet works}
@@ -142,6 +148,6 @@

Added: trunk/doc/selectedanalyses.sh
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ trunk/doc/selectedanalyses.sh	Tue Feb  5 15:18:52 2013	(r4127)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+## Get output filename
+OUTNAME = "selectedanalyses"
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+    pass
+    #print "Using output name '%s'" % OUTNAME
+    OUTNAME = sys.argv[1]
+## Get input paths to allow rivet module to be imported from the src dir
+import os, re, glob
+pybuild = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "pyext", "build"))
+dirs = []
+for d in os.listdir(pybuild):
+    if re.match(r"lib\..*-.*-%d\.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]), d):
+        dirs.append(os.path.join(pybuild, d))
+sys.path = dirs + sys.path
+    os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] + ":" + \
+        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "src", ".libs"))
+    pass
+    os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] + ":" + \
+        os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "src", ".libs"))
+    pass
+anadirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "src", "Analyses", ".libs"))
+#print anadirs
+os.environ["RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH"] = ":".join(anadirs)
+## Change dlopen status to GLOBAL for Rivet lib
+    import ctypes
+    sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
+    import dl
+    sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | dl.RTLD_GLOBAL)
+import rivet
+def texify(s):
+    t = s \
+        .replace(r"&", r"\&") \
+        .replace(r"\\&", r"\&") \
+        .replace(r"#", r"\#") \
+        .replace(r"->", r"\ensuremath{\to}") \
+        .replace(r"pT", r"\pT") \
+        .replace(r"sqrt(s)", r"\ensuremath{\sqrt{s}}")
+        # .replace(r"_", r"\_") \
+        # .replace(r"^", r"") \
+    return t
+## Build analysis pages
+analyses = ["ALEPH_1996_S3196992",
+            "DELPHI_1996_S3430090",
+            "OPAL_2004_S6132243",
+            "SLD_2004_S5693039",
+            "CDF_2001_S4751469",
+            "D0_2008_S7719523",
+            "ALICE_2011_S8945144",
+            "ATLAS_2012_I1094568",
+            "CMS_2011_S8957746",
+            "LHCB_2011_I919315",
+            "LHCF_2012_I1115479",
+            "TOTEM_2012_I1115294",
+            "UA1_1990_S2044935",
+            "UA5_1982_S875503",
+            "H1_2000_S4129130",
+            "STAR_2006_S6500200",
+            "ARGUS_1993_S2653028",
+            "BABAR_2007_S7266081",
+            "BELLE_2006_S6265367",
+            "CLEO_2004_S5809304",
+            "JADE_1998_S3612880",
+            "TASSO_1990_S2148048" ]
+pages = []
+## Use list(...) ctor for 2.3 compatibility
+bib = {}
+for aname in sorted(list(analyses)):
+    #print "Handling analysis '%s'" % aname
+    page = ""
+    safe_aname = aname.replace(r"_", r"\_")
+    ana = rivet.AnalysisLoader.getAnalysis(aname)
+    subtitle = "\\subsection{%s:\\\\ %s}\n" % (safe_aname, ana.summary())
+    if ana.bibKey() and ana.bibTeX():
+        bib[ana.bibKey()] = "%% (%s)\n" % aname + ana.bibTeX()
+        citetex = r"\cite{%s}" % ana.bibKey()
+        subtitle = "\\subsection[%s]{%s:\\\\ %s}\n" % (safe_aname, safe_aname + "\," + citetex, ana.summary())
+    page += subtitle + "\n"
+    for para in ana.description().split("\n\n"):
+        page += "\n\\noindent " + para + "\n\n"
+    if ana.requiredBeams():
+        def pid_to_str(pid):
+            if pid == 11:
+                return "$e^-$"
+            elif pid == -11:
+                return "$e^+$"
+            elif pid == 2212:
+                return "$p$"
+            elif pid == -2212:
+                return "$\\bar{p}$"
+            elif pid == 10000:
+                return "$*$"
+            else:
+                return str(pid)
+        beamstrs = []
+        for bp in ana.requiredBeams():
+            beamstrs.append(pid_to_str(bp[0]) + "\\," + pid_to_str(bp[1]))
+        page += "\\noindent\\textsc{Beams:} %s \\newline\n" % ", ".join(beamstrs)
+    if ana.requiredEnergies():
+        page += "\\textsc{Energies:} %s GeV \\newline\n" % \
+            ", ".join(["(%0.1f, %0.1f)" % (epair[0], epair[1]) for epair in ana.requiredEnergies()])
+    if ana.experiment():
+        page += "\\textsc{Experiment:} %s" % ana.experiment()
+        if ana.collider():
+            page += " (%s)" % ana.collider()
+        page += "\\newline\n"
+    if ana.inspireId():
+        spiresbase = "http://inspire-hep.net/record"
+        page += "\\textsc{Inspire ID:} \\href{%s+%s}{%s}\\newline\n" % \
+            (spiresbase, ana.inspireId(), ana.inspireId())
+    elif ana.spiresId():
+        spiresbase = "http://inspire-hep.net/search?p=find+key"
+        page += "\\textsc{Spires ID:} \\href{%s+%s}{%s}\\newline\n" % \
+            (spiresbase, ana.spiresId(), ana.spiresId())
+    page += "\\textsc{Status:} %s\\newline\n" % ana.status()
+    if ana.authors():
+        page += "\\textsc{Authors:}\n \\penalty 100\n"
+        page += "\\begin{itemize}\n"
+        for a in ana.authors():
+            s = a
+            import re
+            if re.search(".* <.*@.*>", a):
+                name = " ".join(a.split()[:-1])
+                email = a.split()[-1].replace("<", "").replace(">", "")
+                #s = "\\href{mailto:%s}{%s}" % (email, name)
+                s = "%s $\\langle\,$\\href{mailto:%s}{%s}$\,\\rangle$" % (name, email, email)
+            page += "  \\item %s\n" % s
+        page += "\\end{itemize}\n"
+    else:
+        page += "\\textsc{No authors listed}\\\\ \n"
+    if ana.references():
+        page += "\\textsc{References:}\n \\penalty 100\n"
+        page += "\\begin{itemize}\n"
+        for r in ana.references():
+            if r.startswith("arXiv:"):
+                code = r.split()[0].replace("arXiv:", "")
+                url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/" + code
+                page += "  \\item %s \\href{%s}{%s}\n" % ("arXiv:", url, code)
+            elif r.startswith("doi:"):
+                code = r.replace("doi:", "")
+                url = "http://dx.doi.org/" + code
+                page += "  \\item %s \\href{%s}{%s}\n" % ("DOI:", url, code)
+            else:
+                page += "  \\item %s\n" % r
+        page += "\\end{itemize}\n"
+    else:
+        page += "\\textsc{No references listed}\\\\ \n"
+    if ana.runInfo():
+        page += "\\textsc{Run details:}\n \\penalty 100\n"
+        infos = ana.runInfo().split(" * ")
+        #print ana.runInfo(), "->", infos
+        page += "\\begin{itemize}\n"
+        for i in infos:
+            if i:
+                page += "\n  \\item %s" % i
+        page += "\\end{itemize}\n"
+    else:
+        page += "\\textsc{No run details listed}\\\\ \n"
+    try:
+        import readplot
+        info = readplot.plotinfo(ana.name())
+        if info:
+            page += "\n\\vspace{1em}\n\\noindent\n"
+            page += "\\textsc{Histograms:}\n \\penalty 100\n"
+            page += "\\begin{itemize}\n"
+            for hpath in sorted(info.keys()):
+                htitle = info[hpath]["TITLE"]
+                page += "  \\item %s (\kbd{%s})\n" % (htitle, hpath.replace(r"_", r"\_"))
+            page += "\\end{itemize}\n"
+    except:
+        pass
+    page += "\n"
+    page = texify(page)
+    pages.append(page)
+## Write out LaTeX
+prefix = """\
+\\let\\old at eta\\eta
+\\renewcommand{\\eta}{\\ensuremath{\\old at eta}\\xspace}
+\\let\\old at phi\\phi
+\\renewcommand{\\phi}{\\ensuremath{\\old at phi}\\xspace}
+Each Rivet release is accompanied by a standard library of analyses
+implementing currently a total of 250 experimental measurements or Monte-Carlo validation
+studies. The full listing of these is beyond the scope of this publication, but
+it is available both online at \url{http://rivet.hepforge.org/analyses} and as
+a part of the manual coming with each release of Rivet in the \kbd{doc/}
+sub-directory. Here, we only want to show-case a selection of analyses spanning the full
+spectrum of experiments from LEP over HERA to Tevatron and the LHC and
+demonstrating the versatility of the Rivet framework.
+For each of the 250 analyses, in addition to a brief summary one can find
+information about
+the collider at which the measurement was made, references to the original
+publications, status and authors of the Rivet implementation as well as run
+details necessary for comparing a Monte-Carlo prediction with the data.
+\section{Selection of analyses available in the Rivet framework}
+body = ""
+for page in pages:
+    body = body + page + "\n"
+outstr = prefix + body
+## Write out to TeX and BibTeX files
+f = open("%s.tex" % OUTNAME, "w")
+f = open("%s.bib" % OUTNAME, "w")
+bibentries = "\n\n".join(["%% %s\n%s" % (k,b) for k,b in bib.iteritems()])
+f.write(bibentries + "\n")

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