[Rivet] Rivet listening to socketAndy Buckley andy.buckley at durham.ac.ukFri Aug 15 00:06:50 BST 2008
James Monk wrote: > Hi, > > I have just been discussing with Frank and David how the Generator > interface could be made more friendly. We had the idea that Rivet > could be started as a service listening on a socket for GenEvents. We > would then require of HepMC that they provide the facility to write > GenEvents to a socket as well as a file. Rivet would then analyze any > events that were written to the socket as they arrive. > Any comments? Should this be included in some future version of Rivet? I think it's a nice idea, and have toyed with it in the past. Not sure it's the most pressing need, but if MCnet people want the functionality, then I'm perfectly happy for someone to make a branch and make it work! (After this current beta is released, please ;) And please register it as a feature request on the HepMC Savannah tracker: HepMC will be a blocker on this, so the feature can't really exist until at least HepMC 2.5.0. Andy PS. Very glad that Boost isn't the source of the other problem - I was going to suggest looking in FastJet but thought that might be a bit judgemental!
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