[Rivet] rivet installation

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Wed Aug 20 21:03:09 BST 2008


I haven't followed your progress in detail, so I don't know exactly what
the current status of your installation is. I also don't have any
experience with installing Rivet in an AFS-aware environment. But here
are the important steps which I learned when installing Sherpa with
Rivet on my laptop last week:

- In the Sherpa-1.1.2 sources apply the patch

--- Fragmentation_Handler.C.orig	2008-07-12 14:38:00.000000000 +0200
+++ Fragmentation_Handler.C	2008-08-16 16:06:29.796634000 +0200
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 #ifdef USING__Ahadic
   else if (m_fragmentationmodel==string("Ahadic")) {
-    m_sfile=dr.GetValue<string>("AHADIC_FILE",string("Cluster.dat"));
+    m_sfile=dr.GetValue<string>("AHADIC_FILE",m_file);
     Hadron_Init init;

  to SHERPA/SoftPhysics/Fragmentation_Handler.C. This is not important
  for getting Sherpa to run with Rivet, but fixes a parse error for the
  Sherpa config files.

- install Sherpa-1.1.2 with
    ./TOOLS/makeinstall --copt --enable-hepmc2=<path_to_hepmc_installation> --copt --prefix=<path_to_sherpa_installation>
    cd TOOLS && make install
  The second step is important because the makeinstall script in the
  1.1.2 release forgets to install Sherpa-config.

- Add the <path_to_sherpa_installation>/bin directory to your PATH. Now
  the Sherpa-config and Sherpa executables should be found.

- Now install Rivet with the bootstrap script using the
  DEVELOPERMODE=yes option. The config.log in the agile source directory
  should now some lines stating that Sherpa-config has been found.

- Add the <path_to_your_rivet_installation>/bin to your PATH

- Add the <path_to_your_rivet_installation>/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH

- Set AGILE_GEN_PATH to the path where you want agile to look for your
  generator libs.

- mkdir -p $AGILE_GEN_PATH/sherpa
  ln -s <path_to_sherpa_installation> $AGILE_GEN_PATH/sherpa/1.1.2

Now rivetgun -h should be able to pick up the Sherpa installation.



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deserve neither liberty nor safety.   -- Benjamin Franklin

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